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1  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: The Introduction Thread on: 2 January 2008, 22:30:06
Summed up well.

I disagree, maybe you didn't read further, but I don't necessarily blame you. Anyway, it's just that I have a strong sense of right and wrong and I felt obligated to defend my words, you know? I like to reason with people, I can't help it. I enjoy a sound resolution.

Situations like this and how you handle them are how you are judged here.  Everyone stumbles here and there.  Learn to take an insult or two and when to dish em out as well.  I would reccomend just letting it slide.

I am familiar with that, I just don't want to be judged badly because I defended myself.

I've barely scanned what you've posted about it, but here's my stance:

Well, there exists the possibility you're about to say something erroneous, or at least, misinformed. I won't make you read it though, not like I could, of course.

I saw a few failed attempts at comedy and gave my opinion on them.

All right, we're almost to the end of this...I hope.

I agree the Oneoneone thing wasn't such a sharp stab at humor at all. However, I did nothing different from 90% of the MBoard's population. That is, expound on a joke a previous posting user made to the point of stupidity. Let's be frank, a lot of the users do that, and it just isn't funny. My only problem Abe, is that you singled me out. Why? Dozens others do it, but you picked me. Wouldn't it be best not to say anything at all? What did you intend to do by giving your opinion? Can you deny, given the context I've repeatedly explained, that it was just to boost your own ego?

I really don't care if you were insulted by it.

Well, that's not very nice either, is it? I am indifferent to whether or not you WANT to remain this way...that's none of my business, it's your right...but you admit you are not a very compassionate human being at least to some extent, don't you? That's what you just showed me. If you want to be incompassionate towards me, that is fine, truly, but you do recognize it, right?
2  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: The Introduction Thread on: 2 January 2008, 21:40:04
It seems a lot of people here don't really grasp human comprehension as well as they could...

The way I read it, he simply said you're not funny. Because, to be honest, you're not. He probably said that to get you to stop making posts like that.

There are connotations to saying something like what he did. Think about it, if he only wanted me to stop making posts like that, he could have politely requested such. Even that aside, it's not like this board is in huge danger if I make infrequent dorky jokes, and you know, I really wasn't intending to make anymore posts in the same vein as that "Oneoneone" crap, I know, it was kind of bleh. Moving on though, it was also the abrupt nature of his post; no previous discussion whatsoever, he immediately moved to attack me. That is INSULTING. Smart people defend themselves against this type of thing.

- Aych
Cut the hassle. I've been told  I am not funny sometimes, because I am not.
And I don't get hurted over it, I make a mental note not to use that joke/pun whatever again.
I'd prefer being told I am not funny than somebody saying "Lol!" when s/he didn't laught at all. And... you aren't funny.

There is absolutely no point in debating this with you, as I am not familiar with the circumstances of whatever you went through. It's subjective to each "case", if you will. If you were however wronged, you stand up for it. BTW, thanks for the commentary on my sense of humor. I already established that even I'm not fond of that particular post, but overall, you're a twelve year old I'm unfamiliar with, and honestly, you're not funny either. I've never seen a humorous post from you.

I don't care about his defense, I'm saying this for my benefit. I don't want to hear this BS.

Hello, then don't post? You only make me post more. If you don't want to hear it, don't contribute to it. Jake is right, this got a lot more attention than it should have. Why not just let the man answer for himself?

I think this whole situation recieved a lot more attention than it deserved.  We don't need the whole damn Matrix to explain something so simple.  I know you want something to change, but the fact is that this is way things are, Aych. =]

It doesn't matter, I'm only trying to enlighten people with the reasoning of right and wrong. It is true that I probably can not change it, it's just that if people continue to demonstrate right as wrong and wrong as right, that will make their thoughts on anything all the more insignificant.

For the record, I was being intentionally ignorant.

I guess I'll buy that...sort of.

Next person who is not Abe to speak about it gets banhammered.

You had better not. I can't threaten you, nor would I want to, but you KNOW that'd be wrong, Xero, at least in my case. All I want is to get down to the bottom of it with Abe. Every one else escalated the situation when they jumped in here. Just leave me to my hopeful resolution with being pestered by anyone else, and it will ALL END WELL. Right?

