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1  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Weird downtime on: 18 November 2019, 23:48:04
Hey guys, sorry if there's been no MMM for a few days, something servery happened and i didn't notice til yesterday.

Hope you're all doing well.
2  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Downtime incoming... on: 8 May 2017, 21:26:09
I assume that it wont make a difference in this day and age, but I thought i'd let you know that we're moving domain hosts, so there might be a few days of downtime coming up while things get straightened out.

I'll update once it's finished.
3  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / When mediocre fan-art meets bad fan-fic... on: 26 May 2016, 18:45:16
Wow, did anyone think it would be this bad?
4  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / ThinkGeek Mega Buster replica! on: 13 December 2014, 17:56:26
This is so beautiful, I need it!

But they don't ship outwith the US/Canada!   :'(

I'll happily Paypal anyone over yonder that would buy it then send it to me...

...I've already cleared a shelf for it...
5  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / 20XX on Steam on: 25 November 2014, 13:42:29
Just saw this, whaddya think?
6  MegaMan Series / Miscellaneous MegaMan Games / MegaMan in Smash Bros.! on: 11 June 2013, 15:49:14
It's finally happened, MegaMan is joining the cast of Smash Bros. on Wii U and 3DS, and it looks sweet as hell!

Proper actual MegaMan!

You can see the trailer near the end here:

I wonder if we'll eventually get a Wii U MegaMan?
7  MegaMan Series / Miscellaneous MegaMan Games / It just keeps getting worse... on: 9 April 2013, 15:46:14
Just when you might have decided that MegaMan Universe or MegaMan Online was the vilest, most thankfully-cancelled bastardisation of our beloved blue bomber, comes this:

So, other than one of the characters being blue, how is this in any way a MegaMan game?

It's painful at this point.
8  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / You Have to Win the Game on: 7 January 2013, 23:29:44
I've been playing this:

I recommend you do too.

I'm stuck at 99% completion...
9  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / What did you get for HOLIDAY? on: 26 December 2012, 02:09:20
Do you see my non-denominational topic?

I got a Nexus 7 tablet, as requested, but everything else was unexpected.

Got Kid Icarus and Paper Mario for 3DS, Sonic T-Shirt, Half-Life hoodie, Pac-Man stress ball, Space Invaders bottle opener... people certainly know my retrogaming taste!

Plus some festive booze and random goodness.

Good haul all in.

Hope you all had fun too.
10  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / 3DS on: 25 March 2011, 10:43:41
So, I got my 3DS at midnight last night, I was first in a queue of 2!

They only had 6 of them though so I don't feel that waiting on it was a waste of time.

It's really fun so far, got PilotWings Resort and Super Street Fighter IV.

I'm about to try and import my Miis in from the Wii now...
11  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Super Mario Bros. X on: 8 November 2010, 15:19:37
Get this now because it #####s all over anything Nintendo is doing for Super Mazza's 25th anniversary!
12  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / All hail the Chipophone! on: 22 July 2010, 21:37:37
So it turns out that the internet actually does sometimes do good, as it brought the greatest of all creations to my attention, and now yours:
13  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / E3 on: 14 June 2010, 20:57:10
This year's E3 has kicked off, starting with the thoroughly uninspiring MicroSoft press conference, which only had 1 thing of interest for me: footage of Metal Gear Solid Rising, which I'll probably end up getting on PS3 anyway, due to controller familiarity.

Everything else was bumf... all sequels that I don't care about and anti-gamer nonsense.

Nintendo and Sony don't have much to live up to in the next few days!
14  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Server moved! on: 17 March 2010, 18:54:48
Everything seems to have gone well, the Radio will be back soon, don't know about MChat.

And I have hopefully saved lots of money.

And whoever uploaded a picture with the filename "cropped vday card so as to protect my #####ing privacy and to answer your question yes she dug it and no i didnt steal the poses from dr mcninja and yes she dug it hard" is a massive tool, because it almost crashed my PC due to having far too long a name for Windows, although it's ok on Linux.

