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Author Topic: Thank You MMM  (Read 26445 times)
Matrix Marine
Posts: 3407

« Reply #50 on: 23 June 2014, 20:00:45 »

And thus worthless.

At least our debit and credit cards have chips in them!

We prefer our chips in bags or covered in nacho cheese and bacon, thank you very much.

Upon closer inspection I want to change my answer. Back when I was in high school. I used to visit this place every day, and it was easily the highlight of my day most of the time. I was going through a lot of crap at the time and it was nice to come someplace where that stuff didn't matter, and I could act like I was kind of a bog deal, and I could joke around and draw whatever, and get real praise and critique on it. Mikero was easily one of the best people I have collaborated whether it was in a Comic Jam, or just clowning around. Rezzo was always fun too, and Delta, and pretty much everyone here. Even the people I didn't get along with were great. I think this site is kind of why I never got crazy with drugs and drinking like other members of my family did.

It's a shame I kinda fell out of contact with everyone and got too busy and too "adult" to come back.  The first girl I ever really loved I met here. It's kind of crazy.  I didn't really appreciate this board,  but it's a great place with great people.

No time like the present to reconnect!  Most of us aren't dead yet!  At least on the outside...

Doctor Mario is not a real doctor.  Do NOT let him touch your genitals.
Super Robot
Posts: 1235

« Reply #51 on: 26 June 2014, 03:34:30 »

Well, if anyone wants to reconnect, you can hit up my skype whenever I'm on.  I stopped using aim years ago and forgot my screen name.  My skype is the same as my username here.
Matrix Marine
Posts: 3407

« Reply #52 on: 2 July 2014, 17:55:34 »

Skype is for hipsters who can't talk without pictures.

Doctor Mario is not a real doctor.  Do NOT let him touch your genitals.
Super Robot
Posts: 1235

« Reply #53 on: 3 July 2014, 23:39:31 »

I'm just too lazy to type to people.
Captain Sanoguchi
Super Robot
Posts: 3211

« Reply #54 on: 4 July 2014, 01:27:31 »

He's lying.
We've only typed at each other.
Vinchenz Rock
Super Robot
Posts: 3642

« Reply #55 on: 31 August 2014, 04:38:21 »

i found this #####ty game

Matrix Marine
Posts: 3407

« Reply #56 on: 2 September 2014, 21:42:44 »

I ALMOST thought that was a spambot post.  Almost.

Doctor Mario is not a real doctor.  Do NOT let him touch your genitals.
Super Robot
Posts: 11982

« Reply #57 on: 15 September 2014, 04:45:23 »

i found this #####ty game

Sweet! Saved a copy.

Sniper Joe
Posts: 236

« Reply #58 on: 13 June 2015, 01:25:40 »

I'll be brave and poke the dead horse, but I want to thank MMM since I got to meet and make some lifelong friends and have actual real life adventures as a result. Things like couch hopping across the US into the basement of Ares on more than one occasion, to having a lifelong confidant through Master Vile, and probably being the only person to this day that actually talks to Sano on a consistent basis.

I suppose thanks are in order for the friends I once had, leaving good memories, like Xero and DJ, the latter of whom ultimately led me to being something of a co-admin at RPM for a good while, until we went our own paths. I could fill up a 15 page essay about the other various people I've met and talked with over the years due to being here, so I'll just leave it as a thanks for having an interesting community for me to mingle with all these years.

Another thing I'll give thanks for is that I used the site and community design when I make my own things these days, as a set of "standards" to strive for. I think things were great the way they were presented here, and the success I've had as an administrator of various projects following a model similar to MMM speaks volumes of how timeless it was in design, similar to Megaman Classic.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it, as Capcom execs used to say, you know?

Shape the world you live in, instead of letting others define it for you. Stop being reactive and become proactive, and leave a legacy worth remembering, since only you personally decide the limits of your greatness.
Matrix Marine
Posts: 3407

« Reply #59 on: 16 June 2015, 15:13:43 »

You shouldn't disturb the dead...

Doctor Mario is not a real doctor.  Do NOT let him touch your genitals.
Posts: 70

« Reply #60 on: 31 July 2015, 15:39:19 »

You shouldn't disturb the dead...

I always felt that rule was inefficient.  

14 years ago today, "Delta" was born!  :D  And immediately started breaking rules.

I must say, Abe, that the combination of blue checkers and bright primary colours for the site design have always been inspirational for my own site designs.  Up until now I've had blue math webpages, with thick black borders, as if they were copied from a SNES game.  Good job!