FOR THE RECORD, PEOPLE, let's understand something! I wasn't reacting to anyone outrageously or going out of my mind with rage! Did you NOT see the original post? I so, so cordially asked if there had been satire in his words? See?

...Would I be wrong in assuming there was no satire in that comment?

There you go. He did not answer to this at all, and he's obviously been here the days since. Which is dismissive, which adds FURTHER insult. So I asked again. I was still very courteous in everything I said, and laid it out just as it should. I only elaborated to him what I thought had been said. Jake's apologized/cleared up his comment, but it was extremely abrasive, which made me somewhat abrasive, then more people come and were abrasive, and now I'm abrasive. Stupid and convoluted, isn't it? Nonetheless, I didn't make a big deal; YOU ALL DID.

Now, me bothering to make such a long post might seem like I'm overreacting, but HONESTLY, I always do this whenever I get into situations like this online. I want whoever I'm arguing with to understand ENTIRELY, and I want to understand THEM entirely. There is nothing wrong with that.

Posted on:  2 January 2008, 21:37:11

I'm only trying to reason with here, though. There isn't anything wrong with that. If any one with the authority to ban me read and understood my posts, they wouldn't ban me because that'd be 100% wrong.
3  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Welcome back! on: 2 January 2008, 21:07:39
Excuse me, but the only reason I'm making a whole bunch of posts is because you people are mobbing me as to come to his defense. He can defend himself, and we might reach a decent conclusion. If this displeases you, everyone could solve it by, forgive me, butting out.
4  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Welcome back! on: 2 January 2008, 21:02:05
The last thing we need is Drama on Matrix.

Ah, Xero, don't I know that well...don't I know that very well....


It simply isn't sensible to tell the offended person to "stop bitching." It's not like having an argument with a total stranger who you'll most likely never see again, I'll be here and so will he for the forseeable future, and it is unpleasant. Why am I, the so-called victim, told to stop bitching instead of the persecutor apologizing?

Maybe you like to let people walk all over you, but I don't roll over for anybody.

It's just part of my charm.

I'm familiar. You're a funny guy. You weren't joking with me, though.

Seriously though, you're overreacting.  He called you out on your unfunniness and you had your ego bruised.  That's all there is to it.

Oh god, overreacting again, hm? You're missing the point, you don't understand the PRINCIPLE of it. He did it just to be a jackass. I will defend my ego, as he did something totally inappropriate to boost his own. Doing things like that just to raise yourself over people is wrong, don't dismiss that.

Chaos, I'm not going to really get into your post as I've just explained that already. No matter how many times how many of you say it, it doesn't make it right. It was exceptionally odious, and good people don't act that way.
5  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Welcome back! on: 2 January 2008, 20:50:16
He simply said you wasn't funny. I don't see the insult.

Do not even TRY to use such ridiculously coy reasoning. That's akin to saying, "He said not to bother the neighbor's dog, but he didn't say we couldn't bother OTHER DOGS!"

Do not put a literal spin on it. What he said was an insult. End of discussion.
6  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Welcome back! on: 2 January 2008, 20:42:25
How do you find being told "You're really not funny at all" to not be an insult?

It was deliberate, came out of nowhere, was of a condescending nature AND targeted directly at me.

If it was simply and purely rude, that'd have been like knocking coffee out of the hand of a stranger by accident and walking away. This was nothing like that.

Please, though. Abe can defend himself I'm sure, I'd rather not discuss the specifics with others before I hear it from the source.

For chrissakes, man, grow a pair already and stop worrying about who insults you over the internet.

1. Don't try to diminish the situation by saying that I'm over-reacting. It is human nature to respond to wrongful criticism. This wasn't some little skirmish between friends where one calls the other a jerk. For some reason, a person felt OBLIGATED to set his hateful sights on me for no good reason at all. Grow a pair? Grow a brain.

2. This doesn't change anything you said in your first post. You literally answered a well worded and constructed post with "You're retarded." That is so unbelievably asinine.
7  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: I seriously fear Mega Man's future. on: 2 January 2008, 20:18:32
I see, well I wish you the best in your gaming prospects, hopefully Mega Man as well.
8  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Welcome back! on: 2 January 2008, 20:15:30
Hmm, let us establish from now on whether or not any insult brought against me is done in jest, or in all seriousness.

