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1  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / M-Chat Button!!! on: 10 November 2021, 02:14:26
OH man, the nostalgia!  I saw the m-chat button at the bottom and thought for a brief moment it was back up too.  Then I clicked on it to see and the cold hard reality of life once again reminded me it was here.  Still, fun to see it down there.
2  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / It's time for some blue on: 14 May 2021, 17:33:55
Abe, we REALLY need to get rid of the out of the box grey look.  If it's not the vaulted checkers, at least some Mega blue colors.
3  MegaMan Series / Legends Series / Capcom Hacked on: 16 November 2020, 20:14:50
So evidently Capcom Japan had a lot of info hacked from their servers and a ransom was demanded to not release the info.  I want to say it was a Terra-byte of data total, and some info has been released already after initial refusal from Capcom to comply.  Hard to say, but I wouldn't be sad if the 3DS Mega Man Legends 3 demo build is among that data, and is released.
4  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Art Update on: 25 June 2018, 21:55:10
Mega Man 11 is almost here.  We need to get rid of the Powered Up characters and update with Mega Man 11 art!  Besides, MM11  Roll is MUCH cuter than PU Roll.
5  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / 500TH MEMBER MILESTONE YAY!!! on: 9 March 2018, 05:53:30
Well, look at that!  500 members!  mayraum69 marks this auspicious milestone!  It really brought a tear to my eye to ban that one too.  Let's take a moment to enjoy how far we've come and how many bots have joined us over the last year and a half!  In a way, it's appropriate, that our 500th member was a bot, because Robot Masters are really nothing more than bots... and we're a Mega Man forum.

So, here's to you Matrix!  And here's to our next 500 bot members!
6  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Mega Man Endless Mettle (Take 2) on: 7 September 2017, 14:59:40
Something went horribly HORRIBLY wrong with the last thread.  So let's try again.

So, this project has come to a screeching hault as all my assets have stopped working (ie game maker).  I'm not giving up on it, but I can't do any more work on it and it's well beyond my skill set at this point.

HOWEVER!  I was able to get it this far into some testing, so I thought I'd share it so folks can get a taste of what's to come (someday).

This is a VEEEEEERY Alpha build, used to test layout and jumps and what not, so a LOT of it has some problem areas (that I've fixed since on the maps, but not been able to update).  The music is not final (it's clearly placeholder).  There are no animated tiles/backgrounds.  There are no enemies.  Boss doors don't work.  But you get a feeling for where it's going, and I think it has a solid Mega Man feel to it, despite my poor art skills (I've done pretty much all the art on this myself).  And by art I mean sprites.  Art I did NOT do would be the revision for Beat Man (Included below!).  Looks pretty fly eh?  EH?!

So, enjoy.  Or not.  I don't care!  I'll also share some other stuff in the thread.

Also, below is an example of changes from this testing build, with Dice Man's current stage after new tile/art modifications and stage layout changes.
7  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / IMPORTANT - New Members Introduce Yourselves here or get BANNED on: 17 April 2017, 14:08:12
As you all may have noticed, we've had a severe rash of Russian Spam bots descend upon us lately.  On the off chance anyone new joins that is a real person and Mega Man fan, please introduce yourself here and tell us a little about why you like Mega Man.

You don't (I think) need to be a member to browse the forums, so generally speaking accounts that sign up and don't post are Spam bots waiting to take a dump on the forums.  We'll see how this goes though.

8  MegaMan Series / Miscellaneous MegaMan Games / Mighty Number 9 will have Physical Retail Releases on: 29 April 2015, 14:47:38
Looks like Comcept got a publisher and we WILL get a physical retail version of MN9.  It is a shame backers can't upgrade to the retail version so we'll be forced to buy it twice to get the version we want and support retail releases.
9  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Matrix Archive? on: 12 January 2015, 15:16:56
Hey Abe, I know the site proper has been down for years, but seeing as how it's pretty unlikely we'll ever get another proper game, it kinda feels like it would be a good time to put everything back up and have it all as a nice "museum" for the series.  At least you wouldn't have to worry about updates once it's all back up!
10  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Speculation: How Will Capcom animate and ruin the corpse of Mega Man? on: 27 October 2014, 18:21:57
So, with Mega Man dead, the questions arise:

1) How will Capcom "revive/modernize" Mega Man?


