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1  MegaMan Series / Classic Series / Re: Mega Man 11 on: 26 December 2017, 11:48:16
A bit late, but I’ve been following this closely, and right now I must say, I’m not at all disappointed with my gameinformer sub. This managed to grab the spotlight and that retro-advertisement cover is now mounted on my wall.

I dunno how DLC will be treated, but this announcement being hot on the heels of DLC scandal after micro transaction scandal ad nauseam makes me doubt DLC will be interfering with the overall quality of the product. Scummy DLC practices seem tethered to specific publishers, not to mention that these anchor franchises seem to be treated with a great deal more respect (at least as far as products that actually reach our hands go). Though, there was that one time with on disc DLC for Bad Box Art MM...

Meh. All the classic franchise reboots have been handled well, and it’s not like movie properties that change hands and publishers like a cheap call-girl (Star Wars). I feel fairly secure.
2  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: So is it safe to speak of Mighty No. 9?? on: 14 July 2016, 04:46:09
Been a couple years...

I found this release to be... Depressing at the very least. $4,000,000 and five delays later, and I feel as though I'm but merely one hair follicle on the unwashed anus of a rancid, expired joke three years in the making. This was so disappointing on so many levels. It wasn't just about the game, this was supposed to be the product of a real life epic, a passionate artist against the mundane and greedy corporate suites. Yet it fell flat on its face, and not even to a jaw dropping way. In more of a... Lack luster eyed, slowly widdling away at one's hope only to be forgotten kind of way... Is it gross? Yes. Is it undeniably a scam of fenominal proportions? Yes. However, above all other things, I think this is most all... Just sad. Heartbreaking.

This may seem rather silly, but with how barren this place has been, I think it's rather obvious that life takes us all at some point. Megaman had a special place in my childhood, now I'm getting old... It had been years since I picked up a controller and actually invested in a video game with any urgency, too busy with work and bills and social relations. Let alone getting actually excited for something like this... And that's the real disappointment for me, right there. I felt bright eyed and childish, a mixture of being the adult I am, reveling in the politics behind this that I now understand, and the kid looking forward to the product that should have been symbolic, a proof of principle, and just damn fun. But that was taken from all of us that put faith in Keiji, and his team of professionals. We just didn't get that... And while there are plenty of teams fighting for gaming to be recognized as an art form, the most notable players on the field seem to prove time and time again that corporate deceit ad capita is the name of the game and the passion is dying, suffocating beneath balled up dollar bills...

Sad... Just sad...
3  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: What game are you playing? on: 27 August 2013, 00:48:05
My apologies, I reacted a little too personally. To be more logical, I should say that her portrayal is appealing because it is quite relatable. Which bring me to another point of disagreement, because of the fact that samus, save for fusion, was a silent protagonist. As far as many people outside of Japan know, her personality was akin to that of the person controlling her. Whether she was a cautious or aggressive hunter, whether she was a skilled killer or preferred to open up a barrage of missiles like a crazed pyro were all factors defined by the person playing. For all intensive purposes, she WAS a blank slate. Fusion offered some dialog, but very little in regards to interacting with others to define actual personality traits as oppose to just stating past events or narrating the volume of the situation at hand. If personality traits were made prevalent throughout the series, then I would be inclined to agree with you, but being the silent protagonist she was immersed the player into the field to react as only they would and explore the world in the order and manner in which they saw fit. For however offensive it may sound, there was a lot of room for her to be personified, and the only real reason to be Unsatisfied with this personification is because it didn't match up to how people felt while playing her silent self in subsequent games. Which is understandable, however it just doesn't justify the amount of instant hatred.

I also understand that it takes place in universe built on fantasy, and that it is not necessarily bound by realism, however, I'll argue that her character development was logical based on the grounds that if you wish to develope a character to the extent Nintendo wanted to develope samus, then there should be traits that people can relate to. A silent protagonist is easy to relate to because your thoughts are exactly what you perceive the protagonist to be thinking, and you self personify. Here, they had a chance to enforce the personality they intended. And I understand that the concept of "having someone to bail her out" isn't an ideal trait, but it is a relatable one, and samus needed the characters involved in this game to show how she interacted with other people. There wouldn't be a need for a personality without interaction.

