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1  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: It's time for some blue on: 27 May 2021, 19:20:30
And where's the sprite chat?
2  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: It's time for some blue on: 27 May 2021, 19:13:56
I agree, this egregious situation has been going on for too long.
3  MegaMan Series / Classic Series / Re: So, I'm meeting Keiji Inafune... on: 3 July 2014, 23:40:13
Rez, we've long established that Zero is the Future Roll. Duh.
4  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Thank You MMM on: 3 July 2014, 23:39:31
I'm just too lazy to type to people.
5  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Re: Penguinnish Scribblings on: 26 June 2014, 03:40:14
Motioned passed. The picture in question is classified as non-penguinish.
6  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: The MOVIE Thread on: 26 June 2014, 03:35:10
Your life is a lie.
7  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Thank You MMM on: 26 June 2014, 03:34:30
Well, if anyone wants to reconnect, you can hit up my skype whenever I'm on.  I stopped using aim years ago and forgot my screen name.  My skype is the same as my username here.
8  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: Upcomming Gammes Toppic on: 21 June 2014, 23:02:04
You're thinking of Fire Red and Leaf Green, old man.
9  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Re: Penguinnish Scribblings on: 21 June 2014, 10:17:07
I second Rez's bemoaning of the lack of penguins.
10  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: The Introduction Thread on: 21 June 2014, 09:59:36
We may change, but everything is exactly as we left it. There are tons of threads where I can conversations we had five years ago.
11  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Thank You MMM on: 21 June 2014, 09:57:57
Upon closer inspection I want to change my answer. Back when I was in high school. I used to visit this place every day, and it was easily the highlight of my day most of the time. I was going through a lot of crap at the time and it was nice to come someplace where that stuff didn't matter, and I could act like I was kind of a bog deal, and I could joke around and draw whatever, and get real praise and critique on it. Mikero was easily one of the best people I have collaborated whether it was in a Comic Jam, or just clowning around. Rezzo was always fun too, and Delta, and pretty much everyone here. Even the people I didn't get along with were great. I think this site is kind of why I never got crazy with drugs and drinking like other members of my family did.

It's a shame I kinda fell out of contact with everyone and got too busy and too "adult" to come back.  The first girl I ever really loved I met here. It's kind of crazy.  I didn't really appreciate this board,  but it's a great place with great people.
12  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: The MOVIE Thread on: 21 June 2014, 09:41:01
Frozen needed to decide whether or not it wanted to be a music all. The song placement screwed with the movie's pacing. Also, I could have done without the trolls. That said, I liked the movie and I like that Disney isn't pushing the whole "romantic love is the truest love there is!" Thing anymore.

13  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: The "How Was Your Day?" Thread on: 21 June 2014, 09:36:04
That sounds rough as #####, Speed. Glad you got out of that and that you got yourself into a better relationship.

I got back into my old careerfield as I learned that 1) Holy ##### working for minimum wage #####ing sucks and 2) Going back to school with such a hazy goal was a bad idea. Building up money again so I can move back out on my own and take care of a few debts. The job is stressful, but it feels good to be back in a career where I know what's up and can get things done. Plus, with a little effort, I can move up to a better position with better pay and be able to take more time off.

P.S. Speed, go ahead and name your child Optimus Prime. All the other kids' names will be far dumber and no one will be able to make fun of him.
14  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Thank You MMM on: 15 February 2014, 16:55:29
If my tablet wasn't broken, then I could reply to a comic jam you've ruined to tell you you've ruined it.
15  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: What game are you playing? on: 5 February 2014, 16:30:39
They're making a cheaper version of the XBox One and lowering the price of the regular one later this year, so it's probably a good idea to wait.

I played Episode 2 of The Wolf Among Us and started Bioshock Infinite, even though everyone played it like a year ago.
16  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: The "How Was Your Day?" Thread on: 5 February 2014, 16:28:40
The sequel is forthcoming!
17  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Thank You MMM on: 29 January 2014, 22:55:07
If my tablet wasn't broken I think I'd try my hand at starting up a new comic jam.
18  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: The "How Was Your Day?" Thread on: 25 January 2014, 19:41:41
Back in my day we had to walk FIFTEEN miles throw the snow, uphill (both ways), just to play even a few minutes of Megaman.
19  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Thank You MMM on: 25 January 2014, 19:40:23
I still missed you.

That's sweet. Deep down, I still miss that great, big, bushy, beard. Also Mikero, 'cause that guy was the coolest. And ASR and Windy because one of my favorite jokes to make in comic jams was confusing the two of them.