And it starts! Jake, you are serious, yes?
9  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: I seriously fear Mega Man's future. on: 2 January 2008, 20:12:46
Emo fandom is EMO.

There's no point in saying you'll never be a fan again. Stand astute, and keep your eyes peeled for a Mega Man game that meets your standards. It's awfully despondent to act like Mega Man is done for certain. Hey, if you like ZX, we're most likely going to get a third game in that series. Don't let StarForce ruin everything for you.

As for MHX and MMPU, I haven't played much of either. While I can say it was oddly disorienting to NOT find a big ol' blue capsule standing in my way en route to Chill Penguin, that's just the hardcore fanatic in all of us speaking. It doesn't actually make the game bad, we're just not used to it and it feels like the game was torn asunder. If we had a chance to forget MMX and play MHX in its first-time place, you'd think the same of the SNES version.
10  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Welcome back! on: 2 January 2008, 19:59:11
So then, Abe, I can safely say that little lampoon of your's was indeed a fully intended, incredibly rude and unwarranted attack on my person?

Given the obnoxious nature of your post and the semblance of the Matrix, I thought I'd let you clarify the inclination of your words, but that was awhile ago. My inference is correct, yes?
11  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: I seriously fear Mega Man's future. on: 1 January 2008, 20:52:45
You're telling me. Just another thing to chalk up to that abomination...
12  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: I seriously fear Mega Man's future. on: 1 January 2008, 18:42:46
Right, I remember now...

...That was stupid. It's even worse than the Nightmare, as ANY enemy can kill them, and just with a touch.
13  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: I seriously fear Mega Man's future. on: 1 January 2008, 18:38:29
The Reploids could die in X7.

Oh yeah? How'd they die, was it that they got caught in the crossfire or what?
14  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: I seriously fear Mega Man's future. on: 1 January 2008, 18:33:33
I'm pretty sure that was only in X6. That's only because of the Nightmare, but I don't remember if the reploids could die in X7. I know they didn't in X5 though.
15  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: I seriously fear Mega Man's future. on: 1 January 2008, 18:28:09
Yar, I'm with you. I just always tease Xero about it; me, I'm fond of the soundtracks for all three Legends games.

As for the art, I know what you mean. Capcom did it so the game would look more new and fresh. Fresh like what? #####? I guess. The game itself when it comes to gameplay wasn't too shabby.

I think my main problem with X8's gameplay was the introduction of this "metal" crap. It gave X8 a bit of an RPG feel, a bad one that is, as it wasn't well implemented or meant for the X series. It was tedious to have to replay levels again and again to get metals for the upgrades, and the existence of those upgrades themselves had affects on the actual gameplay, as that changed how Studio 01 approached and thought about the game's level design.
16  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: I seriously fear Mega Man's future. on: 1 January 2008, 18:10:21
When was that agreed?

I think you missed it. Xero was ranting on and on about his love for the Legends soundtrack in MChat, and one thing lead to another...

The music in X8 was good. The game was almost as good as X2 but it doesn't match X1 and X4. And ZX was decent as well. Maybe not extremely awesome, but there's a big gap if you compare it to X7.

I keed, I keed. X8 has a somewhat decent soundtrack, that is to say there are some really good pieces, maybe even great. I find most of it forgettable and bland though, as they run the same electric guitar synth through literally 90% of all the music in the game. Otherwise,  something about X8's design was just off, the art direction along with the graphical quality were horrible and made the entire game look and feel bleak, uninspired and dull. Plus, the story failed hard. It's okay I suppose, but it doesn't even compare to anything before X6. X7 is worst, though.

17  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: I seriously fear Mega Man's future. on: 1 January 2008, 17:48:54
Is it all coming back to you?

Here, maybe some nice Legends music will help you remember...
18  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: I seriously fear Mega Man's future. on: 1 January 2008, 17:37:59
Hey, no, that's supposed to be on the list.