I honestly do not see how people can be angry with the development of a character that has not yet been developed unless it didn't jive with their personal thoughts. And that isn't at all logical. No, it isn't logical to "stop everything and make samus shake to show fear" in a 16 bit game, or in any game where the player defines the emotions felt. But for the situation provided in Other M, it's entirely logical. Besides, Nintendo has stated that if people outside of Japan had read the manga while playing through the game, their perception of samus' character would probably diverse greatly from what is currently expected. Making a mute in a game talk is usually hard to accept. But Nintendo went for what they intended for. I don't see a lapse in logic in that.
4  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: What game are you playing? on: 26 August 2013, 19:38:40
Gee, I had no idea that you were either a warrior or a psychiatrist that has absolute understanding of how a warrior would react to combat and related external stimuli.

The fact is I rather greatly take offense as, in this regard, I absolutely know what I'm talking about. Realism has nothing to do with your concept of how a warriors mind SHOULD opperate. Sometimes it just doesn't happen that way, and it doesn't matter how many people you kill or how many dangerous missions you've underwent in the past. One could be enough, maybe six is more your threshold. Maybe it wasn't even a combat related event that causes the mental break down. In fact, warriors can go for many months after a combat scenario, hell, some even years, and then finally crack, sometimes over very little pressure from unrelated problems. It's volatile, it varies in many different ways, and I've seen it. So I'll say it again. Sorry samus' reaction or attitude was not how YOU would have imagined, but it IS plausible.
5  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: What game are you playing? on: 26 August 2013, 02:35:32
I generally stay a generation behind these days for the massive price drops. I've already indulged in ps3 and Xbox 360 long ago, and was not impressed. Fps anyone? So I decided to get a wii a little bit before the drop of the wii u, and picked up a game I've been dying to play.

I just got done with a play through of Metroid: Other M.  The only thing that baffles me is the name, it's stupid, but other than that, I have a hard time seeing why the popular consensus is that it's bad.

Complaint 1: "Missiles in first person? CAN'T MOVE WTF!?!?"

I generally had no problems with this. The option to switch to a first person view was fantasticly implemented for exploration of the 3D environment and puzzle solving. I understand that this complaint is chiefly in regards to combat scenarios. But even then, I didn't find this at all as excruciating as it was described. I feel it adds a sense of strategy where you can't just rely on blasting everything in sight and have to plan your moves and execute them swiftly. I was also pleased that the curser didn't go ape ##### all over the screen and was actually generally intuitive. What's more, time was slowed almost to a screaching halt for a split second after the visual switch, giving you generous time to line up your shot assuming YOU didn't screw up and end up facing the wrong direction. Really, the boss fights were just generally tough, and you had no one to blame but yourself for getting hit or losing. I can only assume that the gripe is because people cannot stand to blame themselves.

Complaint 2: "Samus is stupid! Dialog sucks! And she needs man to tell her what to do, omg wtf!?"

Well, yes. Samus wasn't at all portrayed like YOU might have though she should have been. Tough luck. It's not your decision to make. We have to take to account some realistic facts that make a character more realistic. People have mentors and others they would follow. Adam happened to be that person, hell, a father figure even. It has nothing to do with the "sexist perception of the female role," because this is synonymous with almost every human being, gender regardless. Yes, Adam was a man, but lets be rational here, most people in the military are. I see many people have griped about her encounter with Ridley. Let us be rational once more. Ridley is a gigantic dragon, not to mention that he looked absolutely brutal in this particular game, and he is also somewhat of a rival for Samus... Who she has repeatedly killed. There is no reason why any person SHOULDN'T have a mental break down before being faced with this. Anyone that is inclined to disagree has no concept of combat, and the obsessive and fearful emotions it involkes. There are times when Samus' deductive skills are shown off, but she isn't a genius, nor is she supposed to be. She's a bounty hunter, not a poet or a feminist activist. What do you honestly expect from someone that has gone through 6 star cruisers and loses every one of her upgrades before every mission?

Complaint 3: "Spending hours in first person mode looking for something to progress! BAWWWW!"