Ok technically, that is, not ok as in something you should actually ever do.
15  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Possible server change coming soon...? on: 2 February 2010, 21:25:31
I really can't justify the expense of running MMM as it is any longer.

Despite the majority of the site being down for however long it is now, I've still been paying a lot every 6 months for a really good server.

The aspects that cost the most (running the radio and MChat and currently non-existant downloads) aren't being used nearly enough to warrant the expense, and it's evident that I'll never be motivated to work on the site properly any time soon, because my time and money go elsewhere now, so I'm going to have to think of a good way to balance it all out, and quickly, because the hosting runs out in about 2 weeks...

Any thoughts?

I'll update you all when I know what to do.
16  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Eduardo the Samurai Toaster on: 6 January 2009, 17:32:31
This looks like it'll either be great fun, or pointless pretentious trash...

Whaddya think?

WiiWare is definately going well, in my opinion.
17  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Help Cody from BlueBomber win something! on: 17 August 2008, 00:31:05
One of my few MM-site-webmaster-friends is trying to win a MegaMan sketch that Inafking drew, here's what he said to me:

[00:21] Cody: yo dude
[00:21] Abominator: Hiya, how's life?
[00:21] Cody: not bad, about to go to a family reunion
[00:21] Cody: Do you have several minutes?
[00:21] Cody: I was wondering if you could go here:
[00:21] Abominator: sure, what's up?
[00:22] Cody: And mod everyone's comment down
[00:22] Cody: and mine up :)
[00:22] Cody: It ends tomorrow and I want to win
[00:22] Cody: hah
[00:22] Cody: You don't need to reg
[00:22] Cody: Just click the thumbs up button by Cody the Bluebomber
[00:22] Cody: and everyone else a thumbs down
[00:22] Abominator: cool, no probs :)
[00:22] Cody: excellent, thanks man
[00:22] Abominator: how many people do you have doin this?
[00:25] Cody: like 7?
[00:25] Cody: heh
[00:25] Cody: 8?
[00:25] Cody: everyone on my aim right now
[00:25] Abominator: well, that protodude guy is the only one ahead of you now
[00:25] Abominator: his site is full of lies.
[00:25] Cody: not for long
[00:26] Cody: Can you forward my request to someone that might be willing to help me out?
[00:26] Cody: I'll owe ya one :)
[00:26] Abominator: sure, i'll post it on MMM
[00:26] Cody: thanks man!
[00:26] Cody: I bet some dudes have already registered for it
[00:26] Abominator: i'll just cut and paste this convo
[00:26] Cody: lol
[00:27] Cody: Ok, if everyone will help me win, I'll scan it and give copies to people
[00:27] Cody: I'll clean it up and color it to
[00:27] Cody: too
[00:28] Abominator: nice one, i'm workin on a new MMM gallery now.

So now you lot should do as I did and help Cody win, because he's a good dude and not a big fat liar.
18  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Sigs all messed up... on: 7 June 2008, 00:36:14
I just attempted to limit the height of signatures due to someone having an unneccesarily tall sig, and it seemed to add/remove some tags that might have messed up some people's sigs, so you should all check and re-enter them if need be.

And just keep them under 4 feet tall.

By which I mean 100 pixels or so.
19  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Sonic Unleashed on: 24 March 2008, 01:00:36

Looks like they're finally going 2D gameplay in a 3D world with Sonic...

This might actually make up for "Sonic The Hedgehog" on 360/PS3.
20  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Waluigi sounds wanted on: 20 February 2008, 19:18:18
Anyone know where I can get these easily?
21  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Highlander on: 19 January 2008, 00:17:49
I love the Highlander movies, and the Highlander TV shows, and have always wondered why there's never been a decent Highlander game, so when I heard that there was one coming out, I was filled with anticipation!

Then I saw the sword.


22  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Abe's pile of unfinished business... on: 14 January 2008, 20:58:05
As we all know, I am the most talented "person" the heavens have ever produced.

