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1  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Remember me? on: 15 April 2013, 00:26:30
Late to the party but... welcome Metty! I haven't seen you in ages.
2  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Didn't there used to be a "MMM NOSTSALGIA" thead? on: 17 August 2012, 04:23:42
I remember sprites. And sprite comics. And people had online personas. I miss those days.

I remember this.

And when I used to log in here everyday. Also howdy, stopping by for the annual visit.

Abe, give me MMM.

Also, funny story... someone emailed me a while back thinking I was DJSonic. Lulz were had.
3  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Welcome to Oldness on: 18 December 2011, 23:47:19
Happy Birthday, Abe.

So... uh... when are you giving me MMM?



Meet you there, old man!
4  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Welcome to Oldness on: 29 November 2011, 22:35:57
Happy Birthday, Abe.

So... uh... when are you giving me MMM?
5  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: Vote for Mega Man as DLC!! on: 2 March 2011, 02:23:28
Hm. They're all DS right?

Might as well get started. I think I can get the first two pretty cheap at Gamestop. The others might be harder to find, considering how lame GS is around here.

Tried to get Suikoden 3 (for collection purposes, great series and this one had a good story, but a lack luster overall product, easily the X7 of the series), but the only one in all the state is more than 5 hours away or some #####.
6  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: Upcoming Games Topic on: 2 March 2011, 02:21:10
Shame the Zelda on it is OoT, I never cared for it.  Maybe we'll get a Link's Awakening remake or something.

It'll happen, don't worry. I'm pretty sure Link's Awakening is well respected by most, even today.

I know I do. At the very least though, the virtual console will suffice.
7  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: Vote for Mega Man as DLC!! on: 1 March 2011, 21:25:52
I'm ALMOST offended you'd think I'd ban someone over a difference of opinion.


Anyway, speaking of Phoenix Wright, how many games are in the series? I played the first one all the way to the last case, but the person who had the game flew away so I couldn't finish. Funds are lacking, but I might be interested in giving the series a try. My fiancée might actually find the games worth playing too, due to the style of game.
8  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: Vote for Mega Man as DLC!! on: 1 March 2011, 08:54:17
Sounds logical to me, honestly. *shrugs* I'm known for my "radical" opinions and while they are "out there" at times... well, if we get past the "oh noes, u hav teh opposite thoughts of myne" my reasons are pretty logical. Or at least I have applicable reasons of taste for my opinion.

It's like comparing food... there's no real standard there. Some people like fish, some people can't stand the taste of fish. Everyone's got a family meatloaf recipe that they swear up and down is superior to their neighbor's recipe.

It's all a matter of taste. And while some will bring up the "burnt food is bad food" analogy... ya know what? Some people LIKE the burnt parts of food. One man's junk is another man's treasure... all that jazz.

Phoenix Wright? That's my junk. Your guys' treasure... so ya know what? I apologize. That was actually careless and inconsiderate of me to call someone else's possible favorite character or treasured person, the "worst" choice in something. I laughed a few times at his shenanigans, I can see why he'd be an endearing fellow. I'll acknowledge that and humble my ass a bit for once.

... This got longer than I thought it would be. *shrugs* Never the less, I think you all get what I mean. Humility never hurt anyone, so I apologize.

On the last note... Eh, I've been banned for less in my long history of bans. But on the same token, I think in our old age, us Matricians have gotten a bit soft and honestly don't care anymore. I also don't put it past Rez to get pissed off enough. He's always been strong willed and heavily invested in his love for the games he plays.

But, I guess I just got a little irritated at his response the second time I looked and expected the worst. Silly me.
9  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: Vote for Mega Man as DLC!! on: 1 March 2011, 06:36:05
I just offered my stated opinion. There was no use of "emoticon", no sassy remark... just a straight statement.

I don't like Phoenix Wright. I think the games are "overrated" and I don't see Wright as a viable fighter. Maybe I haven't played the series enough. Maybe I didn't take into consideration that he could be a logical joke character.

Maybe Rez took ##### too seriously and needs to calm down.

Maybe I should keep my opinions to myself.

Maybe... Abe should finish the front page for MMM. 8D

Also, notice Rez didn't actually ask anyway. Maybe I just felt like stating what I thought and would consider saying so after someone asked. Instead, he assumed a bunch of #####, went off the wall and "out bitched" me before I even opened my mouth in retort. Hm... Seems a bit much.