I agree with this. It was unnecessary. A cut scene could have summed it up nicely, but instead I found myself searching around the screen often for a few minutes, not knowing what exactly I was supposed to be looking at. It only happened four times though, if I recall. Not really a cause for alarm.

Complaint 4: "Auto aim? Too easy! Wtf melee!?"

C'mon... I seriously do not remember a Metroid game where I was challenged by every creature that exhumes itself from the ground. In every game, your greatest enemies were the bosses and the environment. And Other M delivers this in spades. Watching run of the mill enemies expload into a fine mist is satisfying, and the boss fights are a welcomed vacation from the otherwise addictive, mindless slaughter. And taking out tougher enemies with an up close and personal wollup is ever so appealing to me. I think the more brutal approach was a nice touch.

I think I've touched on most of it. All and all, loved it. In fact, I really want to see more of it. I think it trumps all of the primes and I'd call it the only true successor to Super Metroid to date. It's also my second favorite out of the whole series.
6  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: The "How Was Your Day?" Thread on: 21 June 2013, 19:36:56
I watched The Evil Dead remake not too long ago. Damn, it had me so excited... I gotta say it was really one of the best... Representations of cinematic pigeon ##### I have ever witnessed. As bad as Total Recall? Worse. They take away half the mystery and with it half the horror and captivation. Don't see it if you haven't, buy the original for five bucks. Infinitely better and what it lacks in effects it makes up for in atmospher, corriogrophy, and story.

In other news... The Purge. This was highly anticipated in my area when the trailer came out. My opinions? Meeeeeeeeh... It was alright. Not really graphic enough to be a great slasher flick. For some reason I expected much more from a movie that boasted a government sanctioned night where all crime s legal. I wasn't put off. Just not satisfied.

I just realized my senile fingers hit the wrong thread after the reload. So to add on to this and make it cannon... My day is actually going quite well. Two birds with one stone. It simply MUST be a good day.
7  MegaMan Series / Legends Series / Re: Legends 3 Heroine Contest on: 10 December 2010, 20:13:35
I thought a hammer was the solution to all life's problems?
8  MegaMan Series / Legends Series / Re: Legends 3 Heroine Contest on: 7 December 2010, 19:19:20
"I see this blowing over and being just another one of those mysterious and ominous fallacies of gaming."

Well I was wrong. -1up
I'm ready to be crucified for my next statement. I don't see anything wrong with the character. I'm not THRILLED with the dcesign, but I don't see anything WRONG with it. Looing forward to the game too. I pray it's of the same quality the last two were.
9  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: What... on: 20 June 2009, 06:28:35
"You don't have to use it" isn't the real point, although it gets repeated alot. The real point is that this is a sign of the times, and no one seems to want to be challenged anymore. Games used to require some skill, and Nintendo spawned some of the greatest and the toughest. I grew up on Ghost's and Goblins... and I still play because kicking a hard game's ass is more fun than racking up 99 lives on EVERY new game presented by Nintendo today.

Am I saying every game should be Ninja Gaiden? No, but they should be difficult.

This is exactly the reason most of us look back on the old games like Blaster Master, Super Mario Bros., and Metroid with such awe if not only for the nostalgia. They FORCED you to play under the pressure of possibly dying almost all the time, the way the greatest games were supposed to be. I haven't bought a challenging game in a very long time, not one that could possibly get me stuck anyway, and it seems that Nintendo seems to be throwing that away because people buy games for really little kids now and that's where the market is at, and instead of giving them a challenge they are actually going to make kids feel content with using a minimum amount of effort.
10  MegaMan Series / Zero Series / Re: GENERAL ZERO SERIES ENQUIRIES on: 20 June 2009, 06:01:42
Honestly, the story is pretty good... in concept. If it played out like the others it would feel perfect as apposed to incomplete.

Mega Man: "Defeat evil doctor and stop him from ruling the world. Alright awesome."

X: "Destroy robots driven mad by a virus. Great."

Zero: "Long long ago, in a battle that we will explain very little of.... Wait... What? Ok this could still be fun... And X is dead... Wow, lame."