Now, on top of everything else I have given unto you, I will allow you in on a secret:

I am the world's greatest photographer.

Yes, I feel I can keep my gift under wraps no longer, so now bear witness to my camera-phone masterpieces, "Lovely Tree" and "Hedgey the Hog" !

23  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Casting call for MegaMan: The Movie on: 8 January 2008, 00:42:22

Someone should go and audition.
24  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Webstats are funny! on: 8 December 2007, 15:46:15
For the first time since MMM returned, I had a peek at the search text records, which displays whatever people typed into Google or Yahoo or whatever that got them here in the first place, and someone is guilty of typing the following in:

"megaman naked pictures of layer"

Who's guilty?!
25  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Wiireless nunchuck! on: 7 December 2007, 20:29:06
How good:

Should have been this way in the first place, mind you.
26  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Any ideas for the future of MMM? on: 2 December 2007, 22:07:15
I'd like to hear your suggestions on what to do with the rest of the site...

The Radio and music downloads are coming back, and the gallery will be all-new, so there's no need to discuss them, but I'm open to pretty much anything else.

Nothing stupid though, please.
27  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Matricians: Show your desktops! (Not dial-up friendly!) on: 2 December 2007, 19:01:14
I might as well kick things off in this forum with an old classic.

As usual, what with me being a total hack, I've take some Classic MM artwork and slapped it on a modified existing wallpaper with some drop shadows and edge preserving smooths!

Also, I'm using a nice spectral theme on Windowblinds.
28  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / The Introduction Thread on: 2 December 2007, 18:35:33
Hello to you all, and massive apologies for the complete lack of MMM over the past 7 months...

To cut a long story short, I got really annoyed with myself when attempting the big birthday update back in May, when I had one of my legendary last-minute ideas, deciding that I while I really liked the look of MMMv7, which was pretty much ready to go on the 10th, I thought I could come up with something more unique (and less like MMMv6), so I began work on MMMv8, which looked nice in my brain, but I just couldn't get it to work as a website, if you see what I mean.  Anyway, I eventually decided to take some of the ideas from v8 and implant them in v7, which is pretty much what you're seeing a very basic version of now, and is how the site will look when it fully reappears.

Did that make any sense?

To be honest, I'd probably have had the site back up a lot sooner if there had been any major developments in the MegaMan series, or if any other MM site had in any way stepped up and did anything remotely interesting, impressive or worthwhile at all in MMM's absence, but neither of those things happened...

The internet sure is boring when MMM isn't on it, eh?


Anyway, the radio is down, as is the gallery, but they're the next items on my agenda.

As for guides, I have much to discuss about all that at a later date.  That's not even a lie.

Same with MChat.

So, now it's your turn to restore the board to glory.  There are no post limits for anything for now, so all areas are available to everyone.  Also, please mention any errors you find anywhere in here.  For example, there are a few images that have to be replaced, and I know that the Spell Check popup text is white when it should be black, but I'll get them sorted soon.

I'll be doing a lot behind the scenes, so if I don't respond to you quickly, that's my excuse!

Oh, and if you're posting spoilers, you use [SPOILER] tags rather than [HIDE] tags now, and it makes a nice little reveal-button.


I still have to fix some stylesheet stuff like that, too.

I think that's all I have to say...

Have fun! :)
29  MegaMan Series / StarForce Series / GENERAL STARFORCE SERIES ENQUIRIES on: 2 December 2007, 18:10:16
This topic exists in the hope that newcomers to MMM will not clog the forum with one-question topics, and topics that have already been raised several times.

Basically, it exists to solve simple pleas, so if you're looking for help in a StarForce Series game, or you have a simple question about this series, ask it here.
30  MegaMan Series / ZX Series / GENERAL ZX SERIES ENQUIRIES on: 2 December 2007, 18:09:12
This topic exists in the hope that newcomers to MMM will not clog the forum with one-question topics, and topics that have already been raised several times.

