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1  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Shovel Knight on: 4 July 2014, 01:03:29
I think you'll all be pleasantly surprised to find I had a hand in this one.  ;)
2  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / MIGHTY No. 9. on: 2 September 2013, 15:45:46
In other words-- Inafune gives the biggest finger to Capcom:
3  MegaMan Series / Classic Series / The Best Mega Man Game You Will Play in 2012... on: 7 January 2012, 19:33:59
Is not a Mega Man game...
4  MegaMan Series / Classic Series / Original American Mega Man Cartoon Promo on: 25 November 2011, 17:35:10

This could have been amazing... AMAZING.
5  MegaMan Series / Classic Series / You will die laughing. on: 1 November 2011, 04:07:09
Prepare Your Body and Mind.
6  MegaMan Series / Legends Series / LEGENDS 3: STILL HOPE. on: 26 July 2011, 22:31:26
I went ahead and plugged in all the links and posted them individually below. I'M EXPECTING EVERYONE HERE TO PARTICIPATE-- This is the best Mega Man community anyone could ever ask for and I privileged to be here talking about my childhood hero with you all. We need to let Capcom know that we mean business, and we want out sequel. I'm counting on you guys


"David" of the 100,000 Strong for Bringing Back Mega Man Legends 3 Campaign has reported that a Facebook user by the name of "Zeri P Bishop," had supposedly received information from a source within Capcom of possibly reviving the MML3 project. According to Zeri P Bishop, fans may actually still bring back Mega Man Legends 3 into development. The message posted here on has been edited by me, for it is essentially instructions to help get the game back in development, and clarity and understanding is essential. For the Zeri’s original post, see here.

"When MML3 was canceled and the Japan DevRoom sealed off, the development team for MML3 made them keep the North American DevRoom open in order to try and gain enough members worldwide in order to continue Development.

Here's the OFFICIAL problem:

Capcom looked at the number of members registered in the MML3 DevRoom as the official number of units they could anticipate to sell if they green-lighted the title for Full Development. The game was never authorized for full time development because the numbers in North America were less than 4500. Which with development costs it was deemed Financially Unacceptable to release the title.

HOWEVER, The DevTeam convinced them to leave the North American Development room on Capcom-Unity open in an effort to try and generate enough members to change their minds. Also inside the DevRoom is the Official Petition to release the prototype of the game and continue development of the game on a FULL SCALE.

In order to do this however we need your help to spread the word out to your 25,000+ people to do 2 things. (The instructions have been edited for the easiest way to do this via Facebook.)

Come on show them that you care and want them to make MML3. Become a Servbot! DON'T JUST CLICK "LIKE" ON FACEBOOK!

1) Click this LINK

2) Click Register

3) Click Facebook

4) Fill out birth date

5) Click Accept

6) Click the Green Plus Mark that will add you to the DevRoom

7) Then the box above it "Become a Servbot."

The numbers here were why it (Mega Man Legends 3) was originally canceled.

After you join the Dev Room as a Servbot you are then permitted to sign the ONLY Capcom recognized Petition for Mega Man Legends 3 HERE.

If you can get your 25,000+ people to all bring up the official headcount in support of the game and sign the petition to bring back the prototype. Capcom will be forced to see the game as profitable again netting in over 5 times the original projected profit and if you can reach your goal of 100,000 as well while getting them to do this the game will have a projected profit of over 20 times the original projections.

Convincing Capcom there is money to be made is one of the fastest ways to get them to Green-light the project. This was said by the Development team for the game itself. Please help.

Legends Never Die."

Before you all explode with excitement, this Zeri person's post should be taken with a grain of salt. However, taking Zeri's suggestion would result in nothing lost.