You getting this? It has too much of a backstory, a backstory which is actually important in explaining things, so it's crammed into a game that should have very little of a story line, thus the feeling of the story line being "pushy". Not to mention it's always from one extreme to another extreme with this game, giving everything very little time to develope and play out and leaving it with a story that just sorta seems... there and not really fitting. If it was thought through... like REALLY thought through, I bet you we would have been fighting in the elf wars before they pumped out this, then there wouldn't be a need for a jumbled up backstory.
11  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: Upcoming Games Topic on: 11 June 2009, 01:11:41
  I must say I'm looking forward to the next Metroid instalment... The name for the project, The Other M... Well it's stupid, yes, But what was presented looks sleek, and I actually think metroid has something to gain from a more brutal and barbaric fighting style, if combat is anything like the trailer.

  If the trailer is anything to go by, I just hope they don't get happy with the melee and have that distract from the weapons Samus normally uses. Change is good, reconstruction this far in, not so much.
12  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: OFF TO FORT JACKSON! on: 9 June 2008, 17:01:57
O.O sorry I missed it
13  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / OFF TO FORT JACKSON! on: 9 June 2008, 17:00:39
Ello folks. Summer time has finally come. Time to enjoy grill outs, sea side vacations and just lounging days.

Today, I'll be heading out to Jackson, South Carolina. Why? Because I'm a newly enlisted member of the U.S. Army heading off to basic training TONIGHT!

Just wanted to wish everyone a great summer, and that I'll be back next school year (which is sometime in August for me).
14  MegaMan Series / Miscellaneous MegaMan Games / Re: Gamefaqs poll: Surprised me. on: 31 May 2008, 17:36:44
Final Fantasy: Pretty much went downhill after VII. It needs to die already.

Madden: Definitely. I understand there are changes from year to year but, c'mon, it IS the same damn game over and over again.

Megaman: Already retired. As far as I'm concerned there hasn't been a REAL Megaman game produced in a very long time. It's retired in my opinion until we get something on par with at least Megaman X.

Mario: ... Why? C'mon I haven't played many mario games that I haven't enjoyed. The only game I didn't like was Dr. Mario and that's pretty much it. Mario has a  great batting average.

Sims: Do it in. Sure the style and themes change, but with what the sims are, you can only do so much before it's time for it to kick the bucket. Besides... I haven't played a sim game that was able to captivate my attention for more than 15 minutes. (That's not including the time it takes to create a character.)
15  MegaMan Series / Legends Series / Re: Mega Man 64 on: 17 May 2008, 18:50:33
Well you don't get any better by sitting back and staring at the cartridge. Practice makes perfect. And by the way, I seriously doubt that the gameshark completely ruined the game, stuff like that doesn't happen often, unless you loaded it down with every code you can find, sometimes the combination of having them all on at once wrecks it, but more often then not it is simply fixed by pressing the reset button and starting a new file, like nova said.

16  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: What game are you playing? on: 17 May 2008, 18:44:48
I'm currently enjoying the game Dementium: The Ward.
Seriously I'd heard nothing but good things about this game, 'cept for the flawed saving system (which people vastly exaggerate because it DOES NOT start you off at the very beginning of the chapter if you die. There are random save spots.).
In all honesty, for the DS, the graphics really impressed me. The controls are ok, although I'd like an option to be able to use both the directional pad and the buttons to move and look about (like in MPH).
The only thing is, not a lot of action, or at least not as much as I had hoped for. I was looking for something more like Doom 3, but what I got was wondering through many vast hallways sometimes with absolutely no enemies in sight.
The atmosphere though is pretty creepy, and it is a really good game. I suggest that if you don't have it, you at least rent it.
17  MegaMan Series / Legends Series / Re: Proto Man on: 10 May 2008, 15:43:36
Just you wait and when I finally get a Ph. D in English, I'll be teaching your children and maybe even you. I can't wait to become a professor or maybe I might become a pedagogue.

You Won't.

I just hope that I'll still be able to play mega man even when I'm older.

Let's hope not. Then we won't have to hear your "How to Destroy a Good Series" ideas.
18  MegaMan Series / ZX Series / Re: Looks like ZX is done for on: 17 March 2008, 15:37:09
I... actually didn't have a problem with the game play either, well Of ZX that is. Personally I liked the way they handled, even in the Zero series. But the plot and style has raped the series beyond repair.