Matrix Marine
Posts: 3407

« Reply #61 on: 3 August 2015, 15:58:21 »

I read that as "Blue Meth" before having to go back to see it was blue math.

Doctor Mario is not a real doctor.  Do NOT let him touch your genitals.
Super Robot
Posts: 11982

« Reply #62 on: 27 August 2015, 18:39:32 »

I must say, Abe, that the combination of blue checkers and bright primary colours for the site design have always been inspirational for my own site designs.  Up until now I've had blue math webpages, with thick black borders, as if they were copied from a SNES game.  Good job!

You know.. I hadn't really thought about it until now but this site design still looks really good.

Most of the time if you go back to something started in the 20th century--especially message boards--it looks it. They are usually either ugly, cumbersome, or overcomplicated by the current standards, or all of the above.

I know MMM has evolved and updated many times since it's inception but the overall feel was kept intact with truly lasting appeal in aesthetics and functionality. I know believe in intelligent design.

Matrix Marine
Posts: 3407

« Reply #63 on: 28 August 2015, 17:25:33 »

Hey now, don't go pushing your beliefs on everyone else son.

Doctor Mario is not a real doctor.  Do NOT let him touch your genitals.
Winged Warrior
Super Robot
Posts: 1305

« Reply #64 on: 8 December 2017, 08:23:04 »

I guess now that this thread hasn't updated for two years, I should be just on time to respond to it.

You know what's really embarrassing?  #####ing old posts from that one user on this site.  His name was like "Winged Warrior" or some #####.  From his quickly squirted art and lack of response to anything but a complement to it, to his brash quagmires one could roughly call "engagement" in the community.  It's pretty obvious that he wasn't really having the same conversation as everyone else most of the time.

So, #####, It's been like nearly 15 goddamned years since I joined this site,  I remember coming in like a bull in a china shop and almost as quickly being told to use spellcheck or to not let the door hit me on the ass.   Somehow I retained my membership, though I'm 99.9% sure not on my own merits alone, to post my incessant stupid dribble everywhere.  I swear it physically pains me to read over some of my old posts. 

In 2017, I'm a completely different person, and I hope it shows.  It took way longer than what I'd favor to be acceptable in the terms maturity and understanding, requiring way more tolerance for bull##### than what could be asked of any group of people really.  I'd like to formally apologize for keeping you all waiting. The site in the state as it is now, I feel like I really have missed out on a chance to really get to know any of you.  I think I regret that most of all.

Though I can't relate to being that person anymore, and I've been quite vigilant in throwing out any unnecessary garbage or baggage from any point before my mid twenties...  I still feel like this place was utterly instrumental to my success of being who I am today.  So in addition to my apologies, I do want to give my sincerest thanks.

So many of you had an impact on me as I came into a proper realization of what it means to be a functioning social adult.  Some of you showed me what it means to be truly creative, others showed me what it means to be successful in artistry.  I was introduced to a proper etiquette and the value of an articulation with words.  I was given a window to witness common and acceptable interpersonal interactions and with all of that I was able to piece together an ideal self to craft.

Practically every single person who I shared space with here on this site had an immeasurable positive effect on me.  Some more obvious or easier to state than others, certainly, but no one without significant merit.  Even to those who might not be on exactly good terms with me at the moment, your lives and worldviews were not without impact on my own.

I treasure all of you, your impact on me, what you've taught me, and your tolerance of my behavior.  There is no doubt I'd be the man I am today without you.

Thank you
Super Robot
Posts: 11982

« Reply #65 on: 8 December 2017, 13:21:08 »

Smart, posts wisdom.

NovaMan XP
Super Robot
Posts: 3953

« Reply #66 on: 9 December 2017, 04:09:43 »

I remember that my reason for joining MMM was to get 50 posts so I can download Mega Man music. Shockingly enough, I ended up almost getting myself banned for posting stupid ##### on everything trying to accomplish that, but I ended up sticking around after I (somewhat) learned my lesson. Hell, seeing my old posts on this version of the MBoard still make me cringe.

This was one of the first message boards I joined back in 2005, and MMM is the only place I stuck around for. Other places just weren't interesting enough or became too infested with stupid.