Ya know, after all... it's a #####ing video game. Get over yourselves.

Anyway, if I'm not childishly banned by the time I decide to check for a reply on this, I hope I'll come back to some level-headed responses. Not that yours wasn't, Majikn.

NOTE: Oh and for clarification, when I say "Get over yourselves" I strictly mean who that applies to. Anyone that is taking this so seriously they get rageface over some guy's opinion miles away... they need a chill pill. This doesn't apply to anyone who really doesn't give a ##### what I think.
10  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: Vote for Mega Man as DLC!! on: 1 March 2011, 01:15:14
Hey Rez.

Assume Less.

You know what they say about assumptions.

Also, I'm not trolling. Whether that was obvious or not really doesn't matter.
11  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: Vote for Mega Man as DLC!! on: 28 February 2011, 02:10:13
Phoenix Wright would've been the worst use of a character slot.

I'm personally pushing for Classic Mega, Megaman.EXE and Bass.EXE. The latter two would be very interesting. Classic Mega is just mandatory vote.
12  MegaMan Series / X Series / Re: Let's play Mega Man X7 (text version) on: 23 February 2011, 19:55:21

Bill, why do you constantly change how you name your operating systems?

95, 98, 2000, ME, XP, Vista and then... 7?

I'm seriously curious as to how you got to this conclusion. I also need you to spot me two G's please.
13  MegaMan Series / Miscellaneous MegaMan Games / Re: Marvel Vs Capcom 3 on: 17 February 2011, 03:12:30
Axl (Zero), Tron Bonne and Wesker.

Best team. *nods*

I'm so glad they included Tron... deem hips. She's a real woman. I need to go raid Rez's Tron Pron.
14  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Re: The Super Special PBnJ Adventure Cartoon Thread on: 16 February 2011, 10:00:44
That just cements my argument further. ;_;

Why does everyone hate me?
15  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Re: The Super Special PBnJ Adventure Cartoon Thread on: 16 February 2011, 05:29:41
Oh you.
16  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Re: The Super Special PBnJ Adventure Cartoon Thread on: 16 February 2011, 04:41:30
Ares was never cool. >: (

Wow... really Snare? >_> I thought we were friends.

Man, you guys must really hate me.
17  MegaMan Series / X Series / Re: GENERAL X SERIES ENQUIRIES on: 15 February 2011, 21:51:42
I know, we do this regularly. It's all out of love. Yes... love. *nods*
18  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: The Introduction Thread on: 15 February 2011, 20:38:51
Currently he suggests I try Megaman Zero first,

*bangs head into wall*


Hey, the best way for a person to learn what they like and don't like, they must play themselves.

She thought the game was cool, but it was just too hard for her.

Though... what's a nice thing? My fiancé? :3 Because if so... GET YER OWN. 8|
19  MegaMan Series / X Series / Re: GENERAL X SERIES ENQUIRIES on: 15 February 2011, 20:33:57
ANYONE who claims X7 had a better soundtrack than X1 is a troll.  X1's soundtrack is #####ing UNTOUCHABLE.  It is the pinnacle of the series by a very VERY comfortable margin.  This is fact and not open for debate.  Sorry.

I happen to think a good chunk of X has a good soundtrack, with some games (X2, X4) being much stronger overall while other games (X5,X6,X3) being acceptable if not a bit bland with some outstanding tracks mixed in.  I can't really say I like much of ANYTHING music wise out of X7 and X8.  X7's boss theme isn't too bad, but X8's ost offended my ears in ways X7 offended my everything.

I also loved Command Mission's soundtrack.  The only real beef being the compositions are far too short, the same issue I had with Legend's music.

I await the day you're done being a child and realize that your opinion isn't fact. >_>

Of course, since that'll be the day X9 is released, they make a EXE game that is on par with EXE 2 and Legends 4 is released... I guess that'll never happen. You'll die from Old Man Syndrome before that happens.

That said... I assure you that I am not trolling. I just have a different taste in music than you do. Hell, just because the majority opinion leans toward one thing over another doesn't mean that it is definitive truth. If I blow your brains out, chances are you are going to die. This is accepted as a fact because well... people need their brain to function.

