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MegaMan Matrix => The Creation Station => Topic started by: Mikero on 6 December 2007, 22:24:22

Title: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: Mikero on 6 December 2007, 22:24:22
The thread formerly knowns as Mikero's Junkland.
Back In Black.

Just getting this going before I get home 'cause I can transfer what I posted on Zetasphere directly here on campus. So here's an update on my stylings lately.

OBLIGATORY CLAIMER/DISCLAIMER/DISCLOSURE FORCLOSURE FOR CLOSURE: I'm a student animator in my [as of fall 2007] second year of Animation at Algonquin College. I draw and breathe (although I don't believe in it) and look at stuff and have hairs and other such marvels to astound and bewilder.

ANYway here's some new stuff since school started again and since the triple M house was in reno.

Wash (
^New DeviantArt ID.

Lebel Ladies' Weekend 07 Monkey (
^A monkey logo/emblem/thinger that I designed for my mother's annual Ladies' getaway.

Goofy Head Rotation (
^Goofy Head rotation, 2nd Animation assignment of the year. 'Goofy is the hardest character [we] will ever animate.'

Two Person Dialogue - Micky and Goofy  (
^ Leica reel for my 3rd Storyboarding assignment this year. The sound is some of my professors...

Run cycle animation (
^ Run cycle.


The new Indo. We had a discussion about it at Zeta, so I'm just going to reiterate here that; A) She's not fat, turn up your brightness and/or look closely. But she have cheeks. B) She's not emo, I just drew thick eyelashes because I felt like it and she doesn't wear loads of mascara or anything. C) Because of issues I had with the outline (which you might not see but I can) her nose is kind of faint/subtle and I accept that it might make you think her face is wonky.

Essentially I just felt it was time to grow her up from that old picture I did of her which has fangorious anatomy problems. If you know the character then that's good, if you weren't around for her; Her design isn't up for debate.

I will be posting a breakdown of different stages of this, including the sketch, just the flat colours, and such.


»» Later tonight; More animation(s) PLUS a storyboarding assignment leica reel of a fight between Wolverine and Sabretooth!!

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 6 December 2007, 23:27:17
...Indo didn't used to be scary, but still, great job Mike.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 7 December 2007, 00:00:33
She's not really scary.

She's just bad (in a good way).

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 7 December 2007, 01:19:25
I mean scary like, something about the face, kind of making Indo look like a crossdressing Male.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 7 December 2007, 01:22:01

I'm just gonna blame it on the subtle nose and thick eyelashes.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 7 December 2007, 01:22:57
I'm going to blame the lips, the purple heart and the eyebrows.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Chron on 7 December 2007, 05:46:50
Good animation work.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 8 December 2007, 19:04:07

And here's some more Goofy ( and...

X-Men Unlimited Wolverine fight with Sabretooth ( storyboadring leica reel!

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Yubi Shines on 8 December 2007, 19:09:14

Personally, I think the Indo picture turned out excellently, the only thing is that her eyes don't quite face the same direction. One of them is looking subtly towards the left.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ChaosVortex on 9 December 2007, 05:45:59
Wow. The X-Men theme is stuck in my head. I kinda miss watching it.

That's pretty good Mike.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 19 December 2007, 00:36:12

Here's so more animation.

Some basic flash animation. But not in Flash. In Harmony (ToonBoom), an animation software they use for TV.

Bouncing Ball -
Multiple Bouncing Balls -

And my final from animation class. A space run thing. I didn't animate the ship, it was provided.

I have to go use a computer on campus to get scans from sketchbook off it. Expect that stuff sometime in the future.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 19 December 2007, 02:11:43
Bouncing balls seem a bit off, but I love the spaceship bit. I expect you animated the guy entirely? Very nice.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Johncarllos on 19 December 2007, 03:02:26
Goddam, that's high quality.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 19 December 2007, 03:13:40
Mikero, I love your balls.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 19 December 2007, 08:32:26
Thanks guys!

Bouncing balls seem a bit off, but I love the spaceship bit. I expect you animated the guy entirely? Very nice.

Keep in mind that the bouncing balls are different kinds; The first is a ping-pong ball, the second is a bowling ball, and the third is regular. I forgot to mention that earlier.

I did animate Papyrus (the character) in the space bit entirely by myself. The jump is a bit too quick but I didn't really have time to work on that more.

Mikero, I love your balls.

I bet you say that to all the ghouls!

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 20 December 2007, 00:26:42
I figured out that the balls were all different, but the very last one on Multiple Balls seemed to be very off. Looking back now, the rest of them look great to me. I dunno, you're the animator.
I still really like Papyrus's animation, as you call him.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 20 December 2007, 09:57:12
I don't really call him that, that's his name. He's from some bad french show apparently. And I hate him.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 20 December 2007, 11:35:39
You should've made the ship explode with him in it, then. Think, Mikero. Think.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 20 December 2007, 12:34:16
And fail the semester? OKnextimeuhohhotdog.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 21 December 2007, 00:55:12
You get free time for a reason! Spend it doing what you normally do all day anyway!

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 31 December 2007, 08:06:03
Spend it doing all I've been doing for monthsssssssssssssssucky!

Posted on: 20 December 2007, 20:09:48

I did this before Christmas and I had a whole large thing planned that couldn't come to fruition because the Holidays got like the Holidays get... But yeah. Just a quickish sketch.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: preventerWIND on 31 December 2007, 08:14:15
Look's crazy good. But the back of the jacket looks a bit mis-shaped.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 31 December 2007, 08:18:27
Heh, it is and it isn't. Dynamic lines for the sake of dynamic lines. I was going to go back and fix things later, this was mostly to get the pose and some other crap :-P

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: preventerWIND on 31 December 2007, 08:22:37
Overall it looks kickin'. I think somethings wrong with the foot though.. it's reminding me of how I snapped my leg.. gettin' bad vibes Mikey, baaaad vibes D :

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 31 December 2007, 08:32:00
It's angled wrong, yeah. Was on the list of fixes, I didn't even bother with it's details haha.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: MOX on 31 December 2007, 08:46:25
It's cool that you're learning animation so you gradualy learn how to draw from a bunch of different perspectives, which isnt easy (oh man). Nice dynamic pose on the guy.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 31 December 2007, 08:59:11
Thanks, and actually Animation is just one class of the program. There's also design (character and layout), storyboarding, life drawing, drama, and computer animation. Or at least those (with animation class) were the classes I had in the semester that just finished. The upcoming semester is the same except we're doing an elective course in the place of drama.

I'm gonna try to see if I can get my scans from my sketchbook for design class off of the campus computers tomorrow.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Johncarllos on 31 December 2007, 17:32:46
Yeah, the drawing overall is great, really awesome in pose, sensation of movement etc, BUT, the sunglasses seem odd on the other side of the face seem wonky, and the back of the coat is silly, like, if he zipped it up, it would stop above his belly botton, expose his chest, hang down to his knees on the back, and make his ass look huge.

I wish I had a coat like that.....

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 8 January 2008, 01:03:59
Even smunched up it goes lower than his belly button... It would zip up around his crotch, but whatever I already said it doesn't work.

Posted on: 31 December 2007, 17:27:53


Back to class today and I got the stuff I handed in for my on going sketchbook assignment in the end of this past semester. A bunch of stuff from different stuff. Some was done extremely quickly.

Part 1 - Anatomy Studies

Part 2 - Landscapes and Nature

Part 3 - Everyday People

Part 4 - Buildings and Vehicles

Part 5 - Creative Design

And last but not least this is the thing I've painting in photoshop. I just got my Mac to stay on long enough to put it on my jumpdrive so I could bring it to this computer so I can continue working on it either here at school some time. I wanted the painting of it to be done by yesterday but because the laptop is mucked up I couldn't do it, so it's going to take much longer to finish now that I've got school.

Anyway I'll post the painting progress later but here's the sketch. It's a styled drawing for and of my best friend. Really it's for Christmas because she said I wasn't allowed to buy her anything but I've had a lot of complications with it. She does this cute thing where she puts her finger on her nose when she's thinking, if you're wondering about the pose.

I'm posting this nowhere else, for now, as it's a surprise.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Someguy on 8 January 2008, 01:09:22
Damn. Nice job Mikero, love your work

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ChaosVortex on 8 January 2008, 01:13:49
Skills, Mike.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 8 January 2008, 01:20:08
Thanks guys. I edited the post because I realized the JPB image was too big to upload, so it's actually there now.

Oh, I'm already far into painting it but if you guys have suggestions on colour or painting style that I might be able to do in Photoshop I'll take them. I already have a direction I'm going in but I'll take suggestions. It's too late the change the lineart though.

Edit: Also, if you want to know about something just ask, I could describe some of the images but it would time I don't have right now, so ask if there's a story behind one if you want to know.

And the girl in the attached image at the bottom is also up in the Everyday People section, the difference is the one up there is more of a life drawing from a photo.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 8 January 2008, 01:20:48
I love it all. Particularly the monkey making the "L for Loser" sign.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 8 January 2008, 01:29:03
That was for my mom. Every year the women in her family go on "The Lebel Ladies' Weekend" and every year there is a theme. This year was monkeys and I was asked to make the logo.

Forgot to post the coloured version on MMM;


The L is for Lebel!!

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Jakey on 8 January 2008, 01:44:30
I really like that dude with the pick in his hair and the belt buckle.  Hahaaa.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 8 January 2008, 01:54:31
Haha, me too. Nice colouring on the monkey. SEE I USED YOUR SPECIAL SPELLING OF "COLORING" JUST 'CUZ I'M SO NICE.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Voulnet on 8 January 2008, 01:57:34
That's awesome, can you make a live version of that? I need a new pet.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 8 January 2008, 02:10:12
Haha, me too. Nice colouring on the monkey. SEE I USED YOUR SPECIAL SPELLING OF "COLORING" JUST 'CUZ I'M SO NICE.

You mean the correct spelling?!

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 8 January 2008, 02:15:55
Pretentious whore.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 8 January 2008, 02:32:18
It's not pretentious because that's the right way to spell it here. A kid would get it wrong on a test if they spelled your gross way!

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Johncarllos on 8 January 2008, 02:36:13
I always love what you do, I can't look in here and not be thoroughly impressed with your ability to put your mind on paper.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 8 January 2008, 02:37:02
I wonder if I'd get it wrong if I spelled it your way? Seriously. If some grade schooler did that... I mean, huh.

Anyway, yeah, I know. I'm messin'.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 8 January 2008, 02:40:02
Damn, I love the way you draw feet.
You sure do draw feet often, don't you?

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 8 January 2008, 04:02:22
About 4 times a year max...

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 8 January 2008, 04:58:32
Well, for some reason I just love the way you draw feet.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 18 January 2008, 06:20:44
Well thanks man. And now, some more Toon Boom Harmony animation! (Harmony is a flash animation program and is about eighty billion times better than Flash for animating).

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 18 January 2008, 06:22:48
Sheriff Baby Bean kicks so much ass.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 18 January 2008, 06:23:22
Deputy Diaper...

I've never seen whatever show it was from, but we just took the old Harmony builds Mercury studios ages ago. But they're making new builds of new characters for us to work with this year :-)

The dialogue is from Ghost Busters.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Majikn on 18 January 2008, 06:23:31
The way that hat moves freaks me out but it seems cool otherwise.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 18 January 2008, 06:26:49
Deputy Diaper...

Whatever, you need to make a high resolution pic of him doing his bug eyes face at like near the end of the 2nd second.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 18 January 2008, 06:28:41
I'll make stills on Monday if I remember (that's when it's due, but I'm done).

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 18 January 2008, 06:29:32
'Kay, thanks.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 18 January 2008, 06:31:25
I was supposed to make one of the last pose and I totally forgot. I haven't slept in over 24 hours.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Majikn on 18 January 2008, 06:31:57
Sleep, you whore.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 18 January 2008, 06:32:33
Yeah, seriously.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 18 January 2008, 06:32:47
In a little bit. I'm waiting for someone.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: preventerWIND on 18 January 2008, 06:33:25
The Sandman? Oh ho ho, I crack myself up.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 18 January 2008, 06:35:51
In a little bit. I'm waiting for someone.

Now. You aren't a kid anymore Mike. You have to take responsibility for yourself. You're in College now, so that should be your only concern.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 18 January 2008, 06:36:28
I don't have class tomorrow, just work.

Sandman, I will knock his head off his body so hardcore if he comes after me. That guy is a pedo nutter.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Majikn on 18 January 2008, 06:37:29

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: preventerWIND on 18 January 2008, 06:38:10
Guys, I just noticed, if you take the n out of Sandman, that makes it Sadman. Woah.

Anyways, all retardation aside, I love your work Mike, I wish I could draw like that. I used to draw pretty good, but now I can barely make a circle.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 18 January 2008, 06:40:27
Remember the time Spiderman beat Sandman with a vaccum cleaner?

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: preventerWIND on 18 January 2008, 06:41:24
I remember the time he beat your mom with a wooden paddle. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH~!

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 18 January 2008, 06:42:18
That's nice but don't worry yet. During finals last semester I was definitely up for 70+ hours straight.

Also thanks Wind. Know that I didn't draw the latest animation of Deputy Diaper. It was the build we were given in Harmony ( to animate to learn how to lip sync and swap.

Edit: But now I'm going to sleep! While I'm gone ASR is in charge of my POGs.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Voulnet on 18 January 2008, 10:29:56
In a little bit. I'm waiting for someone.
Your mistress is getting late.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 18 January 2008, 11:45:17
The dialogue is from Ghost Busters.

Thank you, I watched it over and over and I couldn't place that line. Ugh.

Anyway, nicely done.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 25 January 2008, 06:45:58
Thanks y'allsz.

In a little bit. I'm waiting for someone.
Your mistress is getting late.

She had gone to the movies with her girl friends, so it was to be expected that she'd be home late.

Posted on: 18 January 2008, 20:08:47

OK. I was finally able to work on this tonight and unexpectedly I finished it. I should be in bed, but off my tits excited that it's done. This was a Christmas gift that had to go into overtime and I'm glad I actually finished it, and that I actually like it. Just sent it to her now.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 25 January 2008, 06:51:57
I really like the colors, but the drawing isn't anything special to me. Quality as always, though.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 25 January 2008, 06:56:14
Well I can't expect you to understand what she looks like or why she's doing that pose, haha. It took an assload of time to get it to resemble her though.

Edit: She loves it.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Voulnet on 25 January 2008, 15:24:28
You sound very happy happy and satisfied, how did she reward you?

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 26 January 2008, 01:06:50
Hahha, I didn't have the chance to show her personally.

But goddamn did the sketch take long to get her proportions and resemblance in. It's stylized of course, but the whole point would be lost if it didn't still look like her. And the colour took forever too. Something about internet browsers; Colours just never look the same on uploaded pictures. I don't know what it is but the colour is more rich and sharp. It's only a slight difference, but I'm aware of it and I feel that everything I colour loses something when I put it online.

But I am quite happy, and so is she.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 26 January 2008, 01:18:41
All my friends make me draw cartoons of them, and you all know how lazy I am: I get maybe one done a month. They actually set up a waiting list... which I find hilarious since whenever I actuallly DO draw one, I just pick whichever person could currently benefit me the most, like "he could get me Pistons tickets" or "maybe if it's REALLY good she'll put out." Hehe, yeah, exaggerated on the latter, but the first one actually happened, successfully.

However, what I'm getting at is that I know the feeling of trying to make it LOOK like them. I draw very cartoony, so I have to really focus on their distinguishing features, whether it be clothes they wear a lot, their weight/height, big nose, etc.. It usually turns out great, but there have been a few failed attempts that look a lot less like the target than others do.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 26 January 2008, 01:22:47
Pistons? Pfft.

I like multiple teams, but Pistons... Not right now. Who were they playing?

Anyway with this I was going further than I would for something cartoony; As far as the resemblance goes, it was more about a dead on "That's her" than a resemblance. It had to be a comic book/american art stylized her, more than it had to be a caricature or a cartoon of her.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 26 January 2008, 01:36:59
They lost against the Bulls. I don't faithfully follow them, but the Pistons are indeed my team.

And yeah, I can tell (about it being less of a cartoon). Good job, once again.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 26 January 2008, 02:05:39
Thanks man, and #####in' A they lost to the Bulls.

I was more a Bulls backer when I was a kid and Jordan was rocking the 23. His career wearing 45 wasn't bad either, a lot of people think he came back suckier but actually every time he's come back I'm pretty sure he's beaten his own records. By far my favourite player to ever pick up the ball, and that's not me being a trendy kid, I liked him ever since the day.

 Right now I'm getting more into the Celtics but I don't know a lot of their history, but they've been a pretty solid team for a long time. And I like green.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 26 January 2008, 02:21:02
I just got a new puppy recently, and I was gonna' name it Chauncey if it was a boy. When I found out it was a girl I was gonna' name it Tayshaun Princess... well, not seriously, but I thought that was funny. Her name is Maddy.