For those of you wondering, The 100,000 Strong for Bringing Back Mega Man Legends 3 Campaign, otherwise known as Get Me Off The Moon, is a campaign aiming for one hundred thousand individuals to join them in an effort to convince Capcom to resume development of the 3DS game. You can just click on the URL, log into Facebook, click on "Like" on the lower left side of the page. =)

And with that, I'm heading off to bed. =P





7  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3: Guess Who is Missing? on: 22 July 2011, 00:54:43

‎"I’m sorry, there is no Mega Man in Ultimate," Niitsuma apologized. "We had a lot of requests from fans for Mega Man or at least one of them to be in the game. Out of all of the requests we got for Capcom characters, he just didn’t enter the top part of the ranking. Unfortunately, he didn’t make the cut."


Capcom Unity Poll Results:

01. Strider – 2094

02. Mega Man X -2061

03. Phoenix Wright – 1734

04. Frank West – 1311

05. Gene – 1257

06. Classic Megaman – 950

07. Vergil – 919

08. Captain Commando – 784

09. Bison – 704

10. Jin Saotome – 677


I swear this guy invented lying.
8  MegaMan Series / Legends Series / Legends 3 = Dead. on: 19 July 2011, 03:45:35
We'd like to thank you for your ongoing loyal support of Mega Man Legends 3. Today, however, we must regrettably announce the discontinuation of this project.

From the outset the MML3 Project was intended to give gamers across the world insight and input into the development process. Part of this process includes an assessment of whether the title will go into full production, and is based on a number of criteria with input from different sectors of the company.

Unfortunately it was not felt that the Mega Man Legends 3 Project met the required criteria, and it is with regret that we must announce that the Mega Man Legends 3 Project has been cancelled, meaning that Capcom will not be releasing the Prototype or the full game. Additionally, updates of the Mega Man Legends Developer Room will cease as of today, though the North American Developer Room and its forums will remain open indefinitely.

We can only express our deepest apologies to all of you who have lent us your unending support, including participation in the Mega Man Legends 3 Developer Room. On behalf of the entire Legends team, please accept our sincere apology for failing to meet the expectations of the fans.

We thank you all so much for your extended support of this title and this community, and we hope that you will continue to support the Mega Man franchise as well as other Capcom games.

If you have any questions, please see the FAQ below.


Q: Are there plans to restart the Mega Man Legends 3 Project in the future?

A: Currently there are none.

Q: I want to maintain contact with the people I met through the Devroom.

A: The Dev Room will remain open in a limited capacity, so you can PM those people now and in the future.


Q: Is there a chance the ideas recruited in the Devroom will be used in future games?

A: No, I am afraid not.


Q: Will it be okay to upload the ideas we contributed to the Devroom elsewhere?

A: Yes, you may reuse your ideas elsewhere, including those ideas that were selected as winners in Devroom events.


Q: Will the people whose ideas were supposed to go in the game receive something else instead?

A:Yes, those whose ideas were to be implemented in the game will receive a commemorative gift, which will be shipped at a later date.


Q.Can you please give me more information on why the MML3 project was cancelled so close to the launch of the Prototype?

A. The project was cancelled for the reasons outlined in the statement.


Q.Will the Prototype Version still be distributed via the Nintendo eShop?

A.No it will not.


Q.Is the cancellation of MML3 related to the departure of Inafune-san?

A. The cancellation of the MML3 project is in no way related to Inafune-san leaving the company.


Q. This is the second Mega Man game cancelled this year, what does this mean for the future of the Mega Man Franchise?

A. Mega Man is still an important franchise within Capcom’s portfolio and we will continue to pursue opportunities to create new titles in the series.


Q. The Dev Room was a place where fans were supposed to be deeply involved in the creation of this product, why were they not involved in the decision to cancel this product?

A. We thank all those who were involved in the Developer Room, but the decision to continue or cancel the MML3 ultimately had to be made by Capcom.


Q. What will happen to the ideas and input participants have given to the Dev Room?

A. Content will remain viewable on the Devroom, but will not be utilized for any future projects.


Q. Will there be any future projects that involve fan participation in this manner? Or was this a one time experiment?

A. We will certainly continue to welcome suggestions and comments from Capcom’s community on current and future titles although right now there are no projects with plans to replicate the same level of interaction.
9  MegaMan Series / Legends Series / Legends Never Die. on: 18 July 2011, 19:39:24
"An air of uncertainty has nestled within our midst. A looming, ominous fear of the unknown has set our community ablaze, incited by a series of events surrounding the future of Mega Man Legends 3. There's no denying it: things have quieted down on the Legends 3 front. While we're confident in its progress, there is certainly some concern about what's going on with the game, and it's left us on the edge of our seats. If you feel the same, then we've got a mission to carry out.