Remember? It was agreed the music in X8 was so terrible, especially when compared to Legends, that it made the whole game terrible as a result? Yup.
19  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Happy New Year, MMM! on: 1 January 2008, 16:43:57

20  MegaMan Series / StarForce Series / Re: Starforce 2 on: 1 January 2008, 16:37:33
Yeah, there will.
21  MegaMan Series / Miscellaneous MegaMan Games / Re: Which Megaman would you want for Super Smash Bros. Brawl on: 31 December 2007, 20:55:28
I see, that really is a great idea. Hopefully one day an accomplished arranger can put something like that together, I'm sure it'd be musical bliss.

BTW, the whole list...very good taste. I think I agree with every one of those.
22  MegaMan Series / Miscellaneous MegaMan Games / Re: Which Megaman would you want for Super Smash Bros. Brawl on: 31 December 2007, 20:49:57
Ah, really? Send it/the link my way, I'd love to have a listen to that.
23  MegaMan Series / Miscellaneous MegaMan Games / Re: Which Megaman would you want for Super Smash Bros. Brawl on: 31 December 2007, 20:47:31
X vs Zero:  Mega Man X2/Mega Man X5

I thought they played Zero's X2 theme if you failed to get all the parts and fought him...I don't remember an 16-bit precursor to the X5 theme.
24  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Welcome back! on: 31 December 2007, 20:16:25
...Would I be wrong in assuming there was no satire in that comment?
25  MegaMan Series / Legends Series / Re: Legends Anniversary Collection on: 31 December 2007, 20:14:51
...Y'know, that actually sounds like it could be interesting.

On the other hand, it might be boring, as a misadventure for Gylde is probably not having enough hair gel to make himself faaaabulous!
26  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Welcome back! on: 31 December 2007, 19:57:18
Oneoneone. One. Oneoneone.
27  MegaMan Series / Legends Series / Re: Started a new game again... on: 31 December 2007, 19:10:15
Or what really happened between Barrel and Amelia.

You don't know? Barrel convinced her to switch her voice box out with Trigger's for Legends 2 so it'd be more fitting when he dressed up as Sailor Jupiter.

As for Roll, yup, too bad...nothing from the incidents in both games, and no Tron either. Hey, at least we got Sera's cheeks...that counts for something, right?
28  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Welcome back! on: 31 December 2007, 19:03:01
Actually, this is all megajosh's fault.

Or should I say...megajigster
29  MegaMan Series / Legends Series / Re: Started a new game again... on: 31 December 2007, 18:50:07
True, it was disappointing. I spent forever trying to get them to take my order. The SERVice was awful...ahahaaaaaaAAAAAA.

Man, that would have been the pinnacle of the game, seeing Trigger enjoying a burger and fries...
30  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Welcome back! on: 31 December 2007, 18:44:40
Nothing you need to know about.

...Meaning he turned off the swear filters, of course.
31  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Maybe you noticed we're not around as much... on: 31 December 2007, 18:28:24
Give Ray my best wishes on this new adventure of his.

32  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Welcome back! on: 31 December 2007, 18:24:25
Your face is a mod.


Damn, maybe too harsh...
33  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Welcome back! on: 31 December 2007, 18:05:25
Huh, you must eat a lot.
34  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Welcome back! on: 31 December 2007, 17:51:55
Why the hell did you have to remember me!?

Because you does a jig jig jig jigjigjigjig does a jig?
35  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Welcome back! on: 31 December 2007, 17:39:06
Hey, now don't say that, Joshy! Without you, there'd be no know...we need you here. Jig.
36  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Matricians: Show your Avatars! on: 31 December 2007, 17:08:23
The nurse of Kattelox hospital, taking 'special' care of her patients. Any of you have a headache?

Ayyy, I remember that doujin. Good stuff.
37  MegaMan Series / Miscellaneous MegaMan Games / Re: MegaMan Versus His Rivals on: 30 December 2007, 20:43:38
No, of course not. You don't ENTIRELY disregard gameplay, it is to be considered.

As for what the rules of, say, Ryuenjin are as far as canon goes, it should still be judged in what is reasonable of the canon. When it comes to that particular technique, I think it would be safe to say it could do things like break a Frost Tower if strong enough. To keep people from overpowering anyone, you really just have to use common sense. Maybe Zero can slice a Frost Tower, but what if a Eurasia sized chunk of ice was plummeting through the atmosphere towards him?