I like green, too. I'm so glad that my school's colors are green/white because I get to sport a green varsity jacket rather than those cruddy clashing random colors every other school has.

Then again, the varsity jacket is from marching band...

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 26 January 2008, 09:20:41
I have a green and white Michigan varsity jacket...

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 26 January 2008, 11:34:58
To that I say both "Congrats!" and "Why?"

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Voulnet on 26 January 2008, 13:55:11
Deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetrooitt Basketball!!!
And yes, losing to the Bulls makes you cringe. As for the Cs, well, they have a very rich bball history, but these last years they've been sucking so bad, they had a 17 game losing streak last year, they're just lucky they were able to rob the TimberWolves last off-season and start this amazing season.
Me? I'm a Lakers fan, you're free to show your hate.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 26 January 2008, 20:55:53
Nothing wrong with Lakers.

To that I say both "Congrats!" and "Why?"

My mom got it, it was only like 12 bucks or something ridiculous.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 26 January 2008, 22:43:29
Mikey, your newest art is cool like always. But why is she about to poke herself in the eye?

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 26 January 2008, 23:04:54
She's not even touching her eye, he finger is against her nose.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 27 January 2008, 00:12:44
Oh, the perspective makes it hard to tell, srry.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: preventerWIND on 27 January 2008, 00:19:45
She's not even touching her eye, he finger is against her nose.

Looks like she missed. It's supposed to go IN the nose.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 27 January 2008, 01:13:46
You can't win 'em all.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: preventerWIND on 27 January 2008, 01:16:48
You pick the outcome.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 27 January 2008, 01:40:58
::rolling eyes::

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: preventerWIND on 27 January 2008, 01:44:37
Hey, my art thread evolved into a stupid milk thread, now yours a stupid nose-picking one. Deal with it.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 27 January 2008, 01:46:19
Rather not.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Lunchebox on 27 January 2008, 01:46:43
It looks like she's touching her nose and saying something like "On the nose".

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 27 January 2008, 01:47:39
That's the motion all right, but not the sentiment. She does that when she's thinking.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Lunchebox on 27 January 2008, 01:49:49
She touches her nose when she's thinking? That's pretty dumb.

... The pricking your finger with a pin when you space out probably isn't much better.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 27 January 2008, 04:00:30
She touches her nose when she's thinking? That's pretty dumb.

Whatever. Everyone who knows her likes it. It's pretty cute, actually.

Hey, my art thread evolved into a stupid milk thread, now yours a stupid nose-picking one. Deal with it.

Yours just had the conversation go somewhere else. Here you're actively joking about my art and my friend. It's not offensive but it's not funny either.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: preventerWIND on 27 January 2008, 04:31:24
I actually didn't intend to have it offensive at all, I'm just screwing around. Which is actually what I do in most of my posts, about 90% of it all is just joking around. I think you're taking me too seriously man.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ChaosVortex on 27 January 2008, 04:37:57



Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: preventerWIND on 27 January 2008, 04:42:58
Yeah, that was a bit my fault as well. I do admit I joke a bit much, I'll tone down as much as I can so I can avoid those kind of bothers.

That guy was too damn serious and pretentious, he wrote in like 10 threadsabout theories and explanations about MMZ.. and expected everyone to praise him and treat him like a genius.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 27 January 2008, 04:50:38
No no, I said it's NOT offensive. I know you're just joking around, I'm just saying/clarifying.

Don't worry, people bitch me out online all the time when I make a joke.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: preventerWIND on 27 January 2008, 04:52:48
Ah, alright. I just assumed you thought I intended it to be offensive.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ChaosVortex on 27 January 2008, 04:56:45
Yeah, that was a bit my fault as well. I do admit I joke a bit much, I'll tone down as much as I can so I can avoid those kind of bothers.

That incident wasn't your fault at all, actually. You'll want to apologize because you feel like you've offended them, but there wasn't anything to be offended at. I see this crap all the time at work. Someone will ask for extra cheese on a sandwhich. You'll place the cheese on a plastic tray and slide it onto the counter. Next thing you know, the woman's calling a manager, asking for your name, address, phone number, store number, and mother's maiden name, because you "threw cheese at her".

I hate those people.

Anyway, regarding Mike's work, it's great as always.

Does she bend over to think too!?

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 27 January 2008, 05:24:59
She touches her nose when she's thinking? That's pretty dumb.

Whatever. Everyone who knows her likes it. It's pretty cute, actually.

Mike's got a girlfriend! Mike's got a girlfriend!~

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Lunchebox on 27 January 2008, 05:49:58
She touches her nose when she's thinking? That's pretty dumb.

Whatever. Everyone who knows her likes it. It's pretty cute, actually.

I also pointed out I do some pretty dumb things, meaning it's no big deal.

Jesus, man. Didn't mean to insult yo' girl, dawg.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 27 January 2008, 06:04:20
Racial Stereotype'd.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 27 January 2008, 07:02:57
She touches her nose when she's thinking? That's pretty dumb.

Whatever. Everyone who knows her likes it. It's pretty cute, actually.

Mike's got a girlfriend! Mike's got a girlfriend!~

No. Er. That's... complicated.

She touches her nose when she's thinking? That's pretty dumb.

Whatever. Everyone who knows her likes it. It's pretty cute, actually.

I also pointed out I do some pretty dumb things, meaning it's no big deal.

Jesus, man. Didn't mean to insult yo' girl, dawg.

Nah I know, don't worry about it..... esa?

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Lunchebox on 27 January 2008, 08:18:32

Do you mean ese, homes?

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 27 January 2008, 19:25:51
I was gonna do ese but I went for esa 'cause it's always sounded hilarious to me since my friend drew Jesus firing a machine gun yelling "Die esa!"

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 27 January 2008, 19:48:02
Jésus Christov, be careful with that nailgun!

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 27 January 2008, 20:57:41
Pretty sure it was just Christo, but I could be wrong.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 27 January 2008, 21:12:58
I could be wrong, too. Christo makes more sense, but I always thought there was a soft V at the end, no biggie.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Majikn on 28 January 2008, 04:08:48
I love that show, soooooo much.

Anyway that picture is mad skills. Especially the face and the colours.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 1 February 2008, 18:22:47
Thanks man!

Also, here are those Deputy Diaper stills from my animation. I got them like 20 minutes before I got the flu.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: preventerWIND on 1 February 2008, 18:28:56

Wow, these are freakin' amazing mike. Totally remind me of stuff from Frederator.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 1 February 2008, 18:30:17
Right, again; I didn't build the character. We took/stole the [flawed] Harmony builds of characters from whatever that show is from Mercury Studios.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Abominator on 1 February 2008, 18:36:27
I don't know what that means, but those really are amazing.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 1 February 2008, 18:42:33
I means someone else made the art, and all the hands and other pieces that we swap out in flash animation. I just posed the character out for the animation, which I posted on page 1;

Well thanks man. And now, some more Toon Boom Harmony animation! (Harmony is a flash animation program and is about eighty billion times better than Flash for animating).

So I didn't make the character, just animated him.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: powerboy on 4 February 2008, 18:30:39
I don't care what other members say!
I think it's awesome !!! :)

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 4 February 2008, 21:48:48
...We don't care what you have to say either.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: preventerWIND on 4 February 2008, 22:14:23
...We don't care what you have to say either.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ChaosVortex on 4 February 2008, 22:22:23
Yes. This has been established 497 times.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 4 February 2008, 23:29:47
You can both go home and be violated by fire ants.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 17 February 2008, 04:14:08
I don't care what other members say!
I think it's awesome !!! :)



Posted on:  5 February 2008, 19:58:53

Storyboarding. I bled for this since getting the flu made me lose a week of work on all my assignments, and I still don't #####in' like it. But whatever, it passes the "people can see it" test.

Red Ninja. We're doing continuations to this. The fight scene and after it at least and I think we might be fully animating one part of it.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ChaosVortex on 17 February 2008, 04:59:42
It's alright. It's pretty well, and I get the jist of what's happening.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 17 February 2008, 05:01:51
It was a bit confusing the first time I watched it, but I've always had trouble following storyboards, mainly because I'm thinking about how weird storyboards are and aren't they usually displayed on large boards in round-table meetings or something and not animated like I always seem to see in DVD bonus features.

Aside from my personal zaniness, good job.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ChaosVortex on 17 February 2008, 05:05:12
Yeah, I always imagine a storyboard of "The Lion King" or "Alladin" because... that's the movie I saw being used when I first heard about storyboards.

It's better that way, so you can explain character dialouge rather than have actual voices, 'cause these are pretty smelly.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 17 February 2008, 05:46:47
Better what way?

It was a bit confusing the first time I watched it, but I've always had trouble following storyboards, mainly because I'm thinking about how weird storyboards are and aren't they usually displayed on large boards in round-table meetings or something and not animated like I always seem to see in DVD bonus features.

Aside from my personal zaniness, good job.

Both. They're discussed and presented with just the boards but leica reels are used for other things like timing and they use as much of the final voice overs as are available.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Chron on 17 February 2008, 12:54:31
Those animation cells look nice, Mikero. It's at the level of quality of most cartoons these days, although the backgrounds and character design remind me a bit of John Kricfalusi.

Red Ninja storyboard looks good, save I think the "looking around the room" takes a bit long and seems to be a cartoony double-take.
Whoever is doing the voice for the fez-wearing scientist is excellent, by the way.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 17 February 2008, 18:52:03
I don't know who designed the character or background, I just posed him out, heh. But I might have to take it down because Mercury still owns the build.

The voices for the leica reel were done by professors, I think. That's usually how it is. The guy with the fez is called Dr. Fez. I guess you need a PhD to wear a fez.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Chron on 17 February 2008, 19:46:00
Yes, you do.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 22 February 2008, 02:42:32
Oh, and I've met John K., by the way.

Posted on: 17 February 2008, 19:45:15

Roccov. A (my) character for a Mass Effect thing my friends and I are doing.

A quickish sketch from yester when I couldn't take doing homework and needed to just draw like back in the day..

Quick. So there's proportion problems and #####. I might fix in photoshop if I go to colour, or I might fix the actual drawing.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 22 February 2008, 03:03:52
Nice. I don't know anything about Mass Effect, but I can appreciate the drawing. I like the design.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ChaosVortex on 22 February 2008, 03:12:48
Except for the crooked leg, like you said, it's awesome.

The design itself makes up for it.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 22 February 2008, 05:48:42
Thanks guys and I don't know anything about Mass Effect either, really.

The leg really just needs a small adjustment, but not today!

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: MOX on 23 February 2008, 01:58:05
My friend told me Mass Effect got banned in some country for displaying a lesbian scene.

The leg isn't too off in my opinion, it's pretty hard to draw it at that angle already. Nice work.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 5 March 2008, 07:58:38
It got a lot of heat for "sex scenes" in which there's no any sex that's actually show, just suggestive. I think it's something like how in FF7 you can go on the date, but more grown up. Kind of like how San Andreas got ##### for Hot Coffee but this is probably even less of a "big deal".

Posted on: 22 February 2008, 21:15:30


Hokay. I just finished this naught minutes ago. It's the rough of my pan background that's due thursday. When/If I get the clean version done I'll see what I can do about scanning it, but it will be on seperate levels and that will be quite annoying. It all might look like a mess to you though, but if you get it that's good.

On the paper with the green thumbnails, the bottom one is the thumb I got approved - The thumb for that pan.

The mug fits an entire kettle of tea and is like by best friend these days. I've had 4 hours of actual sleep since waking up Saturday morning.

Anyway I have a lot more to do other than clean that thing up but I'll upload more stuff as I go. Lata potata!

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Majikn on 5 March 2008, 08:09:02
It appears to be some kind of underground city from the view of an intersection. Either way, I love it.

[randomcomment]Those two arches in the middle seemed like they were hell to draw for some reason, despite all the more complex stuff in the background. Just the way that they're shaped or something.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 5 March 2008, 08:20:01
They were. That is basically because arcs like that bend like that are hard to put into perspective, and I'm using one-point perspective.

I chose one-point for the simple reason that I could manage working on the pan in a smaller space in 1-point. If I were to use two-point perspective it might look a bit better and some rounded buildings would have been easier to pull off but my vanishing points would have to be about ten inches off the page on each side and I don't have any ruler long enough get across to the other side of the page. One-point was a hell of a lot more manageable in that way and easier to transport (not that I've moved it out of the house).

The city does look underground but it is actually just enclosed within walls that have huge windows all over. I can't really translate how that would look and what parts are windows and which aren't without colour and lighting, but also you'd need a closer look anyway.

This is the panning background for my flying vehicle to fly through, by the way. I don't think I'll be doing the rough animation keys for the flying sequence as it's worth the least on the project though.

And if you're looking for the horizon line anyone, it's the only orange line. You also don't see any ground in this.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Johncarllos on 5 March 2008, 13:28:30
Thats kicks ass.
Do I see a guitar hero sticker on that binder in the corner?

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 5 March 2008, 19:49:13
You see a RadioDazed (Ottawa punk band, they recently broke up) sticker  and a Skullcandy sticker.

I have a red and white Skullcandy sticker on my GHtar though.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Johncarllos on 5 March 2008, 19:55:26
That's where I recognize it from....
I do not like Skull Candy.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 5 March 2008, 20:36:10
I hear their headphones are hit or miss. I like mine.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: preventerWIND on 5 March 2008, 20:39:53
The Skullcandy headphones are way too expensive for my taste. I'd rather pay more for MP3 player than my headphones.

I'm picky with headphones either way, they always end up breaking on me.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 5 March 2008, 20:44:55
They range from cheap to too expensive

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 6 March 2008, 11:52:53
Looks really cool, bro. Good work, good luck on the project as a whole.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 6 March 2008, 18:28:51
K #####. I am so tired right now, but this morning was a big mind##### and because of weather I almost got a ZERO on this whole project. If you don't get it in before the prof takes them all (nine o' clock) you get a zero. Animation students don't have the luxury of lates in any class. Anyway I almost didn't make it and was stuck in traffic for like an hour and a half. There's only three Animation Design IV assigments, and this was the biggest one by far.

Anyway I have the clean pan and might try scanning it soon. I got the project photocopied and in on time, but I didn't get everything done unfortunately and some was crap. I like my pan enough though. Scanning it will be a bitch and a half but photos just look bleh. The pan we did is a simple A to do D pan, but even just a normal sheet of animation paper is too big to scan on my scanner, let alone pan paper.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Vinchenz Rock on 6 March 2008, 20:59:12
LUCKY Mikero. Hope you get some sleep soon.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 21 March 2008, 03:57:19
I just passed out and slept through a museum trip I was supposed to go to for life drawing. Not happy.

Posted on:  6 March 2008, 19:27:37

OK. An update with videos.


Walk cycle and run cycle in Harmony (Flash). I didn't make the characters, I just moved them.

Walk -
It's hard to tell what's going on, I forgot to cycle it it for the usual three times so you can only see one step for each leg. Err... I might see if I can re-export it when I'm on campus one day.

Run -
That character build was  a total bitch to animate. His shorts were popping up in front of his shirt and all kinds of annoying crap but I think it worked out pretty well in the end, I'm happy with it. I have no idea what that black is that comes up, it doesn't do that on the .mov, so I'll delete it soon and try to re upload it.

And from Storyboarding;

Red Ninja part Two.

For our animation final I'll be animating part of this fight scene and some dialogue from the first part that I posted before. Part three is my current storyboarding assignment and seems really easy pateezy.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Johncarllos on 21 March 2008, 22:01:17
I like that storyboard.
Even though it sounds... like a fight scene... yeah...

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Vinchenz Rock on 21 March 2008, 23:44:18
I rated them all five stars. >_>

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 27 March 2008, 01:21:18
Thanks y'allz!

Even though it sounds... like a fight scene... yeah...

I know she sounds like she's getting plowed but I didn't want to waste time looking for a different set of fem grunts. Good sound effects aren't easy to find, really.

Posted on: 21 March 2008, 21:12:36

The flying motorcycle I did for design, I'll get the panning background from the same project up someday. Maybe tomorrow.

Also, my thumbnail for the pilot. Her face and hair will be a bit different but the clothes are almost the same, I'm working on her rotation right now.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: MOX on 27 March 2008, 03:31:09
I love the pose and style on the rockstar drawing. The motorcycle design is great too, the method for the way you drew the perspective looks like it works really well; I'll have to try doing that sometime too.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: NovaMan XP on 27 March 2008, 03:57:11
That motorcycle looks awesome. I like the rockstar drawing too.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 1 April 2008, 05:48:11
Her name isn't actually Rockstar or anything. I haven't figured it out, I've been thinking Roxanne or Roxy but I don't know if I want to go that much on the nose or off it at all, plus I like boys names on girls, like Joey, Bobbie, etc. some times. Her racing team is Rockstar Bikes, thus rockstar.png.

