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1  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / The Poetry Thread on: 22 February 2011, 21:46:08
Since I can't find the old Haiku thread (if it even made it to this version), I'm making a more all-encompassing thread for literate art.

Any kind of poetry is welcome.

I'll start us off:

Windy skies and trees
Bright sunshine and rain, snow, hail
Weather is confused
2  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / WW and Pengy are Getting a Dog on: 8 January 2011, 23:17:03
Not really, but we are having a baby!

Sex unknown. Due date is in late June.

Just in case you didn't know.
3  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Stinky Pinky / Rhyme Time on: 19 November 2010, 04:03:32
Yup, a new game. Come up with a rhyming pair of words, give us a clue. First person to get it right gives the next clue.

Example: aromatic finger -> stinky pinky

I'll start.

A crime syndicate crustacean.
4  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Pengy and WW have big news! on: 4 November 2010, 22:22:12
Yup, that's right. We're getting married!

The date will be March 14th, on our five-year anniversary.


Of course, it's only appropriate that we announce it on the site we met on.
5  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Birthday Madness on: 31 August 2009, 20:57:39
August 31st, 1987. A day when the world witnessed the birth of madness itself.

After nine months of jumping jacks, he waited for just the right moment.

The right moment came the day of the carnival. Bursting forth with brilliant apathy, young Raymond made his debut.

22 years later, we celebrate this debut.

Happy birthday, love.
6  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / 7th/8th topics... Undivided!? on: 18 February 2009, 08:29:16
It's happening for me on all the forums. There's no division line between them.

Was curious if this was happening to anyone else.
7  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Obligatory Annual "Whatchoo Get?" thread on: 24 December 2008, 12:22:53
The title says it all~

Share your loot, your booty, and what you didn't get that you wanted!

 I know for sure I'm getting tights and jeans. I'm hoping Lauri will be there tomorrow to give me my dress that she bought me. <- Artist's interpretation of said dress.

We're having our family holiday today (24 December) because my mom works tomorrow. We're not expecting much, since my family is helping us out a ton with the whole hospital thing, but it should be good.
8  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / IM Topic~ on: 17 February 2008, 22:20:29
Funny IMs. Please refrain from textwalling.

Zombie GIR Girl (2:14:01 PM): *randomly hurls a soft, small, sand-filled rabbit at you*
Blitzer Volt (2:16:08 PM): *head opens up at the forehead and absorbs the rabbit*
Blitzer Volt (2:16:10 PM): DAKOTA
Blitzer Volt (2:16:17 PM): *rabbit ears srout from head*
Zombie GIR Girl (2:16:25 PM): srout
Blitzer Volt (2:16:31 PM): It's a new word
Blitzer Volt (2:16:34 PM): I invented it myself
Blitzer Volt (2:16:48 PM): I was trying to find a way to make vegetables sprout faster.
Blitzer Volt (2:16:57 PM): I realised I was using too much p, so I removed it.
9  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Discussion Topic (for obscure/intellectual topics) on: 17 February 2008, 08:08:52
This topic is for things like rocket science, language discussion C++, high-level discussion and science things. Found a new subject of particular interest to you? Want to show off something? Want to debate about something? Here you go.

It can also be for questions that come up relevant to these kinds of topics. Need help with Roman numerals? Do you have a grammar-relevant question? Need some factoids to impress your friends? Here you go: the topic to ask/recieve in!

I'm curious, first of all, if anyone has any information about a fractal-building programme that came out a few years ago (Windows 95/98 era) which taught about Mandelbrot, Koch and all such fractals and had an image-making programme that had "ftactal trees" and "fractal leaves" and such. I used to love it, and I haven't seen or heard of it for years.

Also, has anyone played that evolution game where you start out as an amoeba/protozoa or whatever, and you can customise how your creature evolves and whatnot, or heard anything about it? I've been hoping it would be coming out for general public use, but again, haven't heard about it since that one Google video.
10  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Fireball and grid-pattern blackout on: 7 January 2008, 22:44:42

The power went out on a couple of blocks, so Brisa, Ray and I went around to investigate.

We were heading down to the store, and we happened to be right across the streets from the transformers. The man was moving the wire off the other wires (with safety equipment, of course), and it was sparking loudly and horribly.

Suddenly, BOOM. There's a fireball, and the dead line is on fire, and most of downtown is dark.

We saw the fireball at around six or seven, for the record.

Spectacular fireball.

The worker seemed minimally (if at all) injured, surprisingly.

That fireball was pretty spectacular.
11  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Maybe you noticed we're not around as much... on: 27 December 2007, 06:03:36
... And maybe you don't care.

If you do, Ray and I are apartment hunting and have a fairly solid lead on a place. We're looking to move in around New Year's. We might not be on much in interim time, and I don't know how soon we'll be able to have internets.

It's an older apartment, a studio with divisions between the kitchen, living/bedroom and closet. The hallway smells a bit like cat, but the place itself is nice. It's got high ceilings that make the small room seem bigger, and has a nice "older place" feel to it.

We're hoping to get it, and it seems promising that we will.

Just so you know.
12  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Penguinnish Scribblings on: 4 December 2007, 07:25:19
Since it's a new board, I'll start new.


Summer Penguin


more soon.
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