The music being compared from one game to another is only possible through the perception of multiple people. Until you become Jesus #####ing Christ or whoever you or anyone else believes in (in other words, you gotta become multiple gods, Charles Xavier. This is a very interesting challenge), you cannot decide what is and isn't true in the world of perceptualized conception.

In other words, Fudge Ya.

On the other hand, I totally agree with X8. Aside like... the last BGMs on the OST, it was a terrible thing in terms of music. Such evil should never have left the conductor's factory.
20  MegaMan Series / X Series / Re: GENERAL X SERIES ENQUIRIES on: 14 February 2011, 20:05:56
Honestly, aside from certain extremes(I like Axl for example) my base thoughts aren't bad. A lot of how I feel is based off of logic. Logically, most of the series is great.

Just varying degrees of great. The only game that was a real downer was X7, even I can admit that.

Oh well. Honestly, the series had a better run than pretty much every other.

I'd say Classic did, but... Classic didn't "do anything new" after a while. Hard to fail when your base formula never changes.

Legends hasn't had enough games to count either.
21  MegaMan Series / X Series / Re: GENERAL X SERIES ENQUIRIES on: 14 February 2011, 09:36:30
I think your Axl love is pure fake trollery!

I also really liked Command Mission. I've thought momentarily of making a linear (or even non-linear if I could pull it off), story-oriented RPG about Mega Man X. Actually I totally WOULD do it if I could program, like, at all. I would find time in my busy schedule to get 'er done.

I wouldn't want to do it with one of those RPG Maker models either. I'd do it from scratch like an actual pro and make the battles all action-RPG-like rather than just click through a list of attacks.

Haha, you'd like that wouldn't you? Unfortunately for some, I actually genuinely love Axl. He's literally my favorite X series character. No joke.

However, I too would love to make a really decent X RPG... but then, I've got a long list of stuff I'd like to make but lack the skills.
22  MegaMan Series / X Series / Re: GENERAL X SERIES ENQUIRIES on: 14 February 2011, 03:06:05
Megaman X1: Great game. It was a wonderful entry into the series. Things kinda went downhill for a while though... Still remains as one of the best sound tracks though in the series.

Megaman X2: Also great. Not much changed, but the addition of extra characters that were "mid-bosses" was pretty nifty. Nothing wrong here. Though, sound track was some hit and miss. Still much better than some later ##### in the series.

Megaman X3: Good. It had some good ideas, but it just didn't feel that great. It... had a lack luster sound track. Zero was a nice addition... but utterly useless. Wait till X4, pretty boy.

Megaman X4: Good Game. Now... things get tricky. They introduced a number of good elements. Playable Zero was the best thing they did since X1, it had a great sound track and overall good gameplay. Then something happened. Voice Acting happened. It knocks the game down a few points, sorry G.

Megaman X5: Great Game. What? Yeah, I'm serious. The penultimate battle of X vs Zero was something I was waiting for on the edge of my seat. The musical quality was fantastic. I felt it was an improvement over X4 in basically every way. The story was an excellent advancement in the series for me. I thought it would get better but...

Megaman X6: Good. It got a bit worse. Crazy ##### happened like... Nightmare Souls? What the jackhammer? Whatever, at least the sound track was good. I can get over that because...

Megaman X7: So-So. Despite this, we got Axl. Story wise... outside of one major plot inconsistency, this wasn't a bad game. Game play? It was clunky... it took some real getting used to. If I'm willing to play the game even now though, it means it wasn't horrible. I finally had a reason NOT to use X outside of Zero. This was a good day. Oh and who can forget the great Sound Track? I still praise it as the best OST in the series.

Megaman X8: Good Game. A step in the right direction after X7. More great Axlism. Made Axl even better and arguably the best character to play in the series. I can actually solo the game with Axl with no problem, where as I run into some issues with X or Zero. Huh, how about that. Anyway... Axl love aside... this game had a craptacular OST. I hated 90% of the tracks in this game, but it was OK because... Lumine was a great villain. I loved his themes especially, his battle themes were the only saving grace for the OST.

Megaman X9: ???

Megaman X Command Missions: Great game. Uh... really, it was just a great game. I think the rest of the series would do well to be an RPG. There's a lot that could be done in that format that just really can't in platforming. Much more story quality is available too. Can we have more of this please? OST was bitch'n too. More more.
23  MegaMan Series / X Series / Re: Let's play Mega Man X7 (text version) on: 14 February 2011, 02:17:49
I liked playing X7.