High horizon line to get the top view, low for the bottom, MOX. Have to do it for vehicle designs.

Posted on: 27 March 2008, 06:42:27

I need to tweak this a bit and it's a lot cleaner in real life than it scanned so I'll be fixing that but here's the rotation as it is right now. You get the idea at least. I'll post the good version when it's done.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Vinchenz Rock on 1 April 2008, 12:58:46
Lookin' good as always. Too bad for the smeering though.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Johncarllos on 2 April 2008, 00:12:52
Lots of erasing around the tush.
Had to look just right.

And it does.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 2 April 2008, 02:47:48
Very stylized and defined, I love the cycle and the pilot.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 2 April 2008, 05:21:10
Lots of erasing around the tush.
Had to look just right.

And it does.

It was more for getting it to rotate correctly, but yea that too, hah.

OKokokokokokokOK. The pan. You're missing about an inch, half-inch from the bottom but scanning that would have been hellular even though it'd help it look better. It's really annoying to scan such a thing as you have to do it in parts and the pan paper moves around and all this crap and then you have to match it up in Photoshop and get rid of seams and crap, I think I did an OK job of that considering how crap it scanned.

If that doesn't work go here (

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 2 April 2008, 11:51:54
Copyright Insomniac Limited? Hehe. Just noticed that.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 5 April 2008, 05:17:39
I only kind of liked calling it Insomniac so I changed it to Wrong Side Of The Tracks Studios, which I kind of like more.

... Nyuh.

Anyway here's 'smore and I'm uploading my Red Ninja part 3 leica reel at the moment.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 5 April 2008, 11:43:15
Very nice stuffs, very nice. I really like the design.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Johncarllos on 5 April 2008, 15:24:57
Holy #####. That Skeleton and Muscular structure must have taken forEVER.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ChaosVortex on 5 April 2008, 16:57:11
Lookin' good. Lookin' good.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Teelio on 5 April 2008, 17:55:17
Mike has to be one of the most talented people on this forum.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: preventerWIND on 5 April 2008, 18:05:03
I reckon he'll be famous one day.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 6 April 2008, 02:24:25
Mike? Talented? Pfff!

More like... untalented! Ha! Take that!

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Vinchenz Rock on 6 April 2008, 06:36:03
Ayesar = Jealous.

But why the muscles and skeletons?

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 6 April 2008, 07:19:50
Wow. Jeez. Thanks guys!

The muscles took less time than the skeleton, which was just pain wall to wall. Muscles are pretty easy really, you look at anatomy books and sketch it in. A skeleton is the same but since this was a rotation we had four skeletons to do and you had to make sure they properly rotated (I'm not entirely sure mine do).

Basically the only reason we ever do them is just knowledge. Essentially you need to know how something works and why before you can animate it so you'd need to know how arm muscles are, and the bones and about a trillion other anatomy stuffs we learn.

Oh yeah;

Red Ninja Part 3 ( YouTube Edition! (AKA version with extremely gay me bookend)

I put some of the thumbs I did for the flying motorcycle on my blogspot. They're the only ones I had scanned though show the rest would be good.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: MOX on 6 April 2008, 08:16:44
Your stuff really does show that you've learned a lot from your classes, the skeleton and anatomy is crazy.

What's the name of the song at the end of the video?

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 17 April 2008, 02:59:25
The song was featured in the "Shining" episode of The Boondocks when Riley gets his chain from Thugnificient. It's by Metaphor The Great and it took me a while to get it. You have to get it off his MySpace page (I hate MySpace SO much), it's just called "Boondocks Riley" and it's a minute or less long, but I dig it.

Anyway tomorrow or Wednesday I'mma put up some backdated life drawing I've been hoarding. I have LOADS more to put up but not all at once.

Posted on:  8 April 2008, 00:50:42

I hit a hick-up when making my life drawing stuff internet-viewable (they are currently sized and rotated to be printed properly, not web size) and I can't take care of that since I'm in finals until a week from now exactly.

So in mean time here's my design final. They decided to give us a break and instead of designing the cockpit of the ships we did before, we had to do caricatures. The self-caricature was just for the first week and doesn't need to be handed in, it was kind of a warm-up, but the main project is the celebrity caricature. If I succeeded in this project, you should be able to guess the celebrity.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Johncarllos on 17 April 2008, 03:20:16
That guy that plays the dad from American Pie, Eugene Levy.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 17 April 2008, 03:30:47
You got, buddychapolpalmate! Also known as Bobby Bitman, Jim's Dad, and-of course-the father of Dan Levy of "MTV Canada" and "The Hills Aftershow" fame.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 17 April 2008, 03:33:33
I love it, I knew who it was right away. Great job, man. I like yours, too. It's creepy that I've seen enough pictures of you to be able to honestly say that it looks like you, and yet I've never met you.

Internet rocks.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 17 April 2008, 03:35:53
I used that "Strike A Pose" photo that my friend Brian's girlfriend, Heather, took of me for one of her photography assignments (low lighting) so even the post is the same, actually. According to an expert on my smile, it is "uncanny" in this. :-)

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Johncarllos on 17 April 2008, 03:38:55
Both are great pictures.
Eugene Levy is fairly talented. As in, freaking awesome.

Hell, he had an appearance in "The Return of Spinal Tap," the concert film of Spinal Tap at Royal Albert Hall. He was in short between songs.

Posted on: April 16, 2008, 10:38:04 PM

Send that caricature to him.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 17 April 2008, 03:43:12
Eh. I thought about it.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 17 April 2008, 03:44:26
I would've drawn Simon Pegg. Maybe I will, later.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 17 April 2008, 03:55:54
That drawing of Mike makes me smile.
It needs some lame, overused motivational line under it, like "Hang in there!" or "You can do it!"

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 17 April 2008, 04:00:24
That IS the kind of stuff I say to people, though I don't believe in it for myself.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 17 April 2008, 04:04:06
...You should add some subtle shading to it.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 2 June 2008, 04:03:34
I was going to, I still might, but not until NEXT week.


I would've drawn Simon Pegg. Maybe I will, later.
Eh. I thought about it.

But I figured I'd have it look just like he does in the Shaun Of The Dead comic. And I'd have to draw him Shaun style 'cause he had the faux hawk and stuff. Plus that was the first thing I saw him in.

I originally started this Levy by drawing him back in his SCTV days with Bobby Bittman references.

Posted on: 16 April 2008, 23:08:16

Hm hm hm hm computer animation final. Youtube is being lame at putting it up and screws up so I just put it on my own server for now.

Tough love. (

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Johncarllos on 2 June 2008, 04:12:19
Damn firefox won't save the target as, had to use IE.

I could convert that into something else Youtube would like better if ya want...

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 2 June 2008, 04:14:05
I tried to convert and it didn't work. But you didn't have to save it, as you could just open it in a new tab.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Vinchenz Rock on 2 June 2008, 04:17:09

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ChaosVortex on 2 June 2008, 04:20:17
That was pretty damn good.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Johncarllos on 2 June 2008, 04:21:36
No matter how I view it, the audio isn't in sync, I downloaded that raw file and converted it to every type of file I could think of, none of them worked.

Though it worked best when converted into WMV.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 2 June 2008, 04:27:52
Yeah I used a program that let me try to covert it to every which thing, and exactly what youtube asks for (I think that was MPEG-4 and MP3 audio) but I only get WORSE results. I just tried to upload it directly to BlogSpot but same deal.

The audio goes so out of sync in a flash player like those that it plays a part of the audio track I DIDN'T EVEN EXPORT (a part further down the timeline, where you hear "OK tough love it is, tough love, get up idiot!").

I've been struggling with this since April and this seems to be the only thing that's worked out.

And thanks guys. I liked it more in April though :-/

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Vinchenz Rock on 2 June 2008, 04:39:01
Audio was perfect for me.

However, it suddenly starts and suddenly ends, which makes me think that I didn't see the whole thing.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Johncarllos on 2 June 2008, 04:43:30
Oh, I hear that extra audio bit in about half of the formats.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 2 June 2008, 04:45:17
It starts with "No no no!" and ends with the crying.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ChaosVortex on 2 June 2008, 04:47:58
I couldn't hear what Frankie was saying, but all I heard was...

"NO! NO! NO!"

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Johncarllos on 2 June 2008, 04:48:51
That's how it SHOULD be.

Yeah, tough love it is, tough love it is, wake up idiot!
Right in the file you gave me, and it does it in VLC.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 2 June 2008, 04:49:56
Yeah. Just for clarification it literally goes;

'No no no!'
"Don't get rough on him now..."
'No he needs to know!'
'He's always cryin'!'

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 2 June 2008, 09:25:41
I liked it. I have no idea what the context is supposed to be and pretty much anything else, but that's unimportant because it's a job well done and it's smooth.

I like smooth.

Good job, bro.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ChaosVortex on 2 June 2008, 16:46:51
I don't hear the "Don't get" in the "Don't get rough on him now...", but when I turn up the volume everything else is clear.

HA! YES. I just now noticed the last picture in the back. Nice. Nice.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 7 June 2008, 10:00:43

I don't hear the "Don't get" in the "Don't get rough on him now...",

It overlaps with the "No No No" stuff a bit, and is lower in volume.

Posted on:  2 June 2008, 16:31:16

So a while back I was having a crap art day and couldn't get any of my ideas down so I decided to just draw an existing character. I started going with War Machine but realized that if I was going to draw Rhodey I'd better just wait and do my existing War Machine image idea, so I just went with a favourite and doodled Luke.

After a bit of it I was on a roll so I didn't get up or do anything else until I finished the sketch. For whatever reason, I just love the style this came out in, so I had to add a splash of colour.

Luke Cage © Marvel Comics blah blah blah.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Abominator on 7 June 2008, 12:32:15
Quality jaw!

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 7 June 2008, 15:02:35
I love it, it looks very stylized and fantastic.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 7 June 2008, 20:40:05
Thanks guys! I really like the face most.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Johncarllos on 8 June 2008, 01:27:19
I like the overall image, but my eyes are glued to the absurdly huge forearms.

Not knowing anything about the character, I can get a lot from this image though. I like the expression the most, in that it is cool, but not snotty, and sort of curious.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 8 June 2008, 08:56:55
Heh, he's definitely not snotty. Huge forearms 'cause one of his powers is super strength plus it looks hilar.

Basic rundown of Luke Cage (sometimes known as Power Man in the past);

He was one of the first Black superhero to star in his own book in the history of the comics industry, making his debut in the 1970's. His history (at the time of his original run) is as follows. He grew up in the streets of Harlem, NYC with his best friend Willis Stryker. Eventually, Stryker ended up framing the man called "Lucas" (at the time) for a crime he didn't commit; Stryker planted heroin in Lucas' apartment, since Stryker thought that Reva (Stryker's ex-girlfriend) had left him for Lucas.

Lucas is sent to prison where he his in a rage. When transferred to Seagate Prison (near Georgia) he is the target of abuse by Rackham, the head guard, who beats him without reason. Dr. Noah Burstein eventually comes to Seagate and offers Lucas a chance at parole, if he participates in a genetic experiment. When Burstein is out of the room, Rackham enters and tries to kill Lucas by messing with the experiment. The resulting over-acceleration in the treatment gives Lucas superhuman strength and "steel-hard" skin that resists bullets. Lucas breaks out of Seagate and return to New York, donning the name "Luke Cage" and a costume (pictured), eventually becoming a Hero For Hire and later just a superhero. He's been one of the Fantastic Four, an Avenger, a Defender, and more since his debut.

Nowadays: He is the current leader of the New Avengers. His powers are still superhuman strenth but his skin is now considered indestructible instead of just "steel-hard" (I don't know why it changed, but it's better). He no longer uses any costume, just street clothes like a real person (which is badass). He is currently married to Jessica Jones (an ex-hero) and they have a daughter who's name has yet to be mentioned. He, his wife, and his baby may or may not be Skrulls (like almost everyone else in Marvel right now).


Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Johncarllos on 8 June 2008, 17:45:30
He is the MAN.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 8 June 2008, 18:57:48
I liked that bio.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 5 July 2008, 10:38:43
Mittens And Crumplehorn is a book I'm illustrating for a birthday present. It is a story about a shark and a shrimp and their coming of age tale.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 5 July 2008, 12:47:49
Love it. Love the shark's teeth.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Abominator on 5 July 2008, 13:04:11
Yeah, looks cool as.

Mittens is a good name, but Crumple Horn is not.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: preventerWIND on 5 July 2008, 16:31:59
Haha, this looks great. Love it Mike.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: MOX on 5 July 2008, 16:52:20
Great coloring and line art. I like the colors a lot.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Chron on 5 July 2008, 18:18:34
I hope to see this on store shelves.
Children must be read this book every night.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 5 July 2008, 19:20:28
Heh heh well it's children's book style but it's gets a bit adult near the end so I don't know about that! I'm actually still not sure how some pages will look.

Love it. Love the shark's teeth.

One of the central plot points.

Mittens is a good name, but Crumple Horn is not.

I didn't write it so I didn't like the name at first either, but Crumplehorn eventually grew on me.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 5 July 2008, 23:48:09
It almost reminds me of Morg's style.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 15 July 2008, 06:08:07
Yeah, kind of, but his is way more defined and confident. I don't really know what I'm doing with these types of character designs yet, I haven't really drawn much stuff in the art direction I'm going with this book before.

Also that Crumplehorn is shrunk down. I originally drew him almost the same size at Mittens, so I'll upload that later so you can get a decent look at him.

Posted on:  5 July 2008, 18:52:55

I plan to shade this and add a proper background later (and in a bit higher res), but I've no idea when I'll find the time for that. So for now, and for purposes of the jam, here's preventerWATER.

Hi-Res Crumplehorn and some sketches tomorrow (maybe).

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ChaosVortex on 15 July 2008, 06:11:48
Comparing between your artwork and mine, I need to work on wrinkling on clothes and hands. That's a fantastic job. I dig the look.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: MOX on 15 July 2008, 06:17:16
The arms will probably look better once you add shading.

Haven't really seen you drawn your character often, liking the design and background.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 15 July 2008, 06:43:46
Positively kickass, Mike. Great work as usual. Slick design, great colors, great job.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 15 July 2008, 07:18:44
Mittens needs a space helmet.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: preventerWIND on 15 July 2008, 07:41:39
Hot damn thats amazing. C+P everything ASR said.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: AlexThePenguin on 15 July 2008, 07:45:09
I LOVE Mittens' design. It's adorable. I want it as a pet. <3

Crumplehorn, too... I'm quite interested in full-size Crumplehorn.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Johncarllos on 15 July 2008, 21:38:15
Preventer outfit is SICK.
Just look at those thighs!

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 15 July 2008, 21:54:09

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: preventerWIND on 15 July 2008, 21:55:00
JC and ASR like Mike's thighs.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 15 July 2008, 22:01:38

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 15 July 2008, 22:50:50
And that's what I use 'em for!

Thanks y'all. I had to basically redraw the Preventer belt buckle in photoshop, 'cause the drawing wasn't right.

Anyhoo... The first is the bigger Crumplehorn, as promised, with Mittens 'cause they were on the same file and blah to you! And the second is sketches I did that may or may not appear on picture frames from some company.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 15 July 2008, 23:20:22
I like the sketches a lot, with the stitching and such. Giraffe is the best, then the elephant, then the rabbit.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Chron on 15 July 2008, 23:26:55
The turtle is my favorite.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 15 July 2008, 23:28:59
I hate the pig entirely and wanted to redo it but didn't have time so I said ##### it and sent it along.

I did the turtle ONLY because I love turtles and always do a turtle if I'm drawing animals at all, but I do like it.

Giraffe was the last one done, elephant was the first.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: AlexThePenguin on 16 July 2008, 23:49:28
That rabbit reminds me of a plushie I had when I was little. Fond memories, yes.

That turtle has sass to him. It's awesome.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ReploidQ on 18 July 2008, 08:41:24
Your a very talented artist. I hope that sometime I will have some stuff that compares. At the moment I have been hired to work on a indi graphic novel. Nothing huge but I am much better at western comic style and just learning digital art. But Seriously I love everything I have seen, especially all the sketchs. Keep it up 8)

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 19 July 2008, 07:40:26
Why thank you, man. I hope all the other Q feel the same way. Post stuff from the graphic novel thing in your thread!

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ReploidQ on 19 July 2008, 17:30:59
Why thank you, man. I hope all the other Q feel the same way. Post stuff from the graphic novel thing in your thread!

I'll post what I can but the editor and writer dont want me showing alot of the art, even though i say it would be good publicity.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Fatso on 19 July 2008, 19:50:50
The other Q are too busy screwing around with Captain Picard to bother with your art topic sorry.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 19 July 2008, 23:45:00


Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: The Otaku on 20 July 2008, 00:04:01
Whoa, I love the full bodied art of you, it looks awesome. You look so cool . .