Also just this place in general since there were a lot of really cool, really nice, people.
20  MegaMan Series / X Series / Re: Greatest Maverick on: 25 January 2014, 12:15:57
The true reason I left this board was to meditate on this question further so I could, after half a decade, resurrect this old dead topic to give you all the definitive answer.

It's still Flaming Cock.
21  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: The "How Was Your Day?" Thread on: 25 January 2014, 09:44:55
Holy crap, are all you people getting Married now? Congrats. To both Speed and Panda and their respective partners.
22  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: Thank You MMM on: 25 January 2014, 09:08:09
I don't know if I would say this place had a huge impact on my life, but I do remember I spent a LOT of time here starting at... What? 14 or 15? Either way, about ten years ago. I know I spent a lot of that time being a jackass. I'd like to think that's no longer the case. I ended up coming here tonight because I remembered I had a photobucket, and going through that I found a lot of things that reminded me of this place and I couldn't help but wonder what the state of this place was, and how the people here were.

If it weren't for this place, I wouldn't have my daughter or my husband. I also have many friends that I communicate more openly and frequently with than some of my family members, and a strong sense of internet ettiquette. On top of it all, I was actually introduced to MegaMan because of this place after being brought here by a friend.

I love that I can still come on here, even if it's not especially active. It's kind of like an old playground where you can come and sit on the squeaky swing and think, with the added benefit of there being someone else here sometimes.


Holy crap, you got married and have a kid? I mean, I guess I SHOULDN'T be surprised. It's not like you're the only person I used to know who ended up married with children, but still. I guess it's because I left for so long and have no context for who any of you people are now. Congratulations, incidentally.
23  MegaMan Matrix / MMM General Forum / Re: The Introduction Thread on: 25 January 2014, 08:59:53
Is this place still alive?
24  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Re: Luncheart on: 20 November 2009, 22:58:03
The most impressive part of that is that the well is 40ft deep and and surrounded on all sides by a crack security team.
25  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Re: Luncheart on: 18 November 2009, 06:55:10
Go home, Rez.

You're old and you look like Bill Gates.
26  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Re: Luncheart on: 14 November 2009, 03:54:07
Bankai, it's a Zanpakuto's second form, right after Shikai.
It also tends to change the user's appearance.

Did you have a seizure while typing?
27  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Re: Luncheart on: 13 November 2009, 22:45:10
The hell is ban kai?
28  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Re: Luncheart on: 13 November 2009, 18:53:37
Happy Friday All Slasher's Day!
29  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: The Interesting Stuff thread! on: 3 November 2009, 21:55:07
Ewoks > Anything having to do with Better Homes & Gardens

It seems they were only there to distract from said trype, and in fact, ruin the segment for the Home and Garden people. You'll notice that Brian Gumble was easily distracted by their shenanigans, and everyone stopped caring about devil eggs, or whatever.
30  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Matricians: What are you watching? on: 3 November 2009, 08:20:46
I always tell people it's the single best-written cartoon out there. My favorite thing about it is how it's heavily grounded in realism, and yet it's also very obviously not. There's subtle stuff like characters having several different outfits and not always wearing the same clothes (and in the beginning they poked fun at Dean and Hank for their samey clothes).

Realism is the wrong word - they've created their own laws and rules and adhere to them strictly, and it makes it feel like you have a lot more invested in these characters.

It's not quite that it's based in realism, it's more that the characters act and react in an emotionally realistic way to all the crazy crap around them. The ones who are used to that sort of thing, the Super-villains, the Heroes, the secret agents, etc, they react more like someone committed a social faux pas, or there's something rattling in the car, basically "Oh not THIS ##### again".

But then you have the greenhorns, the ones who don't belong to that life of weirdness and horror. They react like you would. Shock and disbelief. And then, the ones who live the life always act like those guys who are amazed? They either think it's weird that they're acting so outrageous, or simply take on a veteran attitude. or maybe disbelief at the disbelief.

It's also realistic in that 99.9% of the characters are messed up emotionally or mentally. EVERYONE has issues.

The writing really makes the show. The animation isn't bad either.

31  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Matricians: Show Yourselves! on: 31 October 2009, 01:47:38
Did he give you big red lips in that one.
32  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Matricians: Show Yourselves! on: 29 October 2009, 17:39:57
Dirty racist jew!

You got something against us chosen people?
33  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: What game are you playing? on: 29 October 2009, 07:39:07
The PC Demo came out earlier today if you played it.

I couldn't tell you anything about the incendiary ammo, I never found any, though I doubt it'll do more then set the zombies/smaller areas you shoot on fire. Nothing Molotov sized.