It was good for Axl. There needs to be a Megaman Axl to make up for Star Force. 8D

No, I'm not joking.

As for the Let's Play, not bad. Granted, I disagree on some things, everything is subjective opinion brought about by perception. And no, Rez. You can't change that.
24  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: The Introduction Thread on: 14 February 2011, 00:12:14
Yeeeah, MMZ was the easiest one available without whipping out the bells and whistles to get her to play MM2. And well... the platforming is easier in MMZ and MMX than MM Classic... she's not much of a platformer.

Which is fine of course, but I wanted her to give it a shot. So we'll see how it goes. I'll get MHX for my PSP so she can try that too.

Push comes to shove, I'll whip out the old systems.
25  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: HELLO on: 13 February 2011, 08:44:22
And I want to surround you in all things Japanese.

And eat sushi out of your hollowed out skull after I smash it open with a random object of my choosing.

Wait... what? Anyway, I love you too Speed. WHERE'S MY DRUGS?
26  MegaMan Series / Miscellaneous MegaMan Games / Re: yifuigopfuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuy on: 13 February 2011, 08:41:17

I haven't seen a decent lamer in forever. I forgot how much I love you guys.
27  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Matricians: Show Yourselves! on: 12 February 2011, 21:27:46
Kill your doppleganger, replace him and give me some of dat computer cash, Charles Xavier.

I'm really poor... I could use cash.

In fact...

I'm so poor that I can't afford a gun for wabbit season.

Alternatively: Dr. Light ain't got nothing on me... except his Elmer Fudd Accent. And his robots. And his plethora of cash to fund his robots.


Anyway, fiancé took this picture while we were in Target trying on hats. The only other one that survived was a picture of me with a plastic dinosaur helmet. Why do I let her do these things?
28  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: HELLO on: 12 February 2011, 21:18:09
Well this is different.

HELLO back at'cha.

Also, I'm back too! I perma-left some other place, so I'll try to come around here more often.

I hope you guys are up-to-date on all the new stuff, because that's kinda what I need. 8|
29  MegaMan Series / Miscellaneous MegaMan Games / Re: MegaMan/RockMan Online on: 9 December 2010, 06:43:23
It tickles me how you guys can hate something that is soooo good. It's like how kids hate Dark Chocolate. Childish and totally irrational.

I had no idea since you like it that means your opinion is fact.  Thanks for clearing that up.

I had no idea you would take that comment so seriously. Thanks for showing me you would.

Wait no... I did.

I AM surprised that you like Axl, and I don't understand it, but it's not like I'm fuming with rage here.

But please, continue to be condescending.

Again with the srs bsns. 8D It feels so good, it's like rolling in chocolate... which probably isn't as good as it sounds.

Anyway, I did enjoy the switch out system, given I like to mix it up a bit. Having more than one gameplay type at my disposal is an interesting notion, but I think it would've been more... interesting if they had four characters instead of just three. But on that notion, I can't think of another style that would be fitting enough. Or a character for that matter.

Dark chocolate is beast.

30  MegaMan Series / Miscellaneous MegaMan Games / Re: MegaMan/RockMan Online on: 8 December 2010, 09:18:13
Axl is like... Silver the Hedgehog of Mega Man X.

Funny that I like Silver too.

I love #####ing with you people. It tickles me how you guys can hate something that is soooo good. It's like how kids hate Dark Chocolate. Childish and totally irrational.

Oh well, I guess it'll shock you all to say I also like X7 and don't use X in X7 or X8. I even deem X inferior to Axl in X8. X's usefulness is zilch when I have Axl or Zero. I can even solo the game on its hardest with Axl alone.

31  MegaMan Series / Miscellaneous MegaMan Games / Re: MegaMan/RockMan Online on: 28 November 2010, 14:39:47
This game had me at Axl.

I'm gonna play it, Korean or not, so yeah.
32  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Don't stop MMM now... on: 25 November 2010, 09:47:15
That's right. I AM DJSonic.

Except the IP difference.

And the idiocy of sending PMs back and forth to myself.

And the fact that I have more things to do than play musical chairs with accounts.

And... you get the picture.

(Note: DJ ninja'd his account to look like mine some time ago. He watches... or used to, I think. But he's not around anymore. Sads.)
33  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Don't stop MMM now... on: 14 November 2010, 07:54:34
Anything without Delta is auto-fail.