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Lunchebox on 20 July 2008, 06:56:18
Whoa, I love the full bodied art of you, it looks awesome. You look so cool . .

Keep it in your pants, you ain't legal in Canada yet.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 10 October 2008, 03:33:07
I'm Mikero, and I approve this message.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: MOX on 10 October 2008, 04:01:56
Who's your running mate?

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 10 October 2008, 04:03:57
Haven't decided yet. Depends on who WANTS to be my running mate. I already know most of you want to be my mate, but this is different. This involves cardio or something...

Uhm. Oh. Eh. Huh? Oh, er, look! I made an American flag out of nuclear warheads and explosions!

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Chron on 10 October 2008, 04:06:34
Wow, classy.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Abominator on 10 October 2008, 18:45:17
Draw a non-sprited suited Mikero!

And no more Bjork font!

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 11 October 2008, 01:34:34
Ha! I love Bjork font but now that you recognized it I have to change!

Originally I was gonna do with a photo, but I don't have the time. Today I saw an Obama action figure at work, and on the back it had art almost EXACTLY like MY election poster! I took a picture with my phone, but I've just realized I don't have a micro SD card or any other way I know of to put it online.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 11 October 2008, 01:36:23
Pix-Text Message it to your e-mail.

Or to somebody else who can get it online.

And wait, they really make Obama action figures? Haha.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 11 October 2008, 01:40:47
This week an Obama comic and McCain (spelling?) comic came out, one each. The covers are nearly exactly the same, which each candidate looking in the opposite direction in the same. Also, an edition came out that was both comics in one, so you'd just flip to the other side and have the other prez-prospect's cover. I didn't read them.

I plan to make more election posters, I think.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 11 October 2008, 01:44:16
I'm about to copy you. Almost identically.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 11 October 2008, 02:12:34
I knew you might.

Actually, this really started off as an idea for Random MMM Comics. I was going to do a whole commercial of your candidacy slandering mine like they do FAR TOO #####ING FREQUENTLY on real live living life TV. And then I was going to see if you'd do a commercial of my campaign striking back or if I'd have to do it myself.

Also, I remembered way back when, an MMM fad broke out where people were campaigning for MMM awards with little sig images. And I thought that might happen again, except I don't want to change my sig at all anyway.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 11 October 2008, 02:28:48
Ha, you should definitely make that comic. If you don't, I'll make a version.


Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 16 October 2008, 01:17:25


Posted on: 10 October 2008, 21:37:29


Mittens And Crumplehorn, for you to read! With help from the lovely ASR.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 16 October 2008, 01:25:41
I was going to secretly hide an "ASR" somewhere in one of the pages like that (C) you have hidden in the mountains, just to be a dick.


But yeah, everybody read this. It's fantastic.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 16 October 2008, 01:33:48
I've hidden a C in every page, and smaller font makes you look slimmer!

I really wanted a new page for this, but couldn't stand to upload other stuff and wait a bit.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 16 October 2008, 01:40:41
Well, when there's a new page, just re-post this stuff. I'll delete one of my posts so it brings yours to the top, haha, so long as you get the second post on that page.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Vinchenz Rock on 16 October 2008, 01:42:58
That was awesome.

I thought it was going to be a kids story, though.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 16 October 2008, 01:44:59
I'd read it to my kids!

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: preventerWIND on 16 October 2008, 01:45:59
I got an early view of it, thanks to ASR and Mike, I forgot to comment. But its awesome Mike! I thought it'd be more of a child story, but when I read it I fell back into my chair laughing, loved every bit of it Mike! EVERY #####ING BIT!

+1,000,001 respect points from WINDUH

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ChaosVortex on 16 October 2008, 02:02:39
That was great...

Excellent job Mikey.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Johncarllos on 16 October 2008, 02:14:15

I really wish I had PDFs of each page.....

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 16 October 2008, 02:19:14
I have a PDF of the whole book...

And thanks guys!

Aannd apparently Mittens is Australian. Aaand apparently Crumplehorn is British and sounds like the Moon from The Mighty Boosh.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: preventerWIND on 16 October 2008, 02:25:37
Send me the PDF Mike!

And do you mind if I share this with a couple of friends of mine?

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Vinchenz Rock on 16 October 2008, 02:32:53
Excellent job Mikey.


Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ChaosVortex on 16 October 2008, 02:34:57


Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 16 October 2008, 02:40:06
Send me the PDF Mike!


And do you mind if I share this with a couple of friends of mine?

Go 'head!

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: preventerWIND on 16 October 2008, 02:41:24
Well, it'd be a lot easier if I got that PDF y'know! >.>

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: NovaMan XP on 16 October 2008, 02:43:23
Or you know, you could just send them the link to the flash WINDUUUUUUH!

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: preventerWIND on 16 October 2008, 02:44:10

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: NovaMan XP on 16 October 2008, 02:45:05

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: preventerWIND on 16 October 2008, 02:48:25
You were replying to my previous post, and its a given that I'd reply to that!

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: NovaMan XP on 16 October 2008, 03:02:01


Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Fatso on 16 October 2008, 03:21:48



I love the 'future' page.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: MOX on 16 October 2008, 04:33:25
The shrimp has a cool silhouette.

I loved it, and the german(?) octopus (with an ak 47?)

WELL DONE. I dont see at all how it wouldn't be a children's book!

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: preventerWIND on 16 October 2008, 04:52:11
I'm currently trying to find all the 'C's in the story..

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 16 October 2008, 05:02:18
SS Octopus is his name and sea-fascism (soceanlism?) is his game. I can't remember exactly what assault rifle (if that) I referenced but it was specifically WWII and German. Not an AK-47 though, as those were invented later. Notice that I will never draw a swastika if I can help it. Because I can't help it. I can never bring myself to do it. I'd only be able to, maybe, if it was for a job. Otherwise I just move it out of shot and stuff.

Originally, it was just an octopus I partly sketched the same night I did the concept art for Mittens and Crumplehorn (which became the cover images of them). Then I added a head-mirror-thing along with a syringe lodged in his further back area head (and inside the liquid in the syringe was a goldfish) and he was then almost on his way to becoming Dr. Octopus in the background of a page.

But I forgot about him in my planning of the pages leading up to the one he's actually in, which was going to have a host of legendary sea monsters. I eventually thought that would be too much like the Past page, so I decided I needed something else. The name "SS Octopus" floated into my head before I realized I had an octopus waiting to be finished and put into the book. SO I added tentacles I'd previously left out and fit him to the theme. And I think that worked out better than the other stuff would have.

Future page was a loonng one, but I love the effects on it and they made the page worth it.
... Once I got those green eyebeams, I tripped.

Worst page was probably the Present. I redid the whole thing three times from the sketch-level because I, First: had photoshop crash before I could save, right when I was near the end of it just making the rising sun. Second: Accidentally saved over the file when I did the Future page. I did that page 3 times in the space of like... 10-12 hours. 8 hours of which I was at work. Or 7.5, whatever. 'Cause the second time I did the page was during my lunch break.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Johncarllos on 16 October 2008, 05:04:34
It's amazing straight through Mike.

I ripped all the images from it and made myself a series of images from it in PNG.

Still wish I had the PDFs though.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 16 October 2008, 05:05:11
I have all the original hi-res images and the PDF.


Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 16 October 2008, 05:08:13
I might put up the PDF later. Mmmmaybe.

Unfortunately on my end, they aren't hi-res enough. I forgot when I started to do it all at 300DPI so everything was done in 150DPI. I lost some depth, colour, and brightness in the prints. But that happens.

Oh yeah, and look for famous robots in the Future page. There's 3 or 4 depending on how you see it. None of them are hard to find.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Johncarllos on 16 October 2008, 05:09:42
Aw that sucks.

Still, I like a nice resolution image to look at.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 16 October 2008, 05:09:53
They're not like, SUPER hi-res or anything. But they're clear and big and that's what counts.

The images you guys all see should be half-size. I just halved them all to fit them in the Flash.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Fatso on 16 October 2008, 05:25:52
Oh yeah, and look for famous robots in the Future page. There's 3 or 4 depending on how you see it. None of them are hard to find.
That was part of what I loved so much about that page.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Lunchebox on 16 October 2008, 05:53:38
Mike, that was beautiful.

The ending got me.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Chron on 16 October 2008, 13:52:15
If I ever have children, I'm reading that story to them every night.

... *chalks up another reason why Chron should never have children*

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Johncarllos on 17 October 2008, 03:11:45

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 17 October 2008, 03:30:10

And there's 2 more known ones, but one is only slightly count-able I think.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Vinchenz Rock on 17 October 2008, 03:31:04
I saw Iron Man.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Johncarllos on 17 October 2008, 03:33:41
Whatever it is.
I'm not a HHGttG fan.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Fatso on 17 October 2008, 03:44:00
I caught War Machine, but who's the fourth?

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 17 October 2008, 03:46:19
Yeah, I only saw 3. MegaMan, Marvin, and unpainted Iron Man (or apparently War Machine) in that order.

And the first time, I only caught MegaMan and Marvin.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Johncarllos on 17 October 2008, 03:48:29
If only there wasn't that one s-bomb.

I'd let kids read it.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 17 October 2008, 03:52:56
The fourth is an NS-4 robot from I, Robot. Because those are like the best robot designs ever. Even if the movie ('cause I don't know the book) is about the next model.

I saw Iron Man.

No you didn't. You saw War Machine.

Yeah, I only saw 3. MegaMan, Marvin, and unpainted Iron Man (or apparently War Machine) in that order.

And the first time, I only caught MegaMan and Marvin.

War Machine is black and silver/chrome. The eyes shine and pulsars and all that are green.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 17 October 2008, 03:56:07

I knew one of the others looked familiar. I was grasping at straws, though.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Fatso on 17 October 2008, 04:11:21
The book was a collection of short stories without any single central plot, and in fact beyond a few characters (none of which were treated the same between the two entities anyway) the book and movie are 100% unrelated.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 21 October 2008, 22:40:08
That much I did know about the book, a friend of mine just read it. Hasn't seen the movie but I told him not to expect anything like the book.

Posted on: 16 October 2008, 23:17:16

Coming soonesque.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: NovaMan XP on 21 October 2008, 22:41:09
... thats...


Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 21 October 2008, 22:42:45
Just indigo blue pencils on it right now, to lay down what I want. I'm thinking I'll go over the lines in something dark next (probably still pencil so I can edit + have it wash of later), but then I'm not sure what medium I want to use for colour.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 21 October 2008, 23:50:09
I just want to tell you how #####ing fantastic that is. Now I really want one of my own.

I swear, ever since you brought these to my attention, any time I look at an action figure I'm reminded of them and all these creative juices start flowing.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 21 October 2008, 23:56:01
I forgot to wash him first, so if you do get one don't forget to wash him first if you plan to use paint (there are some oils from my hands as well as factory substances on it still I guess).

This is not gonna be a complicated or showy one at all, just a character I know how to do to get my familiar with the whole thing. You can colour these with anything ("even ketchup") so I don't know what I'm gonna do.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: preventerWIND on 21 October 2008, 23:58:42
YEEH! Thats awesome! Oh man, I want one now, those look so #####in' ace!

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 22 October 2008, 00:00:18
I'd probably use Sharpies since I have a huge rainbow arsenal of them.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: preventerWIND on 22 October 2008, 00:02:51
Speaking of Sharpies, I've been using Sharpie Pens for my daily inking and #####, they're great, no bleed through either.

That concludes Wind's random assed statement of the day.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Majikn on 22 October 2008, 05:30:35
I looked at that picture.

And then I said "dude" in exclamation three times.


Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Chron on 22 October 2008, 13:30:33
I forgot to wash him first, so if you do get one don't forget to wash him first if you plan to use paint (there are some oils from my hands as well as factory substances on it still I guess).

This is not gonna be a complicated or showy one at all, just a character I know how to do to get my familiar with the whole thing. You can colour these with anything ("even ketchup") so I don't know what I'm gonna do.

Anything, eh? I wouldn't try color pencils, myself. I can never get any depth out of those.
Maybe some kind of paint. I'd go acrylic, but that can get a bit messy.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 23 October 2008, 03:04:02
I'm just using blue col-erase to get the design down, I definitely won't be colouring in pencils unless they were like watercolour ones or something. And yeah, they say anything so.. Yep.

I'm wary to go in acrylic with a brush. I don't want to leave strokes all over it. I don't own or know how to work an airbrush either, but we'll see.

I'd probably use Sharpies since I have a huge rainbow arsenal of them.

If Sharpies has different percentages like Prismacolor markers, then maybe. I have a bunch but I don't know how to blend colours with them and all the colours are far too saturated for my taste OR my character's design.

And here's some basic shots, now that I had the "wtfholy#####" shot up for a bit.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Chron on 23 October 2008, 03:34:30
I know it's possible to get fine detail with an airbrush, but I've never seen them used on objects that weren't flat.

There's probably some kind of paint you can use. Maybe you can find some model paint or something. Should be at any hobby shop.

... I'm not sure why I didn't think of that first. The stuff is fine tuned for this sort of thing.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 23 October 2008, 03:43:45
I'll be checking stuff out when I've gotten the lines darkened and junk. But apparently a lot of people airbrush colour them (and it looks awesome).

After this, I might do another mini munny or go for full size (but not jumbo). If I like it at the end, that is.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 23 October 2008, 04:45:55
Airbrushing actually sounds like a great option, especially since your character has pretty large areas that are all one color.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 23 October 2008, 04:56:32
I thought about getting a fullsize Munny as they also come in black, but... Well I'm not confident enough to do one that big yet. Also thought about the full size glow-in-the-dark one, to make all those lights glow.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: preventerWIND on 23 October 2008, 05:06:02
Hey Mike, where'd you score one of these Munny's? Silver Snail? I'd really like to try one, but I'm sure I'd have to be adding and sculpting extra ##### onto it to make it what I want.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 23 October 2008, 05:15:02
Yes, Silver Snail. But they're at hobby shops and stuff too.

Apparently Sculpey Modeling Clay is very good for binding to them.

The current gen of full size Munny can come with ninja stars. >:-(
My Mini Munny came with glasses (I'm not a big fat nerdstick so I don't need them at all).

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 23 October 2008, 05:37:00
Also thought about the full size glow-in-the-dark one, to make all those lights glow.

That would be really #####ing awesome. With glowing lights on the head? Man. That would be great.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 24 October 2008, 00:21:27
And the forearms. You guys always forget those forearms. Maybe next time, so I can have a bigger Mikero toy. Truth be told, I almost bought the Mini Munny Mobile but I figured I had no need for a Mikero-mobile since he drives a motorcycle when need be. Now if they made a Mini Munny Moto...

Anyway. Some hands for now while I colour things...

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: preventerWIND on 24 October 2008, 00:26:44
It's probably just me, but the bottom right hand with the palm out looks odd to me. Other than that, the rest are great, I love your style man.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 24 October 2008, 00:32:02
It's the 3D/lack of on the thumb. It's weird.

I looked at other artists' hand work as well as live stuff this time.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 24 October 2008, 03:42:58
Hands are where I need the most work. It would do me well to practice drawing hands more often.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 24 October 2008, 04:13:09
Chop the ears off.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Fatso on 24 October 2008, 04:15:03
You seem to have misread the flow of the discussion, Sano.

That, or page breaks hate you.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 24 October 2008, 04:17:53
He's talking about Van Gogh.

But that's a played fashion, Sanz. This year it's all about removing your eyelids.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 24 October 2008, 05:12:53
Wow... I am late and stuff...

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Chron on 25 October 2008, 01:18:57
Good hands. It's a cartoony style, but it works.

Looking at my own hand, the bottom right one Wind is talking about has a bulge opposite the thumb that looks too big, but then I think that given this is a exaggerated style AND not all hands look like mine, it's well within limits.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 18 November 2008, 02:26:23
Yeah I went for stylized with these, I didn't have a model around or anything and haven't felt like going to life drawing since April so trying to go with realism wouldn't have worked out anyway. This was just a bit of practice. I think it was barely 15-30 minutes work, really.

And no, I'm not gonna Van Gogh my Munny, Sano.

Posted on: 24 October 2008, 20:28:27

It's a groovy night and I can show you how to use it.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Johncarllos on 18 November 2008, 02:28:08
No chain between the sticks?

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 18 November 2008, 02:43:12
That's beautiful, man. Where did the original picture of... wherever... come from?

Anyway, I really like it. A lot. And this is coming from someone who hates the color blue.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 18 November 2008, 02:53:17
Fanks bros!

No chain between the sticks?

They are not nun-chucks.