Really, you just have to take it as it comes, case by case. It depends. What makes sense will make sense.
38  MegaMan Series / Miscellaneous MegaMan Games / Re: MegaMan Versus His Rivals on: 30 December 2007, 20:33:28
What a player is capable of doing in game is the only real solid evidence available for character abilities aside from cutscenes taken from the games.

Indeed it is. All I've been saying is that cutscenes usually take the highest priority in dictating what can happen or what can't happen within the creation's own fictitious continuum, due to the fact they ARE what makes the game's story and everything you see happen. If you have a, "Hey, why can't I do that while I'm playing!?" moment, virtually anything can happen outside the boundaries of gameplay.
39  MegaMan Series / Miscellaneous MegaMan Games / Re: MegaMan Versus His Rivals on: 30 December 2007, 19:59:42
Kamon, that is exceedingly picky. We don't know the temperature of Ryuenjin's blade nor how hard or frozen Frost Towers are. I wasn't proposing all this as a pro Zero has against X, it was an example to show how situations like these are why you can't judge capability off only what the player is strictly capable of performing in game.
40  MegaMan Series / Miscellaneous MegaMan Games / Re: MegaMan Versus His Rivals on: 30 December 2007, 19:45:47
I'd expect a cutscene to remain faithful to gameplay abilities and limits, not just throw out random stuff for the sake of looking cool.

...Er, well they don't remain "faithful". They never really have, don't now, and probably never will. That's just how cutscenes flow, and there's thousands of direct examples. Besides, there's no rationale in holding that against cinematics like it's a bad thing. Isn't it the gameplay that's being ridiculous in that, again, it won't let me chop through an ice block with a burning sword?

It's NOT ridiculous, you're supposed to just accept it, but if you're gonna split hairs, technically the gameplay is the one being unfaithful.
41  MegaMan Series / Miscellaneous MegaMan Games / Re: MegaMan Versus His Rivals on: 30 December 2007, 19:13:12
No, you don't. They keep all abilities because they canonically fight and defeat the Mavericks, X earning weapons or Zero learning kenjutsu techniques. What I'm saying is all the logistics and attributes typically involved with any abilities don't carry over in a "real" fight, and can change vastly.

I'll use one of your own examples as mine, Frost Tower. Let's say X charges Frost Tower and unleashes it on Zero. Now in gameplay, none of your enemies can destroy the icicle, nor do any even take the prerogative to do so. In a real battle, though, Zero could retaliate with Ryuenjin, cutting up through the Frost Tower and probably melting it too, or at least shattering it. See, this isn't typical of a gameplay situation, but more like what you'd expect to happen in a cutscene.
42  MegaMan Series / Miscellaneous MegaMan Games / Re: MegaMan Versus His Rivals on: 30 December 2007, 18:49:21
You know in a game when you defeat a minor grunt in a hallway, then you move forward, shift to cutscene, then the very grunt you were supposed to have killed is for some reason in the background?

That's what I mean. Of course, all in all, the games are canon (since that's what Mega Man is...a video game series). I'm just saying the exact rules and specifics of certain powers X uses, and the techniques Zero learns shouldn't be used too much in a theoretical battle, as this applies to what happens when a third party is in control of the character on a 2D plane. The focus of topics like these is that of a objective battle, as if you watched it unfold in a cinematic.
43  MegaMan Series / Miscellaneous MegaMan Games / Re: MegaMan Versus His Rivals on: 30 December 2007, 17:50:41
It has been mentioned before that their names are a hint at their potential. X, as Dr Light stated, represents limitless potential and limitless danger due to it being unknown. Zero, if taken as the number 0, is a constant by nature and not a variable like 'x'.

Unless someone can cite a source, this is inapplicable. Truthfully, I remember something like that, but I don't believe that was the meaning behind the name Zero. Zero is a constant, but think about it...why would X be named for limitless aptitude, and Zero named for...just being the same, all the time? That makes him sound like the series' anticlimax, which he isn't. The naming scheme is either irrelevant, or we're missing the point in his name.

Zero hasn't shown the same growth that X has during the series, if anything he seems to have gotten weaker in some areas (eg. Buster strength and use.)