That is all.
34  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Inafune Quits on: 3 November 2010, 20:57:32
There isn't anything wrong with someone crying, nor is there anything wrong with showing respect to someone that shows true emotion over something. I still have my feelings over the matter, but he is a human being, not some inanimate object. I am still displeased with the path it all ended up going down and I am still questionable about his choices... but I wish him luck.

I have no idea why you decided against psychology, Deej.  You seem well suited for it.
Maybe it's the stress of having to deal with the kids at RPM or something like that.

That is part of it. You have no clue how many headcases I've dealt with in my time there, but I've met some real good people too. As there is in all places, good and bad exists everywhere.

People just irritate me, no one ever listens and no one ever learns. People want to find out the hard way... and I'll never understand why. More so, I don't see why I should stand by and watch as someone gets hit by a train when I can pull them out of the way... err, figuratively speaking of course.
35  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Inafune Quits on: 3 November 2010, 08:51:38
It does. Or you have to be insane.

Probably both. If he thinks this was the right idea, go ahead I guess. But what results because of it, he will have to accept.

And that, he did say he was fine with. Win or lose, it will be Inafune either way.
36  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Inafune Quits on: 3 November 2010, 06:44:19
I welcome him to prove me wrong, don't mistake me. And in fact, I used to be a great supporter of Inafune... I just dislike wrongly and poorly deduced idealism. About things like Capitalism and Western Idealism, about things such as high ego and overanalyzing of one's own skill. These things highly irk me, they piss me off. I do honestly wish him the best in what he does... as I do in all people. Just how I am. But while I "love all things" I also hate everything too and am the kind of person that will kick you in the nuts if I think it'll make you a better person.

It is a failing of mine, but it is a part of who I am. I'm not doing this in some misguided attempt to be 'different' from everyone else. I'm doing this because I feel very strongly towards his decisions and the illogical madness that has sprung up from all of this.

And... the whole part about him quitting over his art was actually a joke. >_> I'm not that stupid. I'm pretty #####ing dumb, but not that much. That takes more idealism than he has to believe. I just thought it was a cute coincidence, not to be taken truly serious.
37  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Inafune Quits on: 3 November 2010, 06:13:54
I doubt it, but I wish he'd read the stuff I've been saying here and at RPM. Maybe he'd realize how stupid he sounds.

Or he'd just go about his business unaffected by "silly americana" or what have you. I shall stalk this hard.
38  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Inafune Quits on: 3 November 2010, 04:53:46
I'm sure you aren't the only one who feels that way, Chron. I get that a lot. XD I say things that people don't want to say or realize is partially true, but just horrible to hear.

I'm that annoying voice in the corner of your mind that screams "I told you so!" when you do something wrong, knowing it was wrong, but still did it anyway because you wanted to be stubborn about it. I'm... an annoying bastard, to put it blankly.

That is why I wanted to be a psychiatrist and then quickly changed my mind.

No one ever listens. The old saying is true really... "When you're right, no one remembers. When you're wrong, no one forgets."

Not that I'm saying I'm COMPLETELY right here, as it isn't so much right and wrong, so much so that it is a matter of logistics. Logistics that Inafune is very idealistic and one-sided on, mind you.

Honestly, before this? I was pretty big on Inafune. I thought he got way too much flak over X7, something he wasn't even into really. The whole "If it goes well, Capcom gets praised. If it goes poorly, Inafune gets blamed" is really true... and sad. But as I said, a lot of his insanity and ego is fanbase blame. I hope he finds solace in all this bull#####.
39  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Inafune Quits on: 3 November 2010, 01:41:06
Excellent summary, dear Watson.

Also, until DJ comes BACK to claim his title, I have to make up for our loss of our old friend.

That and well, he changed his profile to match mine in a very ninja-esque style. He hasn't been back since. There cannot be two Aresii.
40  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Inafune Quits on: 2 November 2010, 22:21:54
I suppose there will always be a difference of opinion. This is the same crap that I hear in America. You know what is so funny? You're gonna be in the SAME damn situation. You're always gonna have to answer to someone as a teacher. You're going to have to answer to your boss, the principal. The board of directors and what have you. There is a whole ##### load of political BS that goes on in the teaching game that is often FAR WORSE than what happens here in gaming.