They are rattan, used in Eskrima (alt. Escrima, esgrima), a Filipino martial art that is mostly based on handheld weapons, strikes and changing ranges. So small blades, sticks, sometimes shields, nunchakku, and whips. Actual combat changes immensely when the distance between two fighters changes. The most common weapon in Eskrima is the rattan stick.

Otherwise there would be two cylinders in each hand.

That's beautiful, man. Where did the original picture of... wherever... come from?

Composite. I created a Mikeropia city by combining skylines from Chicago, Seattle, LA (Santa Monica Pier), Sydney (Australia, not boring Nova Scotia), Sao Paulo (Octavio Frias de Oliveira bridge) and I think a bit of New York City but it might have gotten taken out.

Based off a killer Nightwing image.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: preventerWIND on 18 November 2008, 03:06:05
Very cool. That's all I'm gonna say, I'm tired as #####...

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 19 November 2008, 00:48:25
I'm waiting for someone to notice what's missing.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 19 November 2008, 00:50:06

Or, you know, a presence of awesome manliness. You pansy.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 20 November 2008, 23:51:57
Scarf. I didn't want to sacrifice the entire silhouette for it, and the character can change costumes equipment when the need arises. Otherwise he'd be a pretty awful ninja.

The manliness isn't missing, you're just day wet dreaming about me again.

Posted on: 18 November 2008, 19:52:24

Try your best to make it matter, tattoo it in the clouds above you.
Nail it down with jealous bones, 'til it goes like a feather off on it's own.

! ! !

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 21 November 2008, 01:11:00
Sooooooo awesome, man. Sooooo awesome. Love it.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: NovaMan XP on 21 November 2008, 01:12:07
I love the way it looks...

... I can't say anything else without sounding exactly like ASR.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 21 November 2008, 03:22:01
I was sitting and was about to go to bed on saturday or something and then I was just like "I want to draw the most badasstest fatass superhero. Like a big fat badass..." and then I just went with it.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 21 November 2008, 03:43:47
I had this idea a while back to called Kung-Fu-Custodian, which was basically just a really fat lardo janitor who knew Kung-Fu and saved the school a lot.

He evolved into Ninjanitor and became a side character in that stupid "This School Sucks" comic I did and never finished.

But yeah, fat people fighting crime is awesome.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 21 November 2008, 05:00:03
Kung-Fu-Custodian/Ninjanitor sounds wicked and should be friends with Big Fat Bad Ass !!! (yes the exclamation points are necessary... maybe) and they should do an old fashioned Team-Up.

My friend Robbie already coined the named the name for BFBA's rival/arch-nemesis though; Big Bad Fat Ass.

Watch out for--at least one--more BFBA in the near future.

... my favourite part of him is that his logo is just "No."

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Majikn on 21 November 2008, 05:20:39
"What's his name again? Big Bad Fatass?"

"Big. Fat. Badass. Thank you."

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 21 November 2008, 05:28:21
See the actual guy is more badass than he is fat. The name Big Bad Fat Ass implies more fat than Big Fat Bad Ass, so clearly it's another guy.

But this is what he said; "I read it as Big Bad Fat Ass!" on my art blog. Then I had to decide that would be a character but it sounds funny too.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 21 November 2008, 05:47:13
I actually laughed when I saw his shirt. I was just like " what?"

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 21 November 2008, 05:48:16
Just "No."

It's a good M-O. Or N-O, kna' mean?!

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 21 November 2008, 05:48:47

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Fatso on 21 November 2008, 05:57:14


Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 21 November 2008, 05:59:57
More like;


"No. I don't care. Shut up."
Ch-ch-ch-chow! (That's the sound of someone flying away)

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Majikn on 21 November 2008, 07:09:32
Who said that on your art blog now? Art blog? What?

I was thinking the similarly, though, about "Big Bad Fatass" being another character.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 23 November 2008, 03:44:17 (, and it's usually updated first.


A cooldown doodle after drawing something actually good.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 23 November 2008, 03:51:10

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 2 January 2009, 03:55:02
This is a promo for a comic project I was gonna do here in the fall. Didn't happen. I planned out about eight out of the ten short comics, though, and have them all listed in my sketchbook along with reminders of what goes on in them so I won't forget. I just don't have to time to art this, even though I really like it.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Johncarllos on 2 January 2009, 03:58:45
I love it an can see nothing wrong with it.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Shawn on 2 January 2009, 04:04:30
It's nice to see one of them is showing their lips.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 2 January 2009, 04:16:52
I know you're actually really busy all the time, but you should definitely do yourself a favor and make just one comic with this premise.

I'm sure it's something you'd love to do and complete, and if you could find time to actually get it done, it might even be therapeutic in a sense, for your creativity and flow.

That, and it's #####ing awesome.

But yeah, I know you always talk about how busy you are, so if you truly can't do it, then don't. But if you CAN, at all, then do.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 2 January 2009, 07:11:49
It started as just one (the first one), and it was for Random MMM Comics! but it evolved (and I never press A) so if it's done at all it HAS to be no less than eight.

I start classes again on like Monday and I'm trying to finish up all my colouring projects before that, so at this point I'd have to outsource the art and I think for what I'm thinking I could only really have Snare or Wind do it. Few would be longer than a PBnJ.


Welcome to the family L to R

Colt - 5 year-old boy; Currently training in taijutsu (unarmed combat); About to start kindergarten.

Michelle - [removed by unkown hacker] year-old woman; Master of the eighteen disciplines, takes pleasure in seishin-teki kyōyō (spiritual refinement), hensōjutsu (disguise/impersonation), and kayakujutsu (pyrotechnics and explosives); Homemaker, professional kunoichi, and olympic-level hot stuff.

Mike - 43 year-old man; Master of the eighteen disciplines, takes pleasure in sui-ren (water training), shurikenjutsu (throwing stars), and bōjutsu (stick/staff fighting and blunt force trauma); Office working suited tool and professional ninja.

Betsy Yae - 15 year-old girl; Trained in intonjutsu (concealment and escape), shinobi-iri (stealth and entering methods), and bōryaku (strategies/tactics), which renders conventional parental boundries moot; Totes hating high school.

If you get the kids' names you get points, but I'll explain them later anyway.

It's nice to see one of them is showing their lips.

It's a family of ninja, what do you want?

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 2 January 2009, 16:57:13
Haha, Michael and Michelle. CHEESE.

Just playin', I like it all. Good luck with it, and I still say you should draw it yourself, so wait for a while if you don't have the time.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 3 January 2009, 01:02:27
The joke is that my ego is so inflated on MMM that I could only marry a girl like myself.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 3 January 2009, 01:42:43
That's just Mike's way of saying he's always wanted to gender bend Mikero.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: preventerWIND on 3 January 2009, 02:02:49
Betsy totes has Popeye arms.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 3 January 2009, 02:13:16
She could pop your head off with two fingers, but it's really just the style.

That's just Mike's way of saying he's always wanted to gender bend Mikero.

No actually. La Femme Mikero was invented years ago.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: preventerWIND on 3 January 2009, 02:17:35
The styles great, the styles cool, but the forearms stand out like "WOOAAAH"


Oh, and the piece is great, Mike.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 3 January 2009, 02:20:05
That's just Mike's way of saying he's always wanted to gender bend Mikero.

No actually. La Femme Mikero was invented years ago.


Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 3 January 2009, 02:22:42
The styles great, the styles cool, but the forearms stand out like "WOOAAAH"


Oh, and the piece is great, Mike.

Yeah it's a forearmy style. I learned it in the Fore Army. But yeah I don't mind, forearms are coolie oolie oolie o!

That's just Mike's way of saying he's always wanted to gender bend Mikero.

No actually. La Femme Mikero was invented years ago.


I'm not, but french girls... They get me all shook up but good, man.

When La Femme Mikero was invented, though, she wasn't La Famme Mikero!
(That's a french pronunciation joke!)

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 3 January 2009, 02:29:44
It's hard to avoid their armpits though.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: preventerWIND on 3 January 2009, 02:30:41

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 3 January 2009, 02:56:02
It's hard to avoid their armpits though.

It's pretty easy for me to avoid since they're all in France and 100 years ago.

I have more stuff to put up but... later. Might wait out the rest of the page so feel free to talk about hot girls from or not from France for a bit!

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 3 January 2009, 04:05:08
Betty White.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 3 January 2009, 05:11:37
Such a sweet woman.

Anyway since it's a

Here's some sketchy doodles of a character from my Trickshot stuff. I want to do a pinup of her sometime.

Veronica Valentine. I've uploaded stuff of her before, but you probably don't remember.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Johncarllos on 3 January 2009, 05:18:49

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: MOX on 3 January 2009, 05:45:41
The facial expression and pose of the top one looks really nice.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 4 January 2009, 21:46:19
Thanks that's my fave too, I was practicing pinup ideas. I referenced a super-hot picture of Kristen Bell (Elle on Heroes) for it.

OK then.

Hello out there can anybody hear me? Here I am, here I am! I know my ego will cheer me.
I'm five steps from insane, one line from your girl. I'm one hit away from destroying the whole world.

! ! !

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Johncarllos on 4 January 2009, 21:47:43
I like how his pants are his shoes.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 4 January 2009, 21:53:21
So are Spider-Man's!

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Johncarllos on 4 January 2009, 22:01:23
The boots don't come off by themselves?

Besides, BFBA has wrinkles in his pants, they remind me of one piece pajamas.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 4 January 2009, 22:14:21
They do come off, but you don't see a seam!

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 4 January 2009, 22:53:58
Needs more Big Bad Fat Ass.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 27 January 2009, 21:02:55
Another time mebbe.

Posted on:  4 January 2009, 18:48:46

Ho hum pig's bum.

Handed this ship in yesterday.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Fatso on 27 January 2009, 21:18:07
That, sir, has made my day, even more than jumping in on my first Tribes game in three years did this morning

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Johncarllos on 27 January 2009, 21:47:40
Looks fast.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 28 January 2009, 00:20:10
The names are what make it all. Nice work.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 28 January 2009, 21:30:33
I thought the show title was clever, since in my original story everyone is people evolved from fish without that hairy inbetween stuff we went through (whole notha planet).

Neither Motor Pike nor Side-Carp pilot this, though.

Looks fast.

It's a one-person camera ship used to follow and record/feed races. It better be fast.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: preventerWIND on 29 January 2009, 14:36:56
Looks very Starcrafty, I really like it. It really makes me wanna design a BIG GIANT ROBOT.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 2 February 2009, 17:35:57
That would be absolutely not fun.

Posted on: 29 January 2009, 16:11:46

I drew these while drinking a #####ty mocha from Starbucks at a Chapters while waiting for a ride. I just drew everyone from memory and gave custom Preventer jackets to people if they didn't have one already or I didn't remember it.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 2 February 2009, 17:39:05
I really like Snare's and yours.

For everyone who's wondering, I'm hiding behind JC.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Johncarllos on 2 February 2009, 18:41:45
Pretty darn sweet, even though I no longer have the mohawk.

Posted on: February 02, 2009, 01:38:50 PM

Oh yeah, the drool is nice too.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: preventerWIND on 2 February 2009, 20:04:25
... saved.. Lunche and I look the best I think.

I'm loving my hair, because it's totally what I'm going through now, it's no longer messy, but more of a civilized whatthehellisthat do.


Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 11 February 2009, 22:52:55
JC, your mohawk lives on in spirit, like phantom pain. Did you know Firefox thinks "mohawk" is a spelling error? Anyway you're not a fat guy at all in real life but your the designate "fat guy" type (which usually translated to powertankhousemuscle) on the Preventers team so you get the drool.

Wind, I almost changed your hair to look messier but then left it, so I'm glad you like it.

I tried to give everyone a unique and distinctive chin, though you can't tell on JC. Same for the jackets. Making JC's Preventer jacket a Letterman jacket came naturally, and putting Snare in gore-tex just seemed right.

I want to colour this but like the BttF license plate (Which. they. sell!); outatime. So if anyone's up for it, go ape. Actually I should make it a colouring contest! Yeah. Maybe do that. Or not. Whatever.

Also don't mind the numbers, that's just the order I drew them in (and they weren't in a line when I drew them).

Posted on:  2 February 2009, 17:16:55

Here's SOME of the many thumbnails I went through for my ship.

You'll recognize Behemoth. It was the first thing I drew because I couldn't think of anything and needed to get the ball rolling.

1-1 (
1-2 (
3-1 (

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: saldite on 11 February 2009, 23:26:30
All of those links give me Google errors when I click them...

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 11 February 2009, 23:38:36
Same. Fix that #####.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Johncarllos on 12 February 2009, 01:46:03
Just take the end off the URLs.

1-1 (

1-2 (

3-1 (

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 12 February 2009, 05:52:42
What John said to do works, though his links don't.

I don't know why.

You can just as easily go to anyway.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Vinchenz Rock on 12 February 2009, 06:37:11
Strange, I can see the images.

Then again, I'm using Text-to-Image... not sure how that makes a huge difference, though.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Johncarllos on 12 February 2009, 14:27:23
How come my links work for me then?

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 12 February 2009, 16:14:11
Haha, I laughed at "WHOLE SHIP IS A CITY" for some reason. And that Cargo Loader is such a Nuts & Bolts ripoff, loser. I liked all the thumbs, they were cool.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 12 February 2009, 21:29:57
How come my links work for me then?

It might change from computer to computer to deter hotlinking, though I think I should be allowed to hotlink to my own blogspot.

And that Cargo Loader is such a Nuts & Bolts ripoff, loser.
You'll recognize Behemoth. It was the first thing I drew because I couldn't think of anything and needed to get the ball rolling.

Anyway I finally got my pan approved to go to rough, so I might put up some of the thumbs from that (of which there are a lot). But I have sketches and things you'd probably enjoy more to scan.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Lunchebox on 22 February 2009, 20:32:59
That would be absolutely not fun.

Posted on: 29 January 2009, 16:11:46

I drew these while drinking a #####ty mocha from Starbucks at a Chapters while waiting for a ride. I just drew everyone from memory and gave custom Preventer jackets to people if they didn't have one already or I didn't remember it.

Now I have to do one of these.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: preventerWIND on 22 February 2009, 20:35:56
You follow orders well, then.


Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Lunchebox on 22 February 2009, 20:37:17
I take orders from no one! Hence, I WON'T do one now.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: preventerWIND on 22 February 2009, 20:42:38
That's it! You just lost your Christmas bonus, buddy!

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 22 February 2009, 20:47:14
...we get paid for being Preventers?

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: preventerWIND on 22 February 2009, 20:50:22
YOU don't, not like you do anything anyway.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 22 February 2009, 20:54:31
I do a great job at preventing nothing from happening.

And that counts as something.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: preventerWIND on 22 February 2009, 20:58:07
Like I said, your code name doesn't signify what you prevent, it's your special power.

And your power is nothing. So you get nothing.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 22 February 2009, 21:04:43
Yeah?! Well, I'm quitting and starting... uh... THE PRECLUDERS.

(Thanks Thesaurus! You're the best dinosaur.)

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: preventerWIND on 22 February 2009, 21:34:04
Oh, hell no.

We'll prevent that.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 23 February 2009, 18:31:58
Uhm. Anyway. I got the mark back for my ship.



Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 23 February 2009, 18:36:50

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 23 February 2009, 18:46:15

Might as well just call yourselves the Pretenders. OHTSSSWUT.

Now either change your face, or I'll change it for you. (In a punching to the face manner.)

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: preventerWIND on 23 February 2009, 18:47:58
Dude, Mike, suit up.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 23 February 2009, 18:48:20



Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 23 February 2009, 18:50:17
You're smirking in your photo.

Dude, Mike, suit up.

I was waiting to find that. I'm not at home but I will anyway.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: preventerWIND on 23 February 2009, 19:20:34
Lookin' fresh.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 23 February 2009, 19:22:07
You know what the difference between me and you is?

I make this look good.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: preventerWIND on 23 February 2009, 19:24:15
I never got into this business to look "good".

Now wipe that tear offa yo face!

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Chron on 23 February 2009, 19:27:44
It does sort of look like he's crying.

But then at least it looks like something.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: preventerWIND on 23 February 2009, 19:33:15
I might redo it for that reason, and make the water droplet in a bit of a different shape, so it doesn't make him look like such a gloomy ninja.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 23 February 2009, 19:36:13
My droplet is a lot plain jane-er than alla yours stuffs.

I never got into this business to look "good".

Now wipe that tear offa yo face!

Go watch Men In Black, get my reference, and respond accordingly.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Majikn on 23 February 2009, 19:38:17
I thought his response was pretty fitting.

Men in Black don't even have actual names, they don't get recognition. They don't "look good".

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: preventerWIND on 23 February 2009, 19:39:39
I never got into this business to look "good".

Now wipe that tear offa yo face!

Go watch Men In Black, get my reference, and respond accordingly.