The new items me and my friends DID find were these:

Vomit Canister - It's a vile of boomer vomit. What you do is you throw it at a zombie/group of zombies, and it covers them in Boomer vomit, which in turn causes the other common infected to charge any Zeds that were covered in it. It's actually pretty funny to see the zombies fighting each other, and allows you to pick them off at your leisure.

The Melee Weapons - Okay, what we gathered is that the melee weapons replace your pistols. The first time through, there were nothing but frying pans, and I refused to get one, for it was beneath me. We eventually would find a machete and I was ALL over that. So much fun. There were also guitars, which made guitar sounds when you hit things/people (both living and dead) with it, which was pretty awesome. And a nice tough was that the Riot Gear common infected would drop nightsticks/batons.

Adrenaline  Shot - Replaces pills, and when you stab yourself with it, you recover less health than when you use the pills, but it makes you run faster. Pretty neat.

And then there's my favorite...

The Defibrillator - This takes up one of the health slots, someone else picked it up, so I don't know. Maybe it takes the place of the med pack? Anyhow, near the end of the demo, I was really hurting for health, went down, and due to being swarmed by infected, died. I thought "Well, crap." until my teammate (It was a friend of a friend, I didn't know him) gave me a jump with the defibrillator , and I was back on my feet with 50 health. Awesome. When I got up, I only had my machete. See, when you die, you drop all of your items, save your melee weapons or pistols, so I had to go back for my gun. The health pack (Which in hindsight, I had should have used before I died) was gone though, as the teammate who revived me picked it up. (Which probably meant the defibrillator is a pill slot)

And like I said, there were also a bunch of other small touches. The dual pistols, for example, were different. just int hat one pistol was skinned differently than the other, so it looked neat. One was the pistol from the first game, one was from the new game. They added a silencer to the Sub-Machine gun, which adds a bit to the atmosphere, if only because I always thought it was strange that the sub machine gun was so noisy in the first game. They also added a couple guns. The AK-47, which I think fires a bit better than the Machine Gun (Which was also present), the Combat Shotgun (Truth be told, I can't tell what makes it different than the auto shotgun), and a military sniper rifle, which was indeed different from the hunting rifle.

Then of course, the whole interaction with the new and old special infected/common infected. For one, all the zombies were a lot better looking, and matched the fairly environment. As for the old Special Infected... Well, they all look neater. The Smoker no longer has his jacket, which I THOUGHT was the only difference, until I got a good look at him. His face was even more deformed, and he was growing tongues from new orifices on his face. Also, his arm had a ton of boils on it. The hunter looks mostly the same, save that his hoody has no sleeves, and he's wearing shorts. Again, upon closer inspection, there was more detail to him. The boomers were great. yes, boomers. One male, one female. The male one resembles the old one, but more detailed, with a more masculine haircut/face. The female looks like a bloated white trash girl, complete with blond pig tails. Hilarious. The Tank seems to be more hairless than before, and also has a squarer head, giving him a sort of dinosaur feel (to me, I didn't get as good of a look, since I wasn't too close). The witch acts differently, as it's day time. She is walking around, face in hands.. Sobbing. It sounds different from before, and is creepier. The common infected look A LOT better, with more diverse faces/bodies, and more detailed. And like I mentioned before, some of them are wearing police body armor/riot gear, making them harder to kill from the front.

Now, the new special infected, were great. The jockey was pretty good, he kept jumping on us and, like promised, steered us toward danger, I tried to resist, but it was difficult. Luckily we could easily shoot him off. The spitter was a bitch and a half. She kept hitting us in doorways, and was difficult to avoid. She ended up bringing down most of my health quite often. She doesn't take too much to kill though, if you get here before she flees (she's fast). And there's the charger... He was pretty quiet most of the time, until he was right on us, which, again, makes him hard to avoid. he grabbed  one of us almost every time. And then he would slam us against the wall. Then ground. And he takes a few bullets. Don't treat him like a tank though, he's weaker.

I almost forgot, the dismemberment was great.  When you cut off an arm/leg, bone would show. If you shot them point blank with a shotgun, they'd have a big old hole on them, or you would completely tear off their back. If you do what I do, and move your gun side to side while shooting, you could literally tear open the infected.

The big thing in L4D2 is detail. It's chock full of it. Like I said, there were numerous differences, and each play through was different.
34  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Matricians: Show Yourselves! on: 29 October 2009, 05:48:16
In fact, if I recall correctly, you accused Mikero of looking like Donkey Kong some months back!