You'll get screwed over one day and lose your passion as a teacher or end up having to rage quit because of the very same reasons. Or one of your students will press charges against you in a sexual harassment case that you had no way of committing.

MY point is that life isn't fair, business is business. It is ALL about the money and always will be. There is no room for people like us anymore. Idealists that want to aspire to something better, for the people to make them happy, to give them a better foot hold on life or produce things that would bring smiles to their faces.

Me? I wanted to be a psychologist. Sadly, people #####ing suck and it never works out like you expect it. In honesty, I hope the best for you. Hell, I even hope that Inafune gets what he wants out of this... but he won't. I know he won't, he'll be just as pissed over his decision now than he was with being with Capsule Computer.

As for you... I hope your career works out, because we need better teachers. We need teachers that give a ##### about their students. I am where I am today because of the failure school system that we have, not that I don't like who I am. I'm proud of what I've done with what little I have, it is more than a lot of people I know can say. But it is what it is. I would've been a "better" person if I had teachers, principals, councilors and a buncha other stuff that gave a hoot.

... Eh, I could go on and on. I think my mind is settled. Good luck, CV.
41  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Inafune Quits on: 2 November 2010, 21:58:51
Be that as it may, I still beg to differ on a lot of things, it isn't like he solely made the games and he even admitted on a number of occasions that he leaves a lot of the writing to other individuals. Writing like X4. Writing like Megaman 9. The very stuff that he gets praised for... when he honestly doesn't have that much to do with it.

He pushes for games? Then why the ##### is he LEAVING when he finally gets the game started? That shows bad, TERRIBLE initiative. He is leaving when his supposed "dream game" is starting? Who the hell does that? I have no respect for the man, if he was a real man, he'd swallow his bull##### excuses and stick it through until Legends 3 is finished.

Instead he jumps ship, with nothing more than a bloody 3 day notice in a very drama queen fashion and expects people to care? I won't fall into that dribble. I used to pull that ##### when I was a little kid, right here on MMM. Getting banned and then expecting people to give a #####. It is the same bullcrap, only he is a grown #####ing man, that made promises and obligations when he made that video about Legends 3.

It was like lying to the fans and they suck it up like it's candy. Then when he announces he is leaving, the same people suck it up and act like he is some savior going off to battle the evil dragon...

Or worse, that their lord and savior has LOST to the "evil dragon" that is Capcom and they mourn for him when he was really just a pussy about it. Sorry, but the whole thing really just gives me a sour taste. He isn't some great man. He isn't some great figure that people place him as. He's just a man that had disagreements with the way his bosses manage things and thusly, he's bowing out very unprofessionally.
42  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Inafune Quits on: 2 November 2010, 21:39:46
It was horribly overrated and overhyped.

You are dead to me.

Nothing new there. >_>

I'll try to give it another try when i have money to waste, which isn't very often mind you.

As for the Inafune interview... I dunno Chaos, he sounded like he was more of an arrogant nutjob than a guy who has his chickens counted. Maybe we're reading the wrong interview or something, but he just sounds like he had finally lost it or something and went off the deep end. He STILL seems to think that Capcom needs him to survive when he really hasn't done anything THAT amazing.

The fanbase gives this guy too much credit and that allows him to grow such a big head. General human error aside, we are to blame as a collective for his obvious madness.

(Note: Phoenix Wright, where I'M from, recieved about as much overhype as Final Fantasy 7 did... and honestly, it is just a crime investigation game that involves you using various new methods (read: gimmicks) to solve a crime each time. Sorry... nothing is worth that much hype, let alone that. The fanbase is just as bad as Gurren Lagann, constantly spouting stuff that only people who play the games would understand, in neutral or mixed conversations, making total asses of themselves.)
43  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Inafune Quits on: 2 November 2010, 04:34:28
I don't know everything. Tell me which game series and why I should even know in the first place?

Wait... Phoenix Wright stuff? That is my only guess and I didn't even BOTHER to play that series past most of the first game. It was horribly overrated and overhyped.

No offense.
44  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Inafune Quits on: 2 November 2010, 03:22:46
In the case of the former, she's a slut and Chain Swords are not whips.

In the case of the latter, no clue who she is for some reason.
45  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Inafune Quits on: 2 November 2010, 02:13:36
Hahaha, Castlevania. I hate the majority of the series. I only like Curse of Darkness, Aria of Sorrow, Dawn of... whatever and Order of Ecclesia. Lament of Innocence was alright I suppose.