I have, I did, and there isn't an actual response to that in the movie. So there.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 23 February 2009, 19:39:54
UH EXCUSE YOU MAGICIA-N they had names such as J, K, Z, and possibly there were 23 other agents there.


Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Majikn on 23 February 2009, 19:43:01

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 23 February 2009, 19:48:03
Asian Men In Black have symbols as their names.
I know this.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: preventerWIND on 23 February 2009, 19:55:43

Fine by me, and I'll be sure to bring back their main delicacy for you, a nice big bowl of SHUT-IT STEW.


They're not in it to "sound good" either buddy, besides, they're the MIB, they're ABOVE the general populace.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Majikn on 23 February 2009, 20:51:56
The hell? I defend your statement with a solid argument and this is what I get?

I wasn't bashing them, I was just saying they don't get recognition for what they do outside of their community. That means they wouldn't "look good" or "sound good" or whatever you please, because people don't know that they exist. It would therefore make sense if someone getting into MIB wasn't in it to pad their resume.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: preventerWIND on 23 February 2009, 21:20:36
Hey, you said it, not my fault if it was wrong.

Serious business.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: NovaMan XP on 23 February 2009, 21:51:42
I think we've all contradicted ourselves today. Which is funny.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: preventerWIND on 23 February 2009, 22:00:39
It's all because of these precluders or pretenders crap, it's got everybody thinkin' whack.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 23 February 2009, 22:19:51

Youse whack.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Majikn on 23 February 2009, 22:27:33
Hey, you said it, not my fault if it was wrong.

Serious business.

I didn't say that what I said was wrong... I was responding to what you said—your post above mine. You're actually not making any sense at all.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 23 February 2009, 22:35:32
The good guys dress in black,
Remember that.
Just in case we ever face to face and make contact.
The title held by me; MIB.
Means what you think you saw you did not see.
So don't blink big, what was there is now gone
The black suits with the black ray bans on.
Walk in shadow, move in silence,
Guard against extra terrestrial violence.
But yo we ain't on no government list,
We straight don't exist no names and no fingerprints.
Saw somethin' strange? Watch your back.
'Cause you never quite now where the MIBs is at.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: preventerWIND on 23 February 2009, 22:43:10
What Mike said.

Just because they don't have to look good, and don't have to sound good, doesn't mean they aren't.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Majikn on 23 February 2009, 22:58:37
Well, in the context of what you were responding to, "I'm not in this to look good" implies that though you didn't (in Mike's view), it didn't matter because it wasn't your goal. That's all I was defending.

And I get that this was all just joking at first but when I get completely confused over where you're coming from I guess I get a little serious. I apologize for that.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: preventerWIND on 23 February 2009, 23:06:30
Yeah, #####s getting confusing, but when I said "I wasn't in this to look good", I meant that for me, not for the MIB. Whatever, this is getting ass backwards.

Let's just all agree that the precluders suck.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 23 February 2009, 23:07:27

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: TheRedPriest on 23 February 2009, 23:07:46

Eh, did it just before I left work.  Pixels, yeah.  It's for the lulz anyway.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 23 February 2009, 23:11:35
Preventer Everything! He's returned!

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: preventerWIND on 23 February 2009, 23:12:14

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Chron on 23 February 2009, 23:50:22
Not when I'm waiting for you to prevent something so I can just go in and enable it again.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 2 April 2009, 22:05:04
From the deepest of the darkest of night,
On the horizon; Bright light into sight tight,
Cameras zoom, only impending doom.
But then like BOOM! Black suits fill the room up.
With the quickness talk with the witnesses,
Hypnotizer, neuralizer.
Vivid memories turn to fantasies.
Ain't no M.I.B.'s, can I please?
Do what we say, that's the way we kick it.
Kn'a I mean,
I send the noisy cricket get wicked on ya.
We're your first, last and only line of defence against the worst scum of the universe.
So don't fear us; Cheer us.
If you ever get near us don't jeer us,
We're fearless.
M.I.B.'s freezin' up all the flack.
(What's that stand for?)
Men. In. Black.

Posted on: 23 February 2009, 20:58:29

No guarantees or anything, but in spring 2010 you could be peeping a Big Fat Bad Ass short film.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 2 April 2009, 22:15:06
That's like a YEAR AWAY.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 2 April 2009, 22:21:57
Films take a long time to make or even just get cleared.
Even short ones. But you know all about short things.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 2 April 2009, 22:38:49

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 18 April 2009, 19:00:54
And I'm not even tall or really average!

Also, get a tan. For God's sakes, for Spider-Man's sakes, get a tan!

Posted on:  3 April 2009, 09:20:01

My final for design, handed it in yesterday morning before work. There's also a muscle study for him like last year but I don't have it scanned so maybe later.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 18 April 2009, 19:35:46
Curt is my dad's name.

Anyway, love it. Squid head thing rocks.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ChaosVortex on 18 April 2009, 19:53:23
It's really hard to be picky and find just a single flaw when it comes to your stuff. This is no exception.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: preventerWIND on 18 April 2009, 20:25:20
Why would you do that in the first place CV? It'd make you out to be a total douchebag.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 18 April 2009, 20:50:28
Like he ALREADY IS?!

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Johncarllos on 18 April 2009, 21:14:34

And Mike, that's mint.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: preventerWIND on 18 April 2009, 22:51:24
Yeah, I love it, I really wish I could draw that well.


Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ChaosVortex on 19 April 2009, 03:51:03
Why would you do that in the first place CV? It'd make you out to be a total douchebag.

Like that statement doesn't do you the same?

Right, OK.

I never said I did. I just practically said, "This is still great work, as always.", but thanks.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Ikeoko on 19 April 2009, 03:54:31
The skeleton one is cute.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: preventerWIND on 19 April 2009, 03:55:26
Yeah dude, but thing is I'm not critisizing you because I want to. It's because it would actually make someone look douchey.

But you were joking. So yeah.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ChaosVortex on 19 April 2009, 04:00:45

Actually, disregard that anyway. I had a long day at work and that's the first thing that came to mind. ._.;

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 9 June 2009, 09:33:25

Thanks guys! :-D

Posted on: 19 April 2009, 15:32:23

Some designs of Croûton (le bébé-pain blablabla), for a game a friend of mine wants to make for some Microsoft contest.

Edit: Click, image tags don't work for it. (

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 9 June 2009, 12:40:17
Doesn't work here but I saw it in Facebook, I believe.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Majikn on 9 June 2009, 18:57:28
It works when I enter the URL for the image myself, but not here, interestingly.

Well... it shows up after refreshing this page after loading the URL.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Johncarllos on 9 June 2009, 19:52:31
for the lazies

After viewing it, you'll see it in Mike's post.

I like it.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Vinchenz Rock on 9 June 2009, 20:11:39
The link doesn't work in Text-To-Image and clicking on it leads me nowhere.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: preventerWIND on 9 June 2009, 20:35:10

I'll find it later.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Fatso on 9 June 2009, 20:44:39
Open the link in new tab/window, click the URL and hit enter again.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 9 June 2009, 22:27:28
Thanks guys, and I'll update the post with that link as well, and if it continues to not work... Eh; (

Which reminds me I gotta point my site's URL there for now 'cause I think my server is closing down.

Also I actually a bunch of new stuff scanned and mostly ready but I'm trying to take my time, hah.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: preventerWIND on 9 June 2009, 22:55:02
Thanks Fatass, it works now.

Very wicked Mike, still lovin' your style. Though, it may be just me (probably (probably not) just me), but the legs on the adult one look a bit weirdish.

Also, there's no birthmark on the kid and baby sketches, dunno if that was on purpose or..

oh, and yeah, I put brackets in brackets. I went there.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 9 June 2009, 23:05:21
Haha, it was on purpose, it's a mole and it needs time to grow. But it's not so bad it needs to be checked out.

The one leg and foot are each at a weird angle, don't worry about it. I was just at the very edge of the page at the bottom and the binding on the side, so I'd have a hard time fixing it there and just wanted to get the designs sent off.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: preventerWIND on 9 June 2009, 23:08:31
Gotcha, happens to me all the time.

Haha, it was on purpose, it's a mole and it needs time to grow. But it's not so bad it needs to be checked out.

My friend had one removed. She's pretty now. Not that she wasn't before. I'm not shallow.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 9 June 2009, 23:34:57
I had two removed. One on my neck and one on my lower back. Not for vanity reasons - my mom is a crazy hypochondriac and she was convinced they were "too big" and "might be cancerous" even though the doctors were like "Um, no" and I was seven.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 7 July 2009, 08:08:51
This experiment did not turn out the way I wanted it to at all, really. But I don't totally hate it.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Johncarllos on 7 July 2009, 16:27:25
It's pretty decent.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 8 July 2009, 01:03:32
More than decent, less than awesome, love the style.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 15 July 2009, 06:44:55
I'm gonna have to go back and try my hand at it again, I was going this older thing, I can't really explain. It's old pop art from like the first half of the 20th Century I guess. I did that one from memory but I think I'll do better with reference. Anyway; Warm up doodles, cool down doodles, and quick sketches.


New stuff soon. There's lots.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: saldite on 15 July 2009, 08:37:49
I rather enjoy the dude with the top-hat in the corner and police on the top.
Those in particular just happen to make me grin.

Then again, they all looks pretty good, regardless of the fact that they're just quick doodles.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: MOX on 15 July 2009, 17:27:56
I like the face of the girl drawn in the green and the guy with the fins n toolbox.  Cool arms on the rest too.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: TheOnly on 16 July 2009, 05:28:39
Mikero......I admire your drawings. They look so nice.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 18 July 2009, 23:57:39
Haha the police came out of doodling and watching Hot Fuzz at the same time.
Thanks guys!
OK new thing;

Do you think that you're better, really better than the rest? Realize there's a problem; I know that you can give your best.
Have you ever had a dream, or is life just a trip? A trip without chances, a chance to grow up quick?


Background is manipulated by me, originally from stock.xchng (

! ! !

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 19 July 2009, 00:30:56
He's not fat enough!

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Majikn on 19 July 2009, 00:31:58
I know that song!

"Ass" is a little hard to see but other than that it's cool.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 19 July 2009, 01:23:47
It's such a big fat ass, how can you not see it!

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 19 August 2009, 23:31:40
Majikn, the "Big Fat Bad Ass" has to always be partly obscured! It's been a silent rule to myself since the first one.

ASR, I'm sorry I have to control his weight. It has to be manageable, and he's not the Big Bad Fat Ass, who's rampant obesity you will have no problems with, I'm sure!


Posted on: 19 July 2009, 18:19:03

You remind me of the babe.


A principal character from my Trickshot stuff. Reviving her from 2006.
Back then, I would've had to pay likeness rights.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Vinchenz Rock on 20 August 2009, 00:30:57

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: preventerWIND on 20 August 2009, 00:38:05
Out of your league.

Damnit Michael, I'm green 'cause of the way you draw hands. I can only get them looking good by accident.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Johncarllos on 20 August 2009, 00:45:58
Even though she has MAN HANDS.

Kidding, of course.

Very nice. Smooth.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: preventerWIND on 20 August 2009, 00:51:19
Mike, you forgot the clevage!

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Johncarllos on 20 August 2009, 00:56:06
I do not think he did.

She has fairly wide breasts. They do not appear to be pulled up and together by a bra.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Majikn on 20 August 2009, 06:01:19
This is based on someone you've seen/know? Or an owned character? Because that is awesome hair. And it is, of course, wonderful art. No sketch lines, even, though were I to see any I wouldn't gripe.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 20 August 2009, 23:03:17
First off, thanks a lot guys!

Now then;
Out of your league.

That's funny, since I'm dating the girl the character was originally based on.

Even though she has MAN HANDS.

They were worse before. I slenderized them during cleanup, but I left the knuckle lines because I liked them, though I know they make the hands look a bit manlier.

Mike, you forgot the clevage!
I do not think he did.

She has fairly wide breasts. They do not appear to be pulled up and together by a bra.

They're bigger than in real life and a bit bigger than I wanted to draw them, really, because though I like to draw in a comic book style sometimes, I really to get rid of the style's common archetypes like supreme buffness and maximum breast sizes. However, the image didn't work well with them smaller or pushed together more... It made her body look really off.

But yeah, you can follow the circular shape and see that in this pose they wouldn't be cleaving up. Next time, Steve, just for you.

This is based on someone you've seen/know? Or an owned character? Because that is awesome hair.

Sort of both. She doesn't have the dreadlocks anymore.
This character, along with Trickshot himself, was made up a long time ago based on a game of pool, blah blah blah and it developed into a whole universe I've cooked up. So it is based on someone I know, but I still own the character.

No sketch lines, even, though were I to see any I wouldn't gripe.

I did cleanup this time. I hate doing cleanup, but I needed to for this.
I like the look of colours on rough-clean pencils, so I often take that route, but what I had in mind for this needed something more crisp. It's not inked or anything, and I didn't clean it up as hard core as an animation, so the lineart isn't exactly as dark as I originally wanted, but I like it now.

I didn't clean up the face by hand, but instead scanned the sketch as well and lined up the clean lineart with it, then cut out the face and used photoshop to do a little cleanup on it.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: preventerWIND on 20 August 2009, 23:18:53
Out of your league.

That's funny, since I'm dating the girl the character was originally based on.

Was replying to Vinch.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Johncarllos on 20 August 2009, 23:29:08
Her boobs are almost exactly the same as a friend of mine's.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 20 August 2009, 23:45:42
Out of your league.

That's funny, since I'm dating the girl the character was originally based on.

Was replying to Vinch.


Her boobs are almost exactly the same as a friend of mine's.


Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 21 August 2009, 17:45:45

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 25 August 2009, 02:04:09
Ah, OK.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: TheOnly on 30 November 2009, 22:32:12
Too bad my phone don't display pictures/drawing.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 30 November 2009, 23:02:32
I motion that my previous post, containing nothing more than the word "sucks", has more value and contributes more to the thread than TheOnly's post.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: preventerWIND on 1 December 2009, 00:02:02
All in favor say 'Aye'.


Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: TheOnly on 1 December 2009, 00:30:57

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Johncarllos on 1 December 2009, 00:36:54
You realize you're dissing your own post, right?


Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 1 December 2009, 00:53:09
Good. Now all in favour?

For the Canucks and Euros.

Sorry, Wind, you jumped the gun here. You get to go again, though. Bright side to everything.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: TheOnly on 1 December 2009, 00:54:08
But he Is right about it.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 5 January 2010, 08:59:26
I'm still deciding if I'm gonna put any prelim film work stuff up or not until I'm done the year... But here's some of my life drawing final I haven't decided if I'll put up on my blog or not.

I handed in better photos than these but I can't really access them right now.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Vinchenz Rock on 5 January 2010, 09:25:50

Who did you have for your Life Drawing class, BTW? I had a life drawing class last semester.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 6 January 2010, 23:36:06
Jeff Amey.

I'm sure he only teaches for animation.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Johncarllos on 6 January 2010, 23:38:34
Hey Mike. I like your artwork there.

Good work.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 7 January 2010, 01:47:55
Thanks, bro!

I thought I rotated that Jasmine one but whatever.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: MOX on 9 January 2010, 08:56:21
I like the lighting.

I mean, I know it's kinda obvious, I kinda understand how lighting works but when I think about the options of light sources to use it all goes haywire before I actually start drawing.
Ok, what I'm trying to say is that the lighting on the girls' back looks really good.

Good job.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 26 May 2010, 04:27:53

In my absence I've posted a LOT more frequently to my blog. I'm gonna update here with that stuff slowly over the next while, but I'm not sure I'll get to all of it since it goes back a bit. Anyway, here's just some sketches and doodles for now that you may have seen on, in, or around Facebook and/or have noticed my blog feed on there.

Posted on: 13 May 2010, 01:25:11

Alright. Here's some other stuff.

The Economic Hero, myself in Jamie Hewlett (Gorillaz) style on the Plastic Beach, and a toony fanart of DC Comics speedster character Jesse Quick.

More soon. It's a bitch to put anything up from home compared to at school.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Johncarllos on 26 May 2010, 04:31:33
Those are great man!
I like the last one a lot.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: NovaMan XP on 26 May 2010, 07:26:03
Nicely done, Mike.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Johncarllos on 26 May 2010, 16:35:54
I like the curve from the waist to the knee. It's very stylish.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: ASR on 26 May 2010, 17:58:52
Dude, all of this stuff is top-notch as usual.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Slugkid on 26 May 2010, 23:46:48
Yeah, it's all pretty awesome.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: White Shadow on 28 May 2010, 02:55:38
What's that formula in the background?

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 13 June 2010, 20:25:00
A formula derived from a Pharaoh's tomb for superspeed, that when uttered (like in a mantra I guess) would allow you to run fast and all that. It was derived by Professor Gill, who taught it to Johnny Chambers (Johnny Quick), who imparted the knowledge to his daughter Jesse Chambers (AKA Jesse Quick/Liberty Belle).