The only growth X has experienced is emotional. His cause to fight is what affects his fighting capability, something Zero rarely struggles with or thinks about in the way X does, so of course X "grows" more than him, but not really in strength. As far as Zero's buster is concerned, it's never actually gotten weaker. The Z-Buster was only gimped in X5 and X6 to keep Zero from being totally unbalanced with both superior melee and equal long-range combat prospects, while still allowing for some more variety (as opposed to X4 Zero, who never used his Z-Buster). The weakened Z-Buster is purely a game mechanic and non-canonical, as you can still see it's power demonstrated in [spoiler]how Zero blew away Sigma at the end of X5, even in the state of ruin he was.[/spoiler]

Zero's attitude is perhaps is only edge over X, but if X went all out then I honestly see Zero losing in the end under a constant barrage of long range attacks and cleaver defences like using Frost Tower as a shield. X is more flexible in game than Zero, since he can adapt the powers to the situation more easily than Zero can adapt the techniques he has.

Eh, I don't really see any concrete reasoning in that argumentation. Like I already explained, Zero is in truth equally able as X when it comes to long-range. Going into the logistics of battle with the techniques and DNA powers is just splitting hairs and wild speculation. There's no real difference in their ability to adapt, and besides, Zero not only acquires powers just like X from certain Mavericks, but he also has a plethora of other moves never shown outside of the X VS. Zero fight, same goes for X.

As I said though, best to not rely on the detailed specifics of special techniques and powers as it's mostly all rooted in gameplay and not canon ability.
44  MegaMan Series / Miscellaneous MegaMan Games / Re: MegaMan Versus His Rivals on: 30 December 2007, 17:07:05
I agree with you on Rock VS. Bass and Lan VS. Chaud. Bass losing is almost a given, they have that typical Goku-Vegeta relationship.

I won't agree on Zero, though. Of course, whenever someone takes to Zero's defense, they get the SOWARD FANBOI finger pointed at them. Xearez's mind numbing tripe aside, though, Zero and X are invariably shown to be equals throughout the series. The very concept of picking one of two characters to play with heavily implies this.

Now, your argument is that since X has infinite potential, Zero cannot defeat him. It's true X has infinite potential. However, I have not seen proof that Zero doesn't have infinite potential. It seems the community has just presumed this and taken it to be fact because X is expressly stated to have infinite potential, while Zero isn't, which is of course a poor, postulated conclusion to come to. The only thing I know to have mentioned Zero's "potential" was X3's ending credits, which shows both X and Zero's power to be wild cards.

Long story short, proof must be provided to substantiate that Zero is NOT capable of surpassing his own limits, that only X is. Otherwise, you can't conclude X is stronger than Zero. Given that they both may have unlimited potential, I'd say the fight leans in Zero's favor, if only due to his killing instinct and apathetic attitude, especially in his "true" state...but IF X were to fight all out against Zero, I really see no clear victor.
45  MegaMan Series / Miscellaneous MegaMan Games / Re: MegaMan Versus His Rivals on: 30 December 2007, 16:24:00
So go ahead.
46  MegaMan Series / Miscellaneous MegaMan Games / Re: MegaMan Versus His Rivals on: 30 December 2007, 16:14:58
I don't have to prove anything, I base my thoughts off a more-or-less consistently maintained neutrality shown between the characters.

You show me the proof that explicitly says one or the other.
47  MegaMan Series / Miscellaneous MegaMan Games / Re: MegaMan Versus His Rivals on: 30 December 2007, 13:39:49
Nah, I don't think so.
48  MegaMan Series / Miscellaneous MegaMan Games / Re: MegaMan Versus His Rivals on: 29 December 2007, 19:27:24
looks like xzeemo fixed his quote.

Uh...yeah, look at him...going back on his misformatted word.

What a...loser?
49  MegaMan Series / Legends Series / Re: Legends Anniversary Collection on: 29 December 2007, 17:30:41
Worry not Xzeemo, as I have found you a cheap, affordable copy of Legends 2!

That's pretty outrageous, huh, especially for a less popular game like Legends. As a Legends collection is all in all very unlikely, I'd tell you to check eBay for Legends 2, but as you can see, the selection isn't so good unless you want to dole out $50...though I think you should still be able to find Legends rather cheap on eBay.
50  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: "EGG" - A new Matrician birth story on: 26 December 2007, 13:28:24
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