I hate whips. I hate Castlevanias where you play Whip d00ds. That is most of the series sooooo....

Oh well, you have your own good points there and frankly... the mention of Dragon Quarter makes me cry manly tears. I suppose that sums it up... so yeah.

Inafune quits. Hurrah.
46  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Inafune Quits on: 1 November 2010, 20:37:39
Not as bad as I expected. MMM has grown somewhat in my absence. I'm honestly happy for that, as condescending as that is gonna sound. I am.

While I'll still disagree, I do agree with one thing. Megaman as a whole is dying in various kinds of ways. And not the "end series instantly" kind of way, but the kind of way the Brotherhood of Steel is dying... or MMM for that matter. And other such places that are far past their prime. Decay. The worst kind of death really, since it is pitiful to watch. But maybe we'll get lucky. Maybe we'll even just get to go out with a bang.

Maybe Legends 3 won't suck.

That is a lot of maybes though... and I don't like the odds. I'm just glad Megaman isn't the only game series I give a ##### about.
47  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Inafune Quits on: 1 November 2010, 07:20:19
*shrugs* I think I've just become very lax in regards to Megaman. I play the games for what they are, I try not to compare to past games, because that is how you get caught up in all the "old foggie" BS. Honestly, you're entitled to your opinions. Everyone is. I've kinda said what I wanted to, so I won't bother to poke back, especially since you all weren't complete assholes like I usually expect when it comes to MMM and opinions.

Regardless, Rez can say what he wants, but Rez knows me well enough that I just don't care.

I had no issues with X7 aside from the fact that it was very very unpolished. The Soundtrack was flawless and one of the better in the series, the gameplay needed attention, it was very undone. Axl was delicious. And the story was actually pretty good, IMO. Aside from X being a pussy... which I can actually understand.

My two cents, I'll come back tomorrow/later and see what damage is done.
48  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Inafune Quits on: 1 November 2010, 06:26:12
Sometimes I forget where I am. This is MMM, the land of "everything sucked after X5" and "everything except Classic, X and Legends sucks" and all that jazz.

That said, are we not allowed to make flops or "lack luster attempts at something new" at all? A lot of the problem is that people are so #####ing anal... anyway. I actually liked X6, X7 and X8 and LOVED Command Missions. Battle Network 4 was admittedly a flop, I can't deny that no matter how hard I could try. X7 had some bad ideas but some good concepts. And it brought Axl. Of course, I'll be flamed instantly for enjoying that fact, but ##### you. I really, really, really don't give a hoot who agrees or disagrees there. I liked Axl.

My POINT however is, that we all make bad decisions in life, no matter who you are. Everyone's ##### stinks. Capcom made a few bad choices, but in comparison... BN 1, 2, 3, 5 and even 6 were all great games by my opinion. All the other X games were ranging from good to great as well. Hey... ya know what? That sounds like the good outweights the bad. I think there is VERY little to bitch about.
49  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Inafune Quits on: 1 November 2010, 02:51:33
"Inafune isn't the life blood of Capcom or Megaman. Capcom is. Megaman will be just FINE without Inafune. Yes, there is to be SOME worry about Legends 3, but I think Capcom is FULL of talent... it is not like Capcom is without any talent outside of Inafune or anything, He's just the common "name" most people associate Megaman with.

If there was no other talent or intelligent people at Capcom, we'd be #####ed. Hell, this change of pace might prove to be a good thing. We might get that X9 you all want so bad. MAYBE even Command Missions 2... I'd like that."

That basically sums up my thoughts. Inafune is just butt hurt that his character got the least votes. He's also a little blasphemous, wanting to Westernize Capcom. I'm glad he's leaving.

Also. Quoted from a pimp named Zan.

"Inafune is by origin a "character designer", his job is not "writer" or "scenario". He only took on a scenario/writer role with X, and even then he was limited by his superior and always gladly accepted input for his colleagues; especially in his days as producer did he leave the story up to the imagination of others. Remember that Rockman is and will always be a team effort; "Capcom" is the author, not any single member of the team."
50  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Let's try and liven up the MegaMan Matrix on: 27 October 2010, 04:56:23

Touche. What an AMAZING difference one letter makes. Color me silly then.
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