2) How awful will it be?

I'll start things off with my two cents.  I think it's obvious that Mega Man will never come back in the traditional form.  When it returns (and it will) Mega Man will be in the form of digital only mobile "games" that are full of DLC/micro transactions.  This is where Capcom has signaled it wants to take it's business model many times.  Think Mega Man X iphone or Mega Man X-Over quality stuff, only lazier and more shallow.

Thoughts?  Opinions?  THEORIES?!  Don't worry, I won't yell at you too much if you're wrong.
11  MegaMan Series / X Series / It must be slow in 21xx... on: 31 January 2013, 16:43:41
because there have been... ZERO new discussions lately.


This is now a Sigma thread.  X1 Sigma's design is by far the best.  He just seems silly when he's using a weapon that isn't a Beam Saber.
12  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / HAPPY 25 YEARS MEGA MAN!!! on: 17 December 2012, 14:41:46
It's hard to believe 25 years have passed since I picked up Mega Man for the NES.  To this day Mega Man remains my favorite video game character and franchise, dispite how awful some things have gone with it (MMZ, MMZX, SF, the slow painful death of MMX after 4 and BN after 3) but even with all of that, it still holds a place in my ever shrinking heart.  And even though Capcom has forsaken it in for several reasons, and past may not be precurser to future, I can say the good times far outweigh the bad.

My favorite Mega Man moments are from Mega Man 1 and ironically Mega Man X5.  I remember reading through a (in retrospect at least) horrible game guide for NES games and seeing the pages for Mega Man 1.  It made the game look freaking awesome!  I looked for the game for a while and finally go it.  Everything about it was great.  The first time I cleared all 6 robot masters and got to Wily's fortress was a huge rush.  I also happened to be at a friends house playing it, and did not want to quit.  They got a little irritated at me about that...

The second moment involved making it to the first fortress stage in X5, past the Quick Man like lazers.  As soon as the boss door closed and THAT music started, I knew what the boss was.  And then the big black blobs started speeding in from behind me and it was simply glorious!  It was very sad though, that it was the ONLY glorious thing about X post X4.  But still, it was a huge moment for me.

I hope the rest of you have a great 25th day!  And who knows, maybe there will be a real surprise for fans...

But for me, for the rest of the day I plan to GET EQUIPPED WITH NOSTALGIA!
13  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Mega Man's 25th Anniversary Year Postravaganza!!! on: 12 December 2012, 02:46:20
You know, there are still 17 or so years out of the 25 that were "rock" solid.  This will probably be the last hurrah, but we should all post at least ONCE A DAY on the forums for the next year to celebrate the glorious past and nonexistent future!

Is anyone (everyone) up to the challange/party?

I'll assume yes.

14  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / MMM CCG on: 12 December 2012, 02:23:19
I got a request to put these back up, so here it is.

Some of you may remember back in the day, when CCGs were all the rage, and sprite comics were as cheap and plentiful as mortgage loans, there was a simple Mega Man Matrix CCG that popped up on the forums.  Well, being the perfectionist I was (am), I decided to do one myself.  Lo and behold this stuff is over 6 years old now...

Here is all that remains of it, though I think it's technically fully playable...











Continued next post... and these do take a while to put up, so be patient.

Posted on: 12 December 2012, 00:41:01











Posted on: 12 December 2012, 00:53:17







Posted on: 12 December 2012, 01:04:00






Posted on: 12 December 2012, 01:09:06












Posted on: 12 December 2012, 01:20:44

AAAAAND that's a wrap.  It's an interesting look back, that's for sure.  Incomplete as it is.