This is all very offensive.
35  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Matricians: Show Yourselves! on: 29 October 2009, 05:43:40
Wow, I can't believe you just said I look like an ape.
36  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Matricians: Show Yourselves! on: 29 October 2009, 04:17:37
I can! I just look off when I do.
37  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: Wii Address Codes/Friend codes on: 29 October 2009, 04:11:25
Right. I sold my old Wii and DS some time ago, so delete me from your friends list. I have a DSI now, but no online games at the moment.
38  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: What game are you playing? on: 29 October 2009, 04:01:28
So today I played the Left 4 Dead 2 demo.

Screw the haters, it plays completely different (Or at least different enough) to justify itself. The new survivors have even more personality than the old ones, it feels a lot more organic, and damn if the new infected and melee weapons aren't fun.

Not to mention the numerous other, smaller, things that were added/tweaked. Like how some of the common infected have riot gear/body armor, or the new dismemberment system. I am eagerly anticipating the full release.
39  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: The "How Was Your Day?" Thread on: 29 October 2009, 03:56:40
You haven't seen the signs all over campus saying "Ooohah stay home and stop the spread of H1N1!" at all? They're everywhere.

And it's stupid bull##### since swine flu is just  like, uh, the regular flu? And people are just unsurprisingly freaking out over it. Remember bird flu? Yeah, exactly.

Still I can't afford to get sick this year (I generally get a mild flu every February because I take the busiest bus in the city for an hour at least twice daily and do stupid things with the heaters on it and at school) so I might get double vacc'd.

Actually, the thing about Swine Flu is that it's actually a bit more infectious than the regular flu. The theory is that older folks were exposed to a milder version of it years ago, which is why everyone who has died has been fairly young. Really, it seems to be more dangerous to children, more than anyone else, and THAT'S why people are freaking out.

My dad kinda forced me to get inoculated, so now I'm Swine-free.
40  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Matricians: Show Yourselves! on: 29 October 2009, 03:52:16
So yeah, I got the new DSi. It's pretty cool, you can take pictures of yourself and upload them directly to Facebook and what not.

Here's a few I took, and express a wide range of emotion.. the last two are sort of an inside joke that would take too long to explain.
41  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Re: Luncheart on: 23 October 2009, 04:35:19
I feel like that movie wasn't that bad.
42  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Matricians: What are you watching? on: 20 October 2009, 21:32:29
It took me a few times before I enjoyed it.

As usual, I had to start from the beginning and just let it grow on me.
I totally hated it for a long time. I thought it was awful and it probably still is, but it eventually warmed up to me and I sat through the whole thing (it goes by quickly.)

I feel this is pretty much standard for the show.

At first I just thought it was dumb, and wasn't amused by the complete gross-out/shock endings.

But... After a few tries, and watching from the beginning, I actually started to really enjoy it.
43  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Matricians: Show your Music! on: 20 October 2009, 18:33:08
Today I woke up, knowing I need a haircut, 'cause I got wily hair going on, sans the bald-spot.

44  Non-MegaMan / Any Other Business? / Re: Matricians: Show Yourselves! on: 20 October 2009, 18:30:31
The decent into madness is an act of evolution.

Well... At least you're not wearing a catsuit.
45  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Re: Luncheart on: 20 October 2009, 18:29:16
I feel like you have no one but yourself to blame.
46  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: What Game AREN'T you playing? on: 20 October 2009, 01:01:42
This thread seems like flame bait.
Don't think I've ever seen anyone ever flame on these forums.
Maybe in the past but not anytime since before the last site re-design.

That's because everyone here is a pussy now!

Hey, ##### you.

I challenge you to a duel sir. Pistols at dawn.

Meet me at the Washington Monument.
47  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Re: Luncheart on: 20 October 2009, 00:24:40
I aped the name from Max Schreck, who played Count Olaf from Nosferatu.
48  Non-MegaMan / Non-MegaMan Games / Re: What Game AREN'T you playing? on: 19 October 2009, 06:18:12
Brutal Legend because you can't JUMP in that game.
49  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Re: W.R.R.A.T. on: 19 October 2009, 01:41:04
He's working with pixels though, not vectors.
50  MegaMan Matrix / The Creation Station / Re: Luncheart on: 19 October 2009, 00:22:11
I stopped because I didn't like it.

Posted on: 24 December 2008, 13:48:28

So recently I took up the incredibly nerdy hobby of participating in roleplaying games.

Mostly World of Darkness and such.