Welcome aboard, friends, to the Legends Never Die campaign, a massive, joint operation between myself, Legends-Station, and The Mega Man Network. Our goal is simple, albeit powerful. Together, as a community, we will keep Capcom aware of how much we want MML3 and ensure it remains in the spotlight. Let it be made clear, we are not afraid about the game being cancelled, no; we are simply closing off any route that might lead to that outcome. As Devroom members, our responsibilities go far beyond thinking of ideas and responding to the Devteam. We are marketing, we are PR, we are consumers, and most of all, we are fans.

Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to snail-mail Capcom. Using pre-designed postcard templates, we are tasking you to mail Capcom your demands to see Mega Man Legends 3 completed. The postcards are your vehicle to Capcom's offices. They will get to the hands of many higher-ups, so you've got to make your message clear and powerful. Personalize it. Pour your heart and soul into it. You've waited a little over a decade for this thing thing; show Capcom just how much you want Legends 3 to happen!"

I know I'm going to be sending at least 4 of these this week. I expect the lot of you to send at least one.

Legends 3 is the only thing keeping me interested in buying a 3DS.
10  MegaMan Series / Legends Series / Something to worry about: on: 6 July 2011, 03:46:01
11  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Vote for Mega Man as DLC!! on: 15 February 2011, 03:52:01
Capcom Unity is having an official tally on their forums where you may write down your top 5 for DLC for both Marvel and Capcom sides in MvC3. Please visit and show a little Mega Man love.

P.S. A lot of people seem to want Mega Man X as well.
12  MegaMan Series / Classic Series / Remember Dreamwave's Mega Man Comics? on: 9 October 2010, 03:50:38
Yeah, well now Archie is going to be take'n a crack at it:

Comes out spring of next year.
13  MegaMan Series / Classic Series / Scratch that last thread... on: 19 January 2010, 05:18:27
Because this is the ultimate sexy:
14  MegaMan Series / Classic Series / THESE are sexy! on: 25 October 2009, 05:47:52
I love the Breakman head.

15  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Wondering why this hasn't been posted yet... (TVC NEWS) on: 15 October 2009, 01:05:34
Zero (the version from the Mega Man X series) is going to be playable in the US version of Tatsunoko vs Capcom:
16  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Viewtiful Joe in TvC. on: 3 November 2008, 21:01:15
God damn it, I WANT THIS GAME.
17  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Someone is using your Logo, Abbz. on: 28 October 2008, 05:50:31
18  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Anyone have $12,000.00 laying around? on: 26 October 2008, 15:34:45
19  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / BUY THE PRESS KIT HERE!!! on: 9 October 2008, 23:09:41

20  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / -ROBOT MASTER THREAD- on: 4 October 2008, 23:01:21
Create and post your robot masters.

Umbrella Man:






21  MegaMan Series / Miscellaneous MegaMan Games / Trigger to be in TvC: on: 29 August 2008, 01:09:11
22  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / New Sonic Game exclusive to Wii... on: 20 July 2008, 02:12:46

Lol, wut?
23  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Lost Winds on: 14 May 2008, 23:37:53
As some of you might know, WiiWare hit monday. Out of the selection, I bought Lost Winds and played it to the end (was only about 3 hours long).

But my God... What an excellent 3 hours.

Buy it, buy it now, it's a must have if you own a Wii.
24  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Need a little help. on: 13 January 2008, 04:50:11
I'm on a mission to collect every GREAT Gamecube game I've missed within the last 5 years. And I mean GREAT. So I need to know what I should get.