Oh, some rules too, or at least what I did up in sprite form.  I probably still have the full version somewhere... in a physical folder... somewhere. = Rule info card 1
15  MegaMan Series / Miscellaneous MegaMan Games / Rockman Online? More like Rockman Offline! on: 10 September 2012, 20:18:21
Evidently.  News coming out seems to confirm Rockman Online is canceled.  Not that I think ANYONE would say they're surprised by that at this point.  And while I can't say I thought the game itself was any good, by god it had the best looking material and promotional work for it of the 3 canceled games.  And as a crossover game it was literally infinitely better than that piece of iOS stink it looks like will actually see a release over any of the other 3 games.

News comes out of MMN.  Though it won't be long till they're just the Network...
16  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Congress Man has friends! on: 15 May 2010, 18:51:02
No game, sorry, but I think we can all agree these are pretty decent robot masters.  My personal favorites are Punch Man and Cactus Man.  I did the designs and JS did the drawings from that (he is a much MUCH better drawerer than me).

17  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Rez Still Does Game Soundtracks! Punch-Out!! Wii!!!!!!! on: 11 May 2010, 04:23:21
So besides H I like video game music. Here is a rather large project I just completed with some help from Splashman.  It's a complete soundtrack for the Wii Punch-Out.

The final result is 155 tracks including as best as we could tell a few unused tracks that don't actually show up in game but were on the disc.  The big bits concerning what may be "missing" or is just non-existant is as follows:

As near as we can tell from the data ripped from the game disc, the following tracks do not exist:

1. Head to Head Lose Match - this does not appear in the game itself that I could find
2. Head to Head Game Over - This does not appear in the game itself that I could find
3. Classic Game Over - This does not appear in the game nor disc itself that I could find, dispite classic remixes of both the win/lose game themes
4. Training Themes - These appear to only be from cinima audio and are mixed with bgm/voice
5. Boxer Intros - The intro themes for the boxers appear to only be in the videos with no music data on the disc by itself
6. Ending Cinima - Appears to only be available in the cinima mixed with bgm/voice
7. Donkey Kong Intro - Donkey Kong does not have an intro movie nor theme before the match

Unused tracks on game disc:

Classic Win Match - Is not used for any of the fights or modes that I could find
Classic lose Match - Is not used for any of the fights or modes that I could find
332384430.lwav - I can't find this track anywhere in game and no idea what it could have been used for "wii fit" section maybe?

Doc Lewis' Punch-Out!!

No tracks from the Wii Ware "sequal"/mini game appear on the Punch-Out!! game disc.

Cover art for those who like it (though it's embedded in each track)

Link 1:
Link 2:

This one was rough around the edges in lots of places (some tracks were composed to loop smoothly, others not so much).  Anyway, I hope you all like it.
18  MegaMan Series / Classic Series / Mega Man 10 gamerip ost link on: 7 March 2010, 18:44:09
I assume it's been posted somewhere else here, but I couldn't seem to find it.  But I was asked to pass it on regardless, and making a topic for it makes it easy to find.  So here it is.

Credit of course goes to Heat Man and Splashman.  I am quite jealous of their techniques for beating music out of games...
19  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Mortal Kombat vs DC Quickie Review (It's actually worth a play) on: 18 November 2008, 21:46:31
This game is so bad it's good.  Oh my god.  It's delightfully AWFUL!  The story mode had me on the floor in stitches.  The Joker ALONE is worth buying this game for.  His chapter was the single best one hands down, and the only thing that was out and out GOOD about the game because it was awesome, not so bad it was good.

I'd highly reccomend renting this game.  It's not got any real staying power, but as a quick ride at a party, it can offer a TON of fun.
20  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / ##### Capcom and ##### Digital Media on: 18 January 2008, 03:23:21

New 2D Bionic Commando remake.  Download only.

Looks damn good.  Keeping what made the NES game epic, but expanding in ways that don't ##### it up.

The ONLY saving grace is that it's on PS3 and 360, so in theory I might be able to play it since I'll never own a 360.

But I still absolutely hate this digital distribution #####.  Hard drive fails?  Bye bye games.  Want to take it over to a friends to play?  Have fun lugging your own console.  Want to enjoy your collection?  You'll have to turn on your tv and go screen by screen.