 I just miss the days when the mightiest megaman was... well... Megaman. There is really no need for these increasingly moronic storylines. And that's just it. Why are they even trying to force a longer story line into #####ing Megaman games.

"Good guy raises to beat bad guy with little story line, simplicity" = Megaman/X = Gold.

"Introduction of #####ty complicated story line that contradicts what you heard before" = MMZ/ZX = #####ING FAIL WHICH IN TURN (DUE TO THEIR LINEARITY CONCEPT) MAKES MEGAMAN/X = #####ING FAIL!

Legends and BN are both just sorta there. And I Like them being just sorta there. There's no way, or at least not that I can see, that one can possibly connect them without #####ing ##### up.

SF is just crap to begin with, so it doesn't count! It doesn't even come close! In fact there is so much ##### wrong with that game, that it's actually HARD to find good points to rant about due to the fact that one point of it #####tyness does not out-#####ify any other aspect of it's #####tyness. You are better off just saying "THE ENTIRE GAME IS #####" than listing the problems individually. Why continue that? And more importantly, what the hell do some people find appealing about it as a Megaman game?

So to sum it up, I can't really see what is left for the X series, though I wouldn't mind a game from it that is well thought out. MMZ is dead much to most people's glee. BN has been milked to the point where half the games are excruciating to play. SF, as stated so many times, is complete crap, just a lame spin off of A #####ING SPIN OFF! ZX isn't THAT bad, but it in no way helps to fix the various things wrong with Megaman today, regardless of being what I would call "a good game". Legends is better off without another sequel because, of course it being released so much later, the other ##### series would have it's influence on it.

Classic? The Megaman I immediately think of when ever I hear the name? There is NO excuse why that shouldn't be continued, and even less of an excuse for them to ##### it up if they just so happen to do so. It's the first series, it relates to none of the crap series, so I don't see a way they could possibly ruin it. It had a simple guide line to follow and it #####ing worked! Continuing SF or any other series other than that is like dropping gold in favor of a steaming cow pie.

I wouldn't mind another ZX game if they actually seemed to at all think about it, but with whatever crap story line, characters and utter bull##### they might decide to toss in there with little to no thought what so ever while at the same time totally reversing everything you thought was set in stone with their concept of linearity between the series makes the thought of another ZX game nauseating. Despite that threat, so far, there is NO reason why they can't continue it. None! It does have potential but instead they drop it. It makes no sense!
19  MegaMan Series / Legends Series / Re: NEW MEGAMAN LEGENDS GAME!... on: 14 February 2008, 04:48:26
Many people today find it difficult to play a megaman game on the Nintendo console, what with their easy difficulty settings and whatnot. How they on EARTH expect people to play it on a cell phone withough complete and utter MAD SKITTLZ is beyond me.
20  MegaMan Series / ZX Series / Re: Looks like ZX is done for on: 13 February 2008, 15:11:21
I'm still a MegaMan fan, just not so much of the new stuff.

Do you know why? Cuz it's not megaman. Just some random idea they decided to shove down the throats of the megaman fan base that was forced to interlock with the megaman story line the same way a circular peg is forced through a square hole, with too much complicated and useless effort and with an undesirable outcome.

Sorry Capcom, but even if you succeed in forcing the cylinder of fail into the that square pit of what once was great... it's still wrong.
21  MegaMan Series / Legends Series / Re: NEW MEGAMAN LEGENDS GAME!... on: 8 February 2008, 00:46:45
This is an absolute joke. I mean, there is no denying that alot of people have cellphones and alot of people could buy the game, but, unless you are an absolute expert at phone games, such a complex game would, as I imagine, be clumsy as hell to control. Not to mention only released in Japan. *shakes head* I have NO faith in capcom anymore. NONE. Or at least not for megaman's sake. Well... *goes back to playing MM2*
22  MegaMan Series / Legends Series / Re: Would YOU pay 15 MILLION for a Legends 3? on: 17 December 2007, 20:53:11
If they do make a new legends game we all know it will be on that kiddy little Wii system and us big boy hardcore gammers that have the other two systems will never get to play it.