Here is what I have so far:

Super Smash Bros. Melee
Soul Calibur 2
Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time + Master Quest
The Legend of Zelda: Collectors Edition
Metroid Prime
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
Viewtiful Joe 1
Viewtiful Joe 2
Resident Evil 4
Sonic Mega Collection
Sonic Gems Collection
Star Wars: Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron 2

What I ordered today:

Pikmin 2

What I hope to order soon:

Chibi Robo
Mario Kart: Double Dash
Super Mario Sunshine
Luigi's Mansion
Star Fox Assualt
Star Fox Adventures
F-Zero GX
Kirby's Air Ride

I need to know what else I should get from you folks.

25  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Guyer Gallery. on: 13 January 2008, 04:27:40
Been in college, writing a book called "El Perro Del Mar." It's a story about a brave "Ororian" child named Pokito who lives under the ocean with his brother and pop. One day, Pokito's brother, Grande, makes the mistake of hopping onto the bike of toad named Sapo, and pretends to ride it in the hopes that no one is looking. In the process, Grande unknowingly turns the machine on and accidentally runs it into a wall. Needless to say, that old toad Sapo witnesses the whole thing and demands retribution for the damages done to his vehicle. That very night, Grande is kidnapped from his home by Sapo and his gang. Pokito takes it upon himself rescue his brother, overcoming obstacles and meeting an unlikely ally along the way...

Top to Bottom, Left to Right:

Pokito! The main (silent) protagonist of El Perro Del Mar. Pokito is an Oroe, and like many Ororians, it is tradition to don garbs made of fish skins called "Gills" when the age of maturity is reached (Age 7). Though he does not utter a single word in the narrative, Pokito has a heart of gold and is willing to fight for what he believes in, for his friends, and family.

In the beginning of our story, Pokito is without a suit of fish to call his own. This changes when his father gives the young Oroe money in order to purchase one for his seventh birthday. Believing in his own heritage, Pokito takes his birthday money and buys equipment in order to catch and skin his own fish rather than buying readily made garments. In his success, he gains the Red Fish Gill.

Flora is Pokito's best friend and long time companion. She's polite and well mannered even under pressure. Through Pokito, she has learned how to stand up for herself while maintaining her good manners and customs. The two do not have a romantic relationship of any sort.

Alto is truly delicate in that his spirit is easily broken. Pokito has come to know the troubled youth by sticking up for him when no one else would. Because he has always been by his side, Alto has devoted himself to one day making it up to him in some way (though Pokito finds this unnecessary).

Rani is the son of Raba, the owner of a large pawnshop where Pokito buys his fish catching gear. Rani and Pokito's fathers have been best friends for ages, and it is because of this that the two have grown up together as good friends. Rani is known for his intelligence; in fact, he carries the burden of keeping track of all the merchandise that comes in out of his father's shop (Raba is a lazy oaf who simply wants to relax and enjoy himself). In addition to his brilliance, Rani suffers from obsessive-compulsive disorder, and is highly intolerant of his father’s neglectfulness. He is a great time manager and is not one for lollygagging.

The main antagonist of El Perro Del Mar, Sapo, and his gang of toads.

From Left to Right:

Sapo, leader of a gang consisting of all toads, is also the shortest member of said group. That being said, he is considerably sensitive about his own height and never thinks twice about confronting any beast that mocks his stature. Sapo is hot headed; often jumping into conflicts without thinking. It is here that his cohorts will try and hold the ill-tempered toad back.

Leopold is so irresponsibly huge, I almost considered giving him his own page. He is the muscle (fat) behind Sapo's gang; however, he's also quite the blunderbuss. He is notably loyal to Sapo even though he continues to treat Leopold like garbage (Sapo being envious of his size).

Mudo is quiet and introspective, and you know what they say about the quiet ones. Mildly sadistic in nature, he dons the skull of an Ororian to conceal his scared face.

Cuchillo is cunning with wit as sharp as a knife. Unlike Mudo, this toad is outspoken and loves to trash talk (Almost to the point of annoyance).
26  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Hellllloooooo. on: 13 January 2008, 00:36:01
I'm home.
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