Basically, it exists to solve simple pleas, so if you're looking for help in a ZX Series game, or you have a simple question about this series, ask it here.
31  MegaMan Series / Zero Series / GENERAL ZERO SERIES ENQUIRIES on: 2 December 2007, 18:08:48
This topic exists in the hope that newcomers to MMM will not clog the forum with one-question topics, and topics that have already been raised several times.

Basically, it exists to solve simple pleas, so if you're looking for help in a Zero Series game, or you have a simple question about this series, ask it here.
32  MegaMan Series / Battle Network Series / GENERAL BATTLE NETWORK SERIES ENQUIRIES on: 2 December 2007, 18:07:57
This topic exists in the hope that newcomers to MMM will not clog the forum with one-question topics, and topics that have already been raised several times.

Basically, it exists to solve simple pleas, so if you're looking for help in a Battle Network Series game, or you have a simple question about this series, ask it here.
33  MegaMan Series / Legends Series / GENERAL LEGENDS SERIES ENQUIRIES on: 2 December 2007, 18:07:27
This topic exists in the hope that newcomers to MMM will not clog the forum with one-question topics, and topics that have already been raised several times.

Basically, it exists to solve simple pleas, so if you're looking for help in a Legends Series game, or you have a simple question about this series, ask it here.
34  MegaMan Series / X Series / GENERAL X SERIES ENQUIRIES on: 2 December 2007, 18:06:35
This topic exists in the hope that newcomers to MMM will not clog the forum with one-question topics, and topics that have already been raised several times.

Basically, it exists to solve simple pleas, so if you're looking for help in a X Series game, or you have a simple question about this series, ask it here.
35  MegaMan Series / Classic Series / GENERAL CLASSIC SERIES ENQUIRIES on: 2 December 2007, 18:05:39
This topic exists in the hope that newcomers to MMM will not clog the forum with one-question topics, and topics that have already been raised several times.

Basically, it exists to solve simple pleas, so if you're looking for help in a Classic Series game, or you have a simple question about this series, ask it here.
36  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / THE RULES OF MEGAMAN MATRIX on: 2 December 2007, 15:09:14

We strictly enforce the following rules.  If you think they are unacceptable, go elsewhere.

This site is for fans of MegaMan.  If you're not here to talk about MegaMan, you should leave now.
Generic character names are not allowed as usernames.  Also, please capitalise your name properly.
Do not create multiple accounts.  You can retrieve lost passwords via email.
Your account is your responsibility.  If your account gets banned, it is your fault.  No excuses.
Never use another member's account for any reason.
The post limit for MBoard and download privileges is non-negotiable.  No exceptions will be made.
Attempting to breach any kind of security at MMM will result in your immediate removal.
Accounts with 0 posts will be deleted at the end of each month.
Do not request staff powers.

Respect your fellow members.  Treat them as you would like to be treated.
Avoid personal attacks, petty arguments, harassment, baseless hearsay, and blatant lies.
Don't post anything illegal, political, religious, bigoted, sexually explicit, or otherwise inappropriate.
Do not even approach the subject of piracy.  This means no talk of emulation, roms, warez, etc.
Do not join the board if your sole intention is to advertise a website or product.
Do not spam, ie. do not make pointless, useless posts to raise your post count.
Do not post one-word replies, like "wow" or "cool".
Use the Spell Check.  Good spelling, grammar, punctuation and capitalisation is strongly encouraged.
Do not attempt to circumvent the swear filter.  It's there for a reason.
Series-specific topics should be posted in the forum to which they are related.
Non-MegaMan topics go in the Non-MegaMan forums (locked to those with less than 50 posts).
Do not use avatars that are animated or in any way inappropriate.  PNG/GIF/JPG formats only.
Disguise spoilers with the [SPOILER] command, so that you don't ruin any surprises for others.

The staff reserve the right to alter these rules at any time.

If you agree to all of the above, you are welcome at MMM.
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