I'd like an explanation on how playing games that are full of excessive amounts of blood and gore, with a high amount of FPSs makes you a hardcore gamer when playing games with equal quality in challenge and fun without too much of the frustration makes you not. I really do. These people should look up what a hardcore gamer is. It has nothing to do with games being full of blood or having an overly tense storyline, isn't it about playing and beating as many as possible?
23  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Re: Let's All Be Mushrooms! on: 5 December 2007, 02:02:46
Okay,  my own attempt.
24  MegaMan Series / Classic Series / Re: Which Stages were most pleasing to two of your senses? on: 5 December 2007, 00:42:20
I really liked Flash Man's stage visually.
In terms of audio It is a stalemate between Skull Man and Wood Man. Both tracks... epic!
25  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Re: Let's All Be Mushrooms! on: 5 December 2007, 00:39:48
Haha It's awesome! Thanks a bunch!
26  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Re: Let's All Be Mushrooms! on: 5 December 2007, 00:21:34
Oh yeah, I forgot the glasses. Yeah that sounds great. Thank you very much Preventer.
27  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Re: Let's All Be Mushrooms! on: 5 December 2007, 00:15:09
*runs ecstatically and trips over shoe laces again*



Oh crud... I just finished one haha. Meh, not too good at comp drawin anyway *trashes*.
I wonder how the heck I'll make mine though. Haha, a mushroom with long brown hair holding pistols? Could someone give it a shot for me?
28  MegaMan Series / Legends Series / Re: Would YOU pay 15 MILLION for a Legends 3? on: 4 December 2007, 23:32:05
Anyway, seems to me like Inafuna just doesn't have any faith in MegaMan anymore. The man's on crack.

haha I completely agree with that.

Imagine a new MegaMan game on the scale of Mario Galaxy... I'm sure you'd all be against a 3D MegaMan, but I truly think it's about time we at least gave it a try.

But that... I don't know. I am not against a 3D Megaman game at all, I don't know about everyone else, though. But... look at this mess they made of everything else.

Which is why I actually agree with Priest this time. It probably wouldn't be made in the first place, or at least not any time soon. I see this blowing over and being just another one of those mysterious and ominous fallacies of gaming. We've seen it happen hundreds of times before, I see it happening right now. Regardless, Priest has such a good point, and I'd rather not pay for production costs if the game turns out to definitively suck arse.

Don't get me wrong, I want a Legends game, but with Capcom's latest "Megaman Hit/Miss Ratio" I'd rather not see, let alone pay for and then purchase, another flop. I have said it is too good of an idea to waste, but if this possible sequal will kill it, let it rest six feet under. Besides, I don't think it will ever happen, even if donations are made, we will never get a legends game but a sick and twisted mockery of what once was great that will make me want to projectile vomit.  And like ASR said, look at the obvious signs, neither Inafuna nor Capcom even have faith in their own project. Wouldn't that be a sign to at least stop and think things through rather than saying "Screw it!" and produce it anyway. Capcom needs to let Megaman go for a while, and I mean ALL the Megamen, and reflect on what made the old games so appealing instead of jamming every little idea that pops into their heads into a cartrage, chip, or disc in rapid succession and slapping Megaman's name on it!

Any way *joins Priest in prayer* Amen.
29  MegaMan Series / Legends Series / Re: What's your favorite Reaverbot? on: 3 December 2007, 23:08:36
Definitely the Large-Sized Sharukurusu. When I first got the game, the ordinary Sharukurusu scared me to death, they were quick and I hated facing them in numbers. Their footsteps.... uugh... and that moan they made... When i saw the Large-Sized Skarukurusu I was like "WHAT A BEAST!"
30  MegaMan Series / X Series / Re: Greatest Maverick on: 3 December 2007, 23:02:08
I like vile... Meh, basically for the nostalgia factor... He looks so much like Baba Fett... Best bounty hunter ever.
31  MegaMan Series / Classic Series / Re: Favorite Stage Enemy on: 3 December 2007, 22:34:34
Haha, those bats  of course... well next to metools.
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