21  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Ask Doctor Wily on: 12 December 2007, 01:34:10
Time for a blast from the past folks.  This little tale is considered by many to represent the penicle of Matrix sprite comics as well as capturing the Golden Age of Matrixdom.  n00bs take notes as this can be a valuable lesson on how to do Matrix community fan works.

After the show the good Doctor may even be available to take a few questions, cha?

Posted on: 12 December 2007, 01:31:33

Fun fact, the first two comics were done by Professor Hazard, as I'd never put sprite to photoshop before.  After comic 2 though, I took over, and as you'll see, I was not the most skilled spriter.  However over the course of the comic I think I got a lot better.  YOU BE THE JUDGE.
22  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / orchNEStra revamp preview on: 5 December 2007, 02:29:27
So I'm working on revamping orchNEStra, and it's slow going.  The fact I've just been promoted and I'm helping out at the mall to as a favor is not helping to get the project done.  However, I do have a solid start on the visual side of the revamp, and so I shall share a small preview of some of the goodies you'll see.

First up, the new Album art:

Bionic Commando's pixel art cover.

Here are a few thumbs of some others :D


And part of the downloadable gem case inserts you can print to make your OWN real CD!Download From My Webspace

As you can imagine, doing all this for EVERY game I have up is going to take a while, but I think you'll agree it will look great.  Of course after that I still have to redo a good chunk of the osts to standardize the play times and volume.

... look forward to the reopening in 2009 >_>;;
23  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney 3 Trials and Tribulations OST by Rez on: 4 December 2007, 05:20:28
If you don't frequent the Court Records...

01) Prologue
02) Courtroom Lounge ~ Neverending Overture
03) Ace Attorney 3 - Trial
04) Examination ~ Moderate 2004
05) Phoenix Wright ~ Objection! 2004
06) Examination ~ Allegro 2004
07) Pursuit ~ Cornered 2004
08) Announce the Truth 2004
09) Pursuit ~ Cornered 2004 (Variation)
10) Distant Traces of Beauty
11) Godot - The Fragrance of Dark Coffee
12) Jingle ~ Can't Turn Back to Everyday Life
13) Search ~ Opening 2004
14) The Stolen Turnabout
15) Lordly Tailor Department Store
16) Police Cell ~ Elegy of the Captured
17) Mysterious Masked Person ~ Please Listen!
18) Luke Atmey ~ I Just Want Love
19) Larry Butz ~ In the Shadows of the Government
20) Recipe for Turnabout
21) Beauty Hermitage
22) The Kudo Officers - Inspection War Song
23) Warehouse Tiger
24) Reminiscence ~ I Begrudge You
25) Turnabout Beginnings
26) Reminiscence ~ Hazy Scenery from the Bridge
27) Bridge to the Turnabout
28) Hazakura
29) Elise Deauxnim ~ Simple Melody
30) Search ~ In the Midst 2004
31) Reminiscence ~ The Bitter Taste of Truth
32) Cornered 2001 (2004 ReMix)
33) Cornered 2001 Variation (2004 ReMix)
34) Won the Lawsuit! ~ The Victory Does Not End
35) Ace Attorney 3 - End
36) Ringtone (Godot)
37) Bonus - The Stolen Turnabout (With Sound Effects)
38) Bonus - Recipe for Turnabout (With Sound Effects)
39) Bonus - Turnabout Beginnings (With Sound Effects)
40) Bonus - Cornered 2001 GBA GS3 Version (Gyakuten Saiban Encyclopedia)

Download OST as rar

Soundtrack was recorded from US domestic TnT cartridge using a White DS Lite.  Small portions of music (when needed and when matching) were recorded from a Gyakuten Saiban Encyclopedia cartridge in same white DS Lite.  Editing/splicing was done in Nero wav editor and converted to vbr mp3s (128 kbps- 320 kbps) using CDex.

This will go up on orchNEStra once the site revamp is done.
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