I also miss MChat, though I probably wouldn't have time to be on it now for long periods of time like I could over a decade ago.
Super Robot
Posts: 2354

« Reply #67 on: 9 December 2017, 18:07:19 »

Early on I was definitely posting out of some incentive to get to the downloads, MChat access, and the other cool stuff but I remember having the decency to at least try to be reserved about it. Like I was excited to post here and I remember posting in a lot of threads way more often than I ever posted since, but I don't think I just made a bunch of one line posts, I think I just spent a fair amount of effort in each one though I'm sure I still came off like somewhat of an idiot. But that's all in some archive somewhere now if any of those posts ever even survived.

Winged Warrior, I share your feelings to some extent. I joined in 06 which was like a good 7? years after the site began. Before MMM I had learned "etiquette" from other forums like GameFAQs and one or two other semi-private forums but I was still a teenager and pretty much everything that comes with that. I love reading old posts here sometimes; my own posts don't do much for me but reading/recalling the banter from you guys usually gives me a smile and a chuckle now and then.

The Exorcist has taught me that when I'm losing an argument I may save face by vomiting on the opposition.
Super Robot
Posts: 1437

« Reply #68 on: 9 December 2017, 22:18:16 »

I'm pretty sure I was ten years old when I first joined. I was about to enter the sixth grade which checks out. I'm currently twenty seven so this place HAS been formative for me in many ways as well. I was lucky (although these days, I feel it should just be the standard treatment) I was always treated very kindly despite my very young age and obvious communicative difficulties.

[spoiler= Home problems (click to be sad maybe)]
It's like Abe knew to be gentle with this one. Delta was always nice to me as well, due to our shared Canadian heritage (we were rarer back in those days). Then again I'm probably projecting. Still, I had this place to keep me going when I was actually otherwise in a pretty horrible place for a ten/eleven year old to be in real life. My father was very a angry self pitying sort, perpetually drunk (not like, two beers teehee im tipsy lets play ball) during the latter part of our time living with him. It's as if as soon as mom wasn't around (she was the main breadwinner and had to go to work meetings in Toronto, which was ten hours away from where we lived) he'd just disappear for the day and come back in the evening and just being really into messing stuff up. I won't go into much detail but the more I look back on it and the more that comes back to me, the more I realize how bad it actually was. He'd do ##### like forcefully submerge and restrain me in hot water. I remember struggling and he'd push down harder or seize my limbs. I can feel my spine start to spasm when I think about the sensation.

The split up was very bumpy. Dad of course would try to (successfully at the time; kids aren't always the wisest) rally up sympathy from us of course but we were moving away regardless. It was a very swift change from one sort of life to another. I don't think I've yet to recover fully from that transition.[/spoiler]

That's why I'm thankful for you guys. I was able to still develop myself, my personality, my sense of humor, my interests, social skills... I had this wonderful network of people I could fall back on. I was always talking to at least one of you whenever I was online.
Winged Warrior
Super Robot
Posts: 1305

« Reply #69 on: 9 December 2017, 23:21:04 »

I won't go into much detail but the more I look back on it and the more that comes back to me, the more I realize how bad it actually was.

I can relate to this.
NovaMan XP
Super Robot
Posts: 3953

« Reply #70 on: 10 December 2017, 01:05:21 »

I won't go into much detail but the more I look back on it and the more that comes back to me, the more I realize how bad it actually was.

I can relate to this.

Same here.
Matrix Marine
Posts: 3407

« Reply #71 on: 10 December 2017, 20:12:57 »

We're glad the MMM was a reprieve for you Snare.

Doctor Mario is not a real doctor.  Do NOT let him touch your genitals.
Winged Warrior
Super Robot
Posts: 1305

« Reply #72 on: 11 December 2017, 02:34:57 »

We're glad the MMM was a reprieve for you Snare.

I can agree with this.
Posts: 74

« Reply #73 on: 23 November 2023, 05:11:32 »

Hi friends, it's been a while. I hope you are all doing well. Being able to come back here is a real privilege, so thank you Abe.

I'm a new-ish father now and it's a wild ride. I don't know what it will look like in another 5 or 6 years but I hope to introduce my son to some of the things that made me who I am, like the Blue Bomber.

That's it. I won't rehash my feelings but I hope stories like mine contribute to making it worth it to keep this place alive.
Matrix Marine
Posts: 3407

« Reply #74 on: 23 November 2023, 23:58:07 »

God willing in 5 or 6 years we'll have Mega Man 12...

Doctor Mario is not a real doctor.  Do NOT let him touch your genitals.
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