Recently, in "Flash: Rebirth", Jesse Quick finally solved the equation; "3x2(9YZ)4A! Jesse Quick. Max Mercury. Jay Garrick. Wally West. Bart Allen. Barry Allen. The Speed Force!"

Basically meaning it is actually an equation to tap into the Speed Force, a loosely defined force and/or extradimensional energy source that MOST of DC Comics' speedsters tap into with their powers.

Also thanks guys! I've been having fun trying to draw an established super-characters in styles completely different from comics. Also, I've got more/other stuff I want to put up, so I'll try to do it soon.

Posted on: 29 May 2010, 13:42:06

Some BGs from muh film. These are smaller and some are slightly different than what's actually in the film, all are watermarked just in case.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Johncarllos on 13 June 2010, 20:41:31
oooh, purty.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: Mikero on 18 February 2013, 03:09:07
Nearly 3 years later...

I've got to try to put arts up here more often, 'cause I'm still 'bout it.

Here's some newer stuff I drewds. A watercolour about a friend that passed away, and a digitally painted (Corel Painter 12) chick from a comic I'm tryn'a write.



There's something cool with nipples in it I want to post too but obviously can't, so for that you'll have to check out mein blog ( and be 18 or over (probably).

I'm trying to actually post up stuff I've arted more often, instead of leaving it around in the real world where you guys can't see it. So I feel like reviving this tired old tortoise of a thread will add some accountability.

Title: Re: Art of M
Post by: TheRedPriest on 18 March 2013, 13:27:00
The colors look really good, but the girl in the first one looks like she's trying to #2...

Title: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: Mikero on 25 April 2013, 04:14:11
I JUST finished this.

Also it occurs to me that there's one art on my blog ( I'll never post here because it has naked boobies like you guys like, so go check that out sometime.

This movie holds up (for a fan) by the way.

Posted on: 30 March 2013, 10:17:50


Here's a trite doodle, just for funs.

Also I'm changing the name of this thread as it's kind of a new age.

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: TheRedPriest on 25 April 2013, 18:45:51
Bites?  More like Lecter!

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: Mikero on 26 April 2013, 02:25:14
Lecter? I don't even know 'er!

Banananana-na, WOMP!

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: TheRedPriest on 26 April 2013, 14:32:25
... you're fired.

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: Johncarllos on 26 April 2013, 14:46:46
Bites makes me feel uncomfortable.

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: Mikero on 2 May 2013, 03:33:13
I haven't had decent time to hunker down with the tablet and draw at all lately, I'm prepping for a big move.

But I feel like posting so here's another doodle. It's some lady I drew a few months back when I first feeling out my new tablet monitor.

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: TheRedPriest on 2 May 2013, 14:08:10
That's pretty nice.  Could use some stubble on the side of the head though.

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: Mikero on 2 May 2013, 21:31:11
It's actually acne scars.

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: TheRedPriest on 3 May 2013, 14:25:14
Sea Breeze my friend!

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: Captain Sanoguchi on 5 May 2013, 16:13:21

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: Mikero on 27 August 2014, 00:47:16
I can't draw at all for any of my projects today, so it was doodle-time;

Posted on:  2 July 2013, 19:59:27

Something I can say here, that I can't really get into anywhere else online: This is the latest thing I've been working on.



Also, this is my first time officially supervising scene planning on a production (I recently un-officially supervised on "Team Hot Wheels: The Origin of Awesome" for Mattel).

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: ASR on 27 August 2014, 05:13:22

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: TheRedPriest on 27 August 2014, 18:50:22
Cool beans!

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: Mikero on 29 October 2015, 16:31:40
This is a drawing I did a while back that I thought people here would appreciate.

(It stretched out the thread so here's a thumbnail link)
( (

Even bigger version on my art blog (

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: TheRedPriest on 3 November 2015, 14:17:15
Why isn't he using Top Spin?

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: Mikero on 22 December 2015, 12:48:07
He foolishly started in the bottom-right!

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: TheRedPriest on 24 December 2015, 06:39:11
What a foolishly foolish fool.

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: Mikero on 18 October 2017, 18:06:57
Couple doodles...

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: TheRedPriest on 18 October 2017, 18:23:45
Needs more Roll...

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: Mikero on 18 October 2017, 18:40:47
Working a little Bass right now, so I could do a Roll next if I continue this style.

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: TheRedPriest on 18 October 2017, 19:00:29
You WILL continue until Roll is done.

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: Snare on 19 October 2017, 02:34:13
Dang that's mad cute

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: TheRedPriest on 19 October 2017, 16:34:59
The term is Kawaii, Snare.

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: Majikn on 25 October 2017, 22:51:17
I REALLY like the colouring style on Mega Man.

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: TheRedPriest on 26 October 2017, 14:32:12
It's good, but the blues could use a bit more contrast.

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: Mikero on 2 November 2017, 17:43:01
It's hard with my limited markers. I actually used the same blue marker for both of his tones and just did a little work around. I would have prefered to just have two separate tones but I like how I got around it, there was a moment where I didn't know if it would work, even though it's just a quick doodle it got stressful for a sec.

Managed to do a quick Bass and Roll. It's kind of annoying that taking a photo on your phone makes drawings so much larger.

These are a cheap office bic ballpoint black pen and some 10 year old japanese markers, by the by.

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: TheRedPriest on 3 November 2017, 15:45:53
I approve!  Now make them into animated gifs!

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: Winged Warrior on 4 November 2017, 19:02:14
I approve!  Now make them into animated gifs!


Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: TheRedPriest on 6 November 2017, 14:18:20
You know, I kind of want eye whites on them now.

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: Snare on 11 November 2017, 06:26:41
I dont know can you make it pop more you know?

That was my impression of a client wanting to change something on a picture you made

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: TheRedPriest on 13 November 2017, 14:28:42
Make it happy.  Make it more dynamic.  Make it more fun.

Yeah.  Clients give the most vague and unhelpful/irrelevant requests all the time.

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: Mikero on 16 November 2017, 15:29:44
Hahaha! I pretty much stopped doing freelance 'cause of that. Probably missed out on at least one great opportunity but the stress involved with my last vague client was soul crushing.

Just an FYI I'm working on a little shop thing and I'm probably gonna make a shirt and things out of the Mega Man from those. I won't be adding the other two guys to any merch, I'm not particularly happy with them, but I'm undecided on Roll. You guys think humans would be interested in a few things with that Roll?

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: TheRedPriest on 16 November 2017, 19:42:11
Everyone is interested in Roll...  EVERYONE.

But maybe see how she looks with eye whites.

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: Snare on 17 November 2017, 03:35:04
It's annoying how patrons feel entitled to meddle in the process of creation without actually knowing what it is they want.

Excuse me this is MY inflation art of Barney the Dinosaur, not yours. Now pay me the 650 you said you were gonna

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: Mikero on 17 November 2017, 19:09:03
Everyone is interested in Roll...  EVERYONE.

But maybe see how she looks with eye whites.

It's done in real media but I can try a photochop sometime, I'm curious enough.

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: TheRedPriest on 18 November 2017, 02:25:25
I realize they were done in real media.  I didn't expect you to drop white out on her.  I figured it would be some photoshop.

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: Mikero on 8 December 2017, 13:08:20
I got bored in a meeting...

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: Winged Warrior on 8 December 2017, 19:03:57
I didn't take Mikero for a strength build, what with being a flippy flip ninja and all.

Unless those are b-b-b-bodyarmor.

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: Mikero on 8 December 2017, 20:04:29
This photograph was taken thirteen seconds after Mikero powerslammed Ro-Beelzebub through a 105-story skybridge on the executive level of a triplet tower system built for a Neo-Tawain-ese EiL-Sapphire distribution conglomerate operating out of the New People's Republic of Kuala Lumpur. The fight lasted 2 days and 1 night all expenses paid by the Dauphin of Magiorbis who had humanitarian interests in the company's overhead.

The skybridge (before it's destruction) joined towers σ and ρ at ~509 metres (~1670 feet for those in the past), therefore the fall took 10.22 seconds, Mikero landed in virabhadrasana I, as is his wont, though he thought garudasana would have been more flashy (and less practical).

Time under tension makes you swole for a lil bit.

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: Snare on 8 December 2017, 20:38:49
and your makeup didn't even run


Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: Winged Warrior on 8 December 2017, 20:45:08
-5 points for the missed opportunity of Robolzebub. You were so close...
-3 points for forgetting to mention Mikero's one liner: "Looks like this was a bridge to nowhere, for you!"

You final grade for the story & illustration comes to a 93%, A-

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: Mikero on 8 December 2017, 21:10:12
First of all Ro-Beelzebub is an android but it's not like he came out of nowhere. He was regular old Beelzebub last time Mikero defeated him and his brain energy was transferred to a Life Model Decoy endoskeleton. It's like Mecha-Godzilla isn't called "Mechazilla" or anything, his name was Beelzebub the whole time.

"Robolzebub" sounds made up.

Secondly this is history not juststory. I can't just go and make up something Mikero didn't say, what do I want my head cut off again? Even if he did sound travels 332 metres/s in air and then even slower in my photographer's gellacube so how would I hear it?!

God, no wonder journalists just wanna write blogticles about casting the latest Snarevel Supremoes viddy-file these days.

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: TheRedPriest on 10 December 2017, 20:14:08
Just draw him with his finger in his nose.  THAT WILL SHOW HIM.

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: Mikero on 13 February 2018, 20:08:19
Been messing around with a new take on an old design..

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: TheRedPriest on 14 February 2018, 02:10:18

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: Johncarllos on 15 February 2018, 21:20:46
Regular ninja mask under a collapsible/retractable face shield? Dope.

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: Mikero on 21 February 2018, 18:57:11

The goal isn't to make things more edgy, but I can see that. In fact if there's a goal it might be quite the opposite. Basically, I recently got into the idea of the character again; I don't have plans to do anything really with him but I'm having fun with essentially reorganizing everything about the character.

I always had a completely non-Megaman related storyline in my head for this, that I never really got around to telling here. Right now I'm just trying to fit those pieces together in a better way. It's fun to try and adapt, rebuild, or surgically remove things I thought were cool ten years ago. Changing fundamental design elements to make the whole world make more sense together is a big part of that.

Like I said, I'm not planning a comic or any kind of thing, but hopefully I can find a way to share more story in the future.

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: TheRedPriest on 21 February 2018, 20:35:52
You're not some character Mikero, you're our FRIEND.

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: Johncarllos on 25 February 2018, 14:19:53
It's a nice contrast, the potentially friendly eyed ninja warrior that immediately turns into what looks like a murder cyborg could lead to some great combat transitions.

Just as long as it's not as often as Black Panther's last fight.

I like the more rounded face shape in the upper left for non-armored, then it being so much more angular afterwards.

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: Mikero on 26 February 2018, 20:31:30

I like the more rounded face shape in the upper left for non-armored, then it being so much more angular afterwards.

I should explain this, and some other things. I was drawing those to figure out how the armor/mask would put itself on. That upper-left drawing is with the upper cranium armor pulled back and the mandible armor wide open, showing the basic ninja mask (which would be part of the more flexible full-body suit that's under everything, like compression clothes).

The bust drawing that's more to the right and lower has the mandibles open but the cranium portion is closed over. And then the lower one is obviously the full head armor, without the classic scarf.

The idea is that when the armor comes on it would move and lock into place in that order. Once fully closed he'd have a HUD kind of like other tech-characters (Iron Man, etc.), and full protection for the skull and eyes--the closed armor making the eyes look robotic and orange (instead of the character actually having orange irises like my older designs).

That came out of the old idea that his bike actually becomes his armor (like how Rush became Super Armor) from my old stuff. I drew him on a bike here just for fun, technically speaking he shouldn't be able to ride and be armored at the same time with my current ideas. Also, that's not even the type of bike I'd have him riding anymore, if at all, but more on that later.

I haven't really sat down and done any real character design rotation on this concept yet, but I just did this quick mockup of the helmet in profile:

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: TheRedPriest on 26 February 2018, 21:32:39
Ninja Mantas!

I think the cheek portions would look better swung up all the way so they resembled something more like Metal Man's ear pieces, then swung down in the opposite direction of the forehead piece.  The mandible placement/design looks kind of weird and unweildly to me.

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: NovaMan XP on 26 February 2018, 22:44:56
I like it, though I agree with what Rez said as well.  

I've been wanting to redesign my character for ages now but I end up scrapping most of the ideas... seeing your art makes me want to try it again though.

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: TheRedPriest on 26 February 2018, 22:55:37
In fairness, I spent literally 3 minutes Frankensteining you together from sprites and recoloring you.  You're a real champ sticking to that for all these years.

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: NovaMan XP on 27 February 2018, 00:38:33
Honestly, I fell in love with it, despite it being a slightly edited and recolored ProtoMan. I think I liked how simple it was, compared to any previous attempt at a NovaMan I made before then.

Even if it was a quick edit, it did give me a base to work with, so thank you for that, Rez.

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: Majikn on 27 February 2018, 01:40:23
I think the Novaman design is simple in a good way.

I think my problem with designing my character was trying TOO hard. Actually I think that's been my problem with almost any creative endeavour.

I still think I like Mikero's old design but that isn't to say I like it more. I think this new design is interesting and seems a bit more thought out. Are the colours going to be roughly the same? Is the white part on the helmet still gonna glow?

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: Mikero on 27 February 2018, 14:40:42
I think the cheek portions would look better swung up all the way so they resembled something more like Metal Man's ear pieces, then swung down in the opposite direction of the forehead piece.  The mandible placement/design looks kind of weird and unweildly to me.

Hmm, I'll tinker with it. I mainly want the mandible portion to close/open independantly of the cranium part, so I don't know if I want everything to be up top moving down. Admittedly, the hinge-style thing could be awkward. I haven't ruled out the possibility of armor pieces just sort of appearing/growing on him like a Sailor Moon or a sentai sort of thing:

It's a bit hard to explain in text, but something almost like a combination of  the way they animate Transformers transforming or the cross fusions in Megaman NT Warrior. Where I don't like that in Sailor Moon (and also the NT Warrior) clothes just come out of some ethereal vortex or whatever, in Sailor Moon you see her bow animate out of the crystal. In things with machines transforming, you have pieces coming directly out of other pieces even though they probably shouldn't all fit in there or move that way.

In this case, each mandible would slide out of the earpiece and then snap together over the mouth. So, not just appearing out of nowhere, but also being less dependent on physics to get in place. I can probably explain this better as I develop the stuff more, but... for now I'm keeping physics loose since this is supposed to take place in a technologically advanced world.

OR... I might get rid of the whole idea that the armor puts itself on in the first place. The scarf would also likely be holographic, something I originally played with when designing a Command Mission version of the character (since X had a weird scarf). In fact, the possibility exists that the entire armour is photonic as well, which actually gives a lot of freedom to play around with other things.

I like it, though I agree with what Rez said as well. 

I've been wanting to redesign my character for ages now but I end up scrapping most of the ideas... seeing your art makes me want to try it again though.

I always liked that design. I think partly because my very first Mikero sprites were blue with a spikey gold headpiece, in Battle Network style. It's also probably the only the OC we've had on MMM that would actually fit perfectly into the games, aside from Orange Devil. It has Classic style down while being simple and unique enough. Not a lot of faffin' about.

I still think I like Mikero's old design but that isn't to say I like it more. I think this new design is interesting and seems a bit more thought out. Are the colours going to be roughly the same? Is the white part on the helmet still gonna glow?

I want to stress that this isn't really a re-design. It's just a concept for if I ever went ahead with the non-Megaman universe story I had for the character, in which case I have to strip all the MM-ness off the design just to force that world make sense (as it has nothing to do with anything MM). His original design will remain, as like the "main" look. This is more about making a story make sense.

Working on a quick colour mock-up of that motorcycle pic for reference. I think the helmet will still glow, but as always he can turn it down or off (or change it's colour) for stealth. A lot of the colour scheme is similar, but because there's more pieces to it there's a bunch of little differences. That should be coming soon, but I'm only playing around with it during down time at work.

It would be fun to work on a Majikn character.

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: TheRedPriest on 27 February 2018, 19:24:22
Oh, oh, I got it!  Your motorcycle can become your mask!

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: White Shadow on 28 February 2018, 15:47:19

I like the more rounded face shape in the upper left for non-armored, then it being so much more angular afterwards.

I should explain this, and some other things. I was drawing those to figure out how the armor/mask would put itself on. That upper-left drawing is with the upper cranium armor pulled back and the mandible armor wide open, showing the basic ninja mask (which would be part of the more flexible full-body suit that's under everything, like compression clothes).

The bust drawing that's more to the right and lower has the mandibles open but the cranium portion is closed over. And then the lower one is obviously the full head armor, without the classic scarf.

The idea is that when the armor comes on it would move and lock into place in that order. Once fully closed he'd have a HUD kind of like other tech-characters (Iron Man, etc.), and full protection for the skull and eyes--the closed armor making the eyes look robotic and orange (instead of the character actually having orange irises like my older designs).

That came out of the old idea that his bike actually becomes his armor (like how Rush became Super Armor) from my old stuff. I drew him on a bike here just for fun, technically speaking he shouldn't be able to ride and be armored at the same time with my current ideas. Also, that's not even the type of bike I'd have him riding anymore, if at all, but more on that later.

I haven't really sat down and done any real character design rotation on this concept yet, but I just did this quick mockup of the helmet in profile:

Helm reminds me of Xenon Bio Diver.


Nearly impossible to find decent pictures online. Will have to dig up my old collection to illustrate.

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: TheRedPriest on 28 February 2018, 16:59:04

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: Mikero on 28 February 2018, 18:34:21
I don't know what that is but it looks #####ing rad as all hell!

Edit: Read a bit about it, and I'm definitely gonna check it out. Love that art.

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: White Shadow on 28 February 2018, 18:44:14
It's a fairly generic shounen manga from the 80s with above average art and I picked them up when my bro was about to toss them.

Will post some pages later.

Also: it's his own helmet he's holding there. Unless he killed Mikero first and is now wearing his skin.

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: TheRedPriest on 28 February 2018, 19:44:57
You'd be surprised what a common trope that is in manga.

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: Mikero on 28 February 2018, 20:19:59
His full armor would fit well in Guyver.

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: TheRedPriest on 28 February 2018, 21:26:28

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: White Shadow on 28 February 2018, 23:01:59

Teen gets illegally experimented on and ends up with a sweet bionic bod. Rather than getting jiggy with it and enjoying the awesomeness that's being a cyborg, he gets all mopey about it and swears revenge. To pull through with that, Dr. Light builds him a helm to go with the rest of his outfit. So yeah, utterly preposterous and ridiculously intense.

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: TheRedPriest on 1 March 2018, 02:41:55
That's in French, how are we suppose to read it?

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: Winged Warrior on 1 March 2018, 04:10:46
like the french do, I suspect. 

Plus, Mikero is Canadian, right?  That means he's learned french through osmosis or something.

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: Majikn on 1 March 2018, 06:07:08
Actually we're just too polite not to learn French. Our lovely neighbours from The Sovereign Nation of Quebec still frown slightly when we're bad at pronouncing things though.

Posted on:  1 March 2018, 00:25:07

It would be fun to work on a Majikn character.

You're welcome to try it, and I look forward to seeing yours in colour.

The main thing I'd keep about Majikn's appearance is a distinguishing buster that works as a long range silenced-sniper with two front-facing eyes, unlike the one I originally drew. It's not a morphing buster so moving parts would be involved to give the hand underneath more freedom when it's inactive.
Other than that, the character's a reploid, typically green, a bit shorter than X, quiet. Probably with the same type of resting face that Mega Man has in Smash. Large observing eyes and a small mouth. Any doodads that I'd add, if any, I'd probably try to make them appear to serve any function that would somehow improve stealth in a world where many enemies would have things like innate IR, heat, and night vision.

And see, this is what I mean. I didn't even intend to give a lot of detail there and I still came out with two paragraphs.

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: White Shadow on 1 March 2018, 09:02:17
That's in French, how are we suppose to read it?

Actually it's covfefe, like they speak in Nambia. Also, these pages are from different books and out of order.

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: Mikero on 1 March 2018, 20:36:05
Actually we're just too polite not to learn French. Our lovely neighbours from The Sovereign Nation of Quebec still frown slightly when we're bad at pronouncing things though.

Real talk, franco-Ontariens are looked down on pretty badly by the Quebecois just because they're from Ontario but still French. Like they're not "real" french people. Seriously, people from France give less of a ##### about this stuff than people from Quebec.

You're welcome to try it, and I look forward to seeing yours in colour.

The main thing I'd keep about Majikn's appearance is a distinguishing buster that works as a long range silenced-sniper with two front-facing eyes, unlike the one I originally drew. It's not a morphing buster so moving parts would be involved to give the hand underneath more freedom when it's inactive.
Other than that, the character's a reploid, typically green, a bit shorter than X, quiet. Probably with the same type of resting face that Mega Man has in Smash. Large observing eyes and a small mouth. Any doodads that I'd add, if any, I'd probably try to make them appear to serve any function that would somehow improve stealth in a world where many enemies would have things like innate IR, heat, and night vision.

And see, this is what I mean. I didn't even intend to give a lot of detail there and I still came out with two paragraphs.

As a long-form writer, two paragraphs isn't a problem. Toss me a PM with any other details and the old pic!

Posted on:  1 March 2018, 12:09:44

Here's the colour mock-up.
I spent time playing with lighting for no reason so this is a bit purply-er than it should be.

Largely an experiment.

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: NovaMan XP on 1 March 2018, 22:45:43
Nice! I like the purpley stuff.

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: LCrazy11 on 2 March 2018, 20:35:08
I imagined the mask blue and the scarf/cloak brown with the armour being white and I feel like this works better but I'm not sure. what do you think Mikero?

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: TheRedPriest on 3 March 2018, 19:10:06
For a stealthy ninja, the helmet seems too bright to me.  But it looks cool apart from that.

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: Mikero on 5 March 2018, 15:21:00
Hmm, probably due to the head lights being lit up, which wouldn't always be the case. They're used contextually. There's also some camouflage tech he has (that I want to expand on later) that negate that as an issue. But really, someone who's good at stealth could wear a traffic cone and still go unseen anyway.

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: TheRedPriest on 5 March 2018, 19:14:47
There's only one Solid Snake my friend.

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: LCrazy11 on 6 March 2018, 13:42:05
so I'm not good at art and I did this in Ms paint but he shoots lasers and flies

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: TheRedPriest on 6 March 2018, 16:47:56

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: Winged Warrior on 6 March 2018, 17:39:47
It's so nice to have the old WW back.

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: TheRedPriest on 6 March 2018, 18:12:30
Don't presume to speak for the rest of us, son.

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: Mikero on 6 March 2018, 19:26:14
so I'm not good at art and I did this in Ms paint but he shoots lasers and flies

I think you're pretty good

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: LCrazy11 on 6 March 2018, 20:10:23
thank you
but I don't see myself improving that much as I don't carry a passion for making art
but you make your guy so please answer these questions

1. what is ninja bike guys name?
2. what is the robots name(I haven't thought of one so you can if you want)
3. who are ninja bike guys enemys

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: TheRedPriest on 7 March 2018, 14:15:57
I'll field this one, Mike.

1) Oliver Cromwell

2) The Discocuter

3) Pot holes and the Proletariat.

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: LCrazy11 on 7 March 2018, 16:48:17
thank you red priest

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: Mikero on 7 March 2018, 17:56:16
Well Rez is only partly right, hahah.

1) Painfully digging through my very very old art to get you up to the same speed as everyone else here:

What I'm doing here is reimagining a character I created on this site over 10 years (wow) ago through making my own sprite art ( and sprite animations ( Back in the day, that ( is what we did here (; People made their own characters/avatars. This why you see Nova Man and Red Priest with their own custom art.

The character is named Mikero and this is his definitive "Mega Man" (in Powered Up! style) universe design (, however there's been many aternate versions of the character including versions for other games ( and more contemporary ( and realistic ones. ( We also had a lot of our own side stories ( and one-off tales ( around here. Hell, here's an early design for the bike ( At some point during those years I thought up an original story involving the character and his origins and started a comic of it, which I only showed a tiny bit of here.

Snare's recent CYOA thread (, as well as another friend of mine, inspired me to tinker around with the character again, and here we are in 2018. Honestly though, he WILL be needing a new name if I ever want to develop this into something.

2) Le Discocutre

3) "Pot holes and the Proletariat" is close enough for now, until I can articulate the story better!

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: TheRedPriest on 7 March 2018, 19:43:35
Ask Doctor Wily is the pinnacle of Mikero's ninja adventures.

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: LCrazy11 on 7 March 2018, 22:16:05
okay thanks for all the info and I'm glad to see someone doing the "i have multiple versions of this character with different stories thing because multiverse" I really enjoy that concept

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: Mikero on 14 March 2018, 19:54:22
I keep playing.

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: Johncarllos on 14 March 2018, 23:21:10
Very schmexy.

Digging the attention to the texture on the arm.

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: Mikero on 15 March 2018, 01:00:30
I just realized the chrome writing's bezel disappeared upon resize, but I'm actually quite OK with it.

I tinkered with this for a big each day at work, while animation scenes froze. I mainly just wanted to mess around with the reflections on the armour (specifically way the city reflects with many different light sources) and also toy with some textures (undersuit, scarf) just to give you guys a better idea than the last image... then I just kinda kept going and going (as is tradition). The titles very much came out of the ether while I was thinking about other stuff.

Make sure to click the image so the resolution is good.

I haven't posted this stuff anywhere else yet, this is really the first one I like, but when I do I'll be putting in some extra sketches too. Next, I would like to work on designing more of the body, and also the bike and character without armour.

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: White Shadow on 15 March 2018, 12:08:51
Say, Mike, would you be up for a commission, work permitting?

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: Mikero on 4 April 2018, 19:11:14
My schedule is pretty awful but let me know what you're thinking!

Posted on: 16 March 2018, 12:25:05

Did this one while I was colouring the other image. Playing around with ideas for the body armor. I really liked the way they did Batman's armor in Arkham Knight, where the chest was in multiple parts, connected by strong fiber, which allows actual complicated movement unlike most armor chest pieces. It's really evident around the Bat symbol itself.

Anyway, for the types of acrobatics this character would get into, that kind of function is essential if he's going to have armor on. That's also partly the reason that his armor here is more based in small panels and bulletproof mesh weaves. That... and the idea that pieces can then be replaced more easily.

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: Johncarllos on 5 April 2018, 21:55:35
Being able to detach pieces fits with the modular helmet tech too. I'm imagining some sort of keyed magnet system that disallows anyone else from attaching the armor to themselves , but having it attach to a steel/carbon fiber mesh regular ninja suit.

Using something like a more advanced version of this technology.

Watch through to 3:37 to see the thing I'm thinking of.

I'm guessing you already have something in mind, but I think this is a cool option to ground the character in modern tech that could easily advance exponentially.

Posted on: April 05, 2018, 04:52:20 PM

Especially the spring latch at 6:00, for equipping and unequipping magnetic armor plates.

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: Mikero on 6 April 2018, 16:07:10
Being able to detach pieces fits with the modular helmet tech too. I'm imagining some sort of keyed magnet system that disallows anyone else from attaching the armor to themselves , but having it attach to a steel/carbon fiber mesh regular ninja suit.

You've completely got the kind of thing I'm going for. The magnet system (and video) is really fantastic! The tight polymagnet seems perfect for the actual attachment of the armor to him, which means I could lose things like straps and buckles from the design altogether.

It's almost like the old costume design exists under the armor. I've definitely be leaning towards the mesh but I've also been considering liquid body armor for a few reasons. In fact, one type of liquid body armor currently being researched uses magnetorheological fluid, a substance that can change to change to nearly-solid when exposed to magnetism, so I could see a hybrid of those two working... Almost like weaving liquid armor into itself or soaking a steel/carbon mesh in MR fluid (instead of soaking ballistic plates). That actually might make the undersuit technically stronger than the armor pieces, haha!

Gonna keep thinking about that. Both that magnet system you linked and fluid armor fit well with the whole motorcycle turning into armor thing.

I tackled this one with a more animation-based (but not animation-friendly) style to make it simpler to understand how certain things relate. It's difficult to balance where pieces/panels of armor should be for protection while maintaining his overall mobility.

Part of that is why I looked to the designs from the Arkham games. The character moves more like a Nightwing type of character than Batman, but everyone's design in those games is well-designed for this. For the most part anyway (the Arkham Knight himself has an incredible helmet design but his body comes off a little clunky).

Nightwing's armor itself is a little more subdued than this character needs (story purposes), so I took more inspiration from Deathstroke and Batman, but tighter/smaller. It just can't be as bulky as those guys, but needs to be modular (since, at least for now, it's still basically a Transformer).

I also have been referencing Metal Gear, but that's obvious.

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: Johncarllos on 6 April 2018, 21:40:30
That magnetorheological fluid could be stored in ballistic sacs for when the outer armor isn't equipped (or is only partially equipped during high agility/flexibility scenarios) that are actually keyed in shape to the armor pieces. Almost like veins under the outer mesh.

Something like that would allow this semi-fluid ballistic gel to dampen impacts (maybe not take high speed/armor piercing bullets) and still allow for extreme mobility, then a partial application of the armor over vitals wouldn't add a lot of weight and maintain flexibility. Lastly a fully stripped armorbike would apply all the parts and have more of a batsuit coating for extreme ballistic protection and more tank-y approaches.

I also have to admit I haven't played Arkham Knight, but I just watched a video of the super Batsuit v 8.03 introduction while writing this post and I see a lot of similarities. The biggest advantage your character would have is being able to unequip any piece at any time with a very specific motion to 'unlock' it if he does use a magnetic outer layer.

It could also mean that all of the melee and throwing weapons are integrated into the armor itself.

I'm imagining him injured/immobilized with only one arm free and getting shot in the chest, acting as though the bullet penetrated the armor, grabbing the chest plate, unlatching it with a specific motion and throwing it like a shuriken. (Perhaps with a light boomerang effect either through magnets or fancier tech)

Lots of sweet options for suit up montages as well.

Could you layer the bike for different levels of tank/stealth?

I could also see this type of thing making a really kickass videogame dynamic, almost deus ex style with a choice of how to build the bike for mobility and exploration but certain bike/armor choices locking out other options per build out.

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: TheRedPriest on 6 April 2018, 22:33:24

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: Mikero on 5 September 2019, 17:33:47
Been over a year since I posted any art, which is silly. The main reason is I’ve not been able to continue developing the character in my previous few posts as much as I’d like, but I’ll get back to that soon.

Anyway, here’s my newest thing. It’s a travesty that blue pig demon king Ganon has completely fallen to the wayside.

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: TheRedPriest on 5 September 2019, 22:45:37
Pig Ganon is best Ganon.

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: Mikero on 12 September 2019, 13:48:57
One thousand million percent agree

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: Mikero on 5 January 2021, 16:06:24
Haven't used this thread in over a year, I post art mainly on my art instagram (, but I figured I really should share my actual 9-to-5 work more often so here's the latest release for our studio:

Kid Cosmic ( is a new show from Craig McCracken, creator of a show I previously worked on years ago called Wander Over Yonder as well this little show called The Powerpuff Girls.

I did a couple different jobs on this new show, and I'm really excited for this one to come out. You don't always actually like watching the show you're working on in this industry. It's finally coming out February 2nd, but I've literally been working on it for years at this point.

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: TheRedPriest on 5 January 2021, 17:56:55
It's too bad the budget was so low for this.  It would have looked amazing with full tone and not half tone dots!

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: Mikero on 7 January 2021, 14:24:09
The half-tone dots are only used for the credits (in a pretty clever way) and some promotional art like the image here. Dot tones look like garbage when fully animated, everything has full colour range and continuous tone. It's definitely not a low budget show at all, that's actually a surprising take.

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: TheRedPriest on 7 January 2021, 15:43:55
It was a deeply sarcastic statement.  It looks fine.

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: Johncarllos on 8 January 2021, 01:39:05
I agree that it looks great. Your sarcasm wasn't lost on me, Rez.

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: Mikero on 11 January 2021, 18:52:40
Thanks! Also, to add in another recent release is season 2 of Hilda, which we also did for Netflix:

A really interesting show based on children's books set in Scandinavia by British writer Luke Pearson. Totally different flavour (more whimsical fantasy) but I like this one a lot too, seasons 1 and 2 are both out already.

It was a deeply sarcastic statement.  It looks fine.

Ahhh ok gotcha.

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: TheRedPriest on 11 January 2021, 22:06:35
That looks like Craig of the Creek.  Is it related?

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: Mikero on 19 February 2021, 18:03:00
I've never heard of that but Hilda is it's own IP.

BTW Kid Cosmic released on Netflix earlier in the month, and the response has been great!

I've also been working with our studio for different Black and minority issues over the past year, and this one of the empoyee spotlights for Black History Month was a short Q&A with me about getting into animation and such, it's nothing really in depth but I was really honoured to be selected for it. I have it linked on my social media, I don't want to link it in this thread.

Title: Re: Mikero's Artflows
Post by: TheRedPriest on 19 February 2021, 20:01:56
The art style just looked really similar, like Flintstones and Jetsons.  I've only seen a little bit of Craig of the Creek so I don't remember it that well.  And all those Cartoon Network shows kind of bleed together visually after a while.