Most people use World of Darkness as an outlet for "I'M SO DARK AND DEPRESSED ANGST ANGST" etc. The group I role with tends to be more laid back and humorous, so we just have fun being vampires and such. The current game we're doing is supposed to have all the WOD characters we played in other games, but as NPCs, and we play as humans, and so far it's tons of fun. Mostly because, no matter how hard we try, it doesn't stay serious for too long. Even during fight scenes (how few of them there are). One of our games ended with everyone in a car, screaming at the the top of their lungs, driving away from werewolves, while a screaming vampire was driving, and "A Little Green Bag" played on the car stereo.

There were also Promethean squirrels.

And I vomited on some people.

Anyway, I drew the characters I have made/played as for the Story Teller, since he wanted me to draw out the campaign as a comic, which I will. Maybe. if I don't get bored/lose interest. So yeah. Here are some of the characters I made.

The first guy up there (Top left) is Abraham Zohar. Jewish/Alcoholic/Software Engineer Extraordinaire! He's who I'm playing as now. At one point in the campaign I threw up on this Irish Guy (Who i found out last night killed my best friend/sort of girlfriend) because I was so drunk. I also destroyed my nose by getting hit in the face by someone turning into a mage, the Irishman hitting me second time I threw up on him, slipping in my own vomit, and then slipping again, sober, because I was running around with Iron poker. The irishman turned into a Tiger-Man later on when I punched him in the face with iron knuckles, while he was being held down by someone else who was a cop. He slashed my throat, and by some miracle I didn't die.

The crazy looking dude is Adam Baltimore, my first WOD character. he's human as well. He's a crazy insane asylum escapee who quotes Jack the ripper for some reason and wields a kitchen knife. He ended up accidentally joining a hunter conspiracy this way in a game  where we were fighting zombies. That game never continued so he appeared again in a Changeling game as the only human in it. I was never with the rest of the group, so I broke into their house, drank their milk. I felt guilty, so I went to the store and bought more milk. They had also gone to the store to replace the milk. I ended up snagging the last carton and ran away, before they could. I then apparently killed an army of vampires. My memory is hazy at that point. 

Then on the bottom is my Promethean Josef. I never actually got to play as him, but the ST introduced him anyway. He was created to basically be a sex slave for an old rich woman. Prometheans have this thing called disquiet though, which drives people around them insane, and it eventually kills them. So she died, and he wanders around as some sort of child-like being who only knows how to please women. This has led to some funny moments in the game. Most people see his disguised, human looking form. What he really looks like is a gold statue with diamond eyes. Cause, you know... Women like money.

Top left there is Tyger Lam. He's a changeling. I named him that because A) I like Blake's poems and B) Changelings are supposed to have stupid kinda-gay names, since Changeling: The Homosexual Agenda The Lost was designed for the kids who got bored of being an apathetic, angst-filled, vampire, and wished to be an apathetic, angst-filled, fairy-person. I didn't play as him yet, but I made him look as crazy as possible. He's supposed to be a loki-type trickster who likes to scare people, and throws tantrums when they aren't.

The handsome fellow next to him is my vampire character, Schreck. He's a Nosferatu that I HAVE played as, in my first PROPER game. he's a an ill-tempered guy, who lives in his cave. of course, he's furnished his cave with all the modern necessities. Think of Yogi's cave. In the campaign he was in, he had to lure a hooker away to help feed his hungry teammate. Now, he said to everyone that he would make sure the other guy didn't KILL her, everyone but that guy was hanging on to some semblance of humanity. But apparently, they didn't hear him/me, since they all went into the alley with us for the same reason. Then a changeling stole our car. It's okay, we found it later, and I bit off the changeling's fingers. (I feel like that last one you sort of had to be there)

Bottom left is my Mage character. I don't remember his proper name, since Mages have to use aliases because names hold power and yadda yadda yadda. He has a tiny monkey as his familiar, who is repelled by the color green. Then Monkey is named Hans. In order to cover up the prescience of another Mage he was hunting down, my guy convinces some dude that he killed his own sister, and got him to turn himself over to the police. It was pretty funny at the time. And then, at the end, when a paradox caused some mind blowing cthuhulu-esque monster to appear from the void, he convinced it to go back. he did this by saying "... We're not the mortals you're looking for." and waved his hand slowly. Awesome.

The last one is my werewolf character I never played as, nor do I remember his deal. his name's Jack Randall though. And he's a novelist.

Oh and that Story Teller friend is running a New Wave Requiem which is basically "Vampires in the EIGHTIES" that promises to be fun. So I drew this guy for the game.

Haven't named him or anything yet. I just know he's gonna rock out.

And then there's a whole bunch of new stuff on my Devart that if you feel like